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Dayo Chatting this morning


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He is such a wonderfully chatty fellow!:D I love how they like to exercise their vocabulary.

Misty does the same but usually whenever I put up the camera he stops his chat.:( Misty was very interested I am sure he recognised it was a fellow parrot talking.


I loved the way he came running up to you at the end. Do you have many vids of you and him together?


Steve n Misty

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I loved the way he came running up to you at the end. Do you have many vids of you and him together?


Steve n Misty


Thats what is strange. He learns just about everything from me word wise. But he carries on very limited conversations with me such as he wants 2,3 or 4 pistachios when I ask "How many?". He talks to my wife and carries on full conversations with her. Of course, she is his love muffin. I will try and capture one of him and her. The problem is they are so spontaneous, it is hard for me to run and get the camcorder and get it recorded.

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Ah ha! Do you suppose that the reason he uses your voice is that he is planning on taking over your role? You better be careful!:eek:


Steve n Misty


LOL YES!!!! He wants me gone and just have him and his love muffin here. :P


I must say though, he does allow me to interact with him, give scratches etc, but not at the length or level he does my wife.

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LOL YES!!!! He wants me gone and just have him and his love muffin here. :P


I must say though, he does allow me to interact with him, give scratches etc, but not at the length or level he does my wife.


Does your wife not talk to Dayo as much as you do? (Or does your wife have a low voice also??)

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Does your wife not talk to Dayo as much as you do? (Or does your wife have a low voice also??)


My wife talks to Dayo constantly and has since he was 6 weeks old. In fact, I worked out of town 4 to 5 days a weeks for the fist 4 years and Dayo only saw me 2 or 3 days a week.Her voice is very high pitched. For whatever reason, he chose my voice to use. I suspect Steve's theory that Dayo wants to be Kim's Man. :P

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I will say Doug, that from the beginning, my wife and I were on the same page in being consistent with words and phrases we used. Consistency is key for them to understand what you are describing as a material item or an action. An example would be when we give him a food item or prepare a mixture. Each item is described like Apple, Grape, Carrot, Chicken etc or Turn the light on, Turn the Light Off, Turn the TV on etc. I think this fairly well describes how we have interacted with him from day one.


He knows and says everything at it's correct time based on either what he wants, what he is doing or what he observes happening in real-time. First thing he says in the morning is "Turn the Light On", meaning the light over his cage, then Take the Cover off... as an example. He knows the correct human description for everything that occurs in a normal day. His vocabulary at this point is over 500 words/phrases.

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My wife talks to Dayo constantly and has since he was 6 weeks old. In fact, I worked out of town 4 to 5 days a weeks for the fist 4 years and Dayo only saw me 2 or 3 days a week.Her voice is very high pitched. For whatever reason, he chose my voice to use. I suspect Steve's theory that Dayo wants to be Kim's Man. :P


For sure Dan. I believe once Dayo learns to mow the lawn..... You're History!!!!! LOL!!!

Edited by luvparrots
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Doug, from the book I read, they will mimic their "rival's" voice to get the attention of the one they love. That's what the book said.


That's interesting. I wonder how many grey owners see this. Another thing to look forward observing as the years go by!


Maybe Ellie will start to act like my shih-poo, Nala. Ellie gets very jealous when Nala is on my lap. (And vice versa...)

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Doug, from the book I read, they will mimic their "rival's" voice to get the attention of the one they love. That's what the book said.


This is very interesting.


I am for sure Maui's favorite person.

She hates my husband. He can not hold her, touch her or feed her. When he goes near the cage, she climbs as far away as possible, to the top/back of the cage.

My husband talks to her very little; I am home with her and talk to her all day long.


Believe it or not, she talks in his voice almost 100% of the time. She says hello in my voice only.

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