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Last night after work I was going to visit Nova, my baby CAG. When I arrived the pet store manager told me someone had walked out with Nova twenty minutes prior. They had already searched the store in hopes he had just escaped his cage or a customer had set him down on a shelf somewhere. There are no security cameras so we have no way of tracking down who did this! The breeder contacted me saying he has other (very young) babies and if it was of any consolation, I could have the pick of them but, I can not stop thinking about my Nova. We have been scouring Craigslist to see if maybe the person who took him would be trying to resell him. I just hope they will do the right thing and return him and if not that, I hope whoever has him is knowledgable about his needs and treats him with all the love and respect he deserves. I am heartbroken but trying not to lose hope.

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oh, my heart goes out to you. You are so emotionally invested in the little guy just to find out that he's gone. 2 weeks before we got Archimedes a man came into the shop demanding to buy him from the owner. He would pay more and I "could just pick out another bird" I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he will be found.

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I am so sorry to hear this, burns me up that there are people who will stoop to such low down dirty rotten behavior to do such a thing, maybe the store should invest in security cameras before it happens again. I know the owner offered you another baby but you had already formed a relationship with Nova, I hope you are able to find him and the person responsible be severly punished. Keep us informed. Such a bad example of the human nature, I hope the guilty party does not procreate.

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I am so sorry to hear this. I too am attached to my baby CAG so I know that picking out a new bird does not make up for the lose of Nova. I thought that most pet stores did not allow others to hold a bird once a deposit is put on that bird. I am so sorry and angry that this has happened to you and Nova.

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Yes, the owner has already made calls to get a security system installed. I am thankful that no one else will have to go through this. I feel sorry for everyone involved..it is a very close knit, family owned pet store and everyone was attached to Nova (how could they not be!) He was kept in a large acrylic cage that anyone could freely open to handle him. I personally liked this..I thought it would be good socialization for Nova to be handled by many different people at such a young age. Of course now I wish he would have been kept "off limits" to anyone besides the staff, my boyfriend, and myself. Never in my wildest dreams would I think another person would do such a cruel thing! I wish I could look into a crystal ball and at the very least know he was safe and happy. It's a terrible feeling not knowing where he is or who is caring for him. He could be hurt, hungry, or scared and I can't do anything to protect him.

Edited by Memory
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Scumbags! How infuriating!!! I must say I am suprised a pet store would not have security cameras in place. Many owners of parrots I know, myself included, have security alarms on doors and windows of their homes as people have been known to break into houses where they hear parrots and steal them...

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I am so sorry for you loss. You had a relationship established with Nova and had hopes and dreams. Hopefully the store reported it to the police and they will check with local vets and cage vendors to keep communications open. It is heartbreaking for you and I am sorry you are going through this.

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

It could have been someone that was continuously going into the shop and not necessarily a random person. They must have known that the acrylic cage was open and that the birds can be easily handled. Also, they must have been planning this for awhile and knew they wanted that particular breed (whether for money or to keep).


Either that and/or they could have had a personality disorder which would not have inhibited them from committing this crime.


In no way do any of these situations give a justifiable reason for the person to do this. However, it could possibly help you or the owners narrow down who could have done it. A lot of [theft] crimes tend to be premeditated.


I'm sorry for your loss. I hope your wounds heal and that your baby is safe and sound. And of course, that justice is served!

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That is so horrible. I am sorry that this happened to you and Nova. I hope they find him safe and he is returned to you soon. I know he was very special to you and would be very hard to replace. I cannot believe what people will do sometimes. They have no consideration for others. I hope justice is served to whoever created this horrible crime.

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I am sorry to hear about your loss of Nova, If you already haven't try the other pet sites such as Hoobly, also check pawn shops, really people do stupid stuff, bird theft from a pet store isn't all that uncommon, when I was in High school the pet shop I worked at someone tried to steal the shops Macaw, the guy got the bird on his shoulder and was walking out the mall with it, the security guard knew he wasn't for sale and questioned the guy, he said he just bought him, so he ended up in a people cage. my friends store had a lady try to sneak a cockatoo out under her coat. most pet stores typically have minimal theft due to the specialty of their business and they are typically a small business, and why no security cameras, like someone else said, the thief probably has been in there numerous times, you might want to watch for people who come in the store who normally don't buy parrot food and supplies, as they will most likely be in again because they feel comfortable as they got away with it once and thieves tend to do that. they can even be subtly be questioned like Oh Mr. Jones I didn't know you had a bird, what kind do you have, ect...

Hope you find Nova!!!!

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