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I just met the cutest Too! And a grumpy Grey.


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I visited the only bird shop we have in Austin apparently...at least the only one I could find. Just to check out cages and toys and try to get my hubby more involved. OMG! They had the sweetest Too there named Peanut. He or she was...geez, now I can't remember what kind...the eye rings were large and bluish gray and about 1 year old. At any rate, this Too was a ham. Came straight up to us in it's cage. My hubby got it dancing and laughing. It said hi to us, and begged for scratches. I was allowed to pet. When we left it screamed, and when I turned and said bye bye, it said bye bye back. Gah, I would have taken peanut home today if I could have. Yup, if I had the $1700 they were asking, plus cage and toys. I'd have a Too! LOL


The Grey I met was named Ray and was a biter. He seemed not so happy, but let us talk to him for a bit. He seemed to be breathing very fast and his neck feathers were fluffed. I'm not well versed in Parrot body language so not sure if this was normal or not. He didn't move, didn't talk.


They also had a blue gold Macaw. Beautiful. It was in the back office though, but the door was open and it said hello to us. They also had finches, tiels, and green cheek conures. Those were cute too. Those finches...wow those birds looked like they were on a caffeine high.


I got to buy two books one The African Grey Parrot Handbook and one about the Conures as my hubby was interested in those. I think it's a good thing I'm not rich right now.


My kids were enthralled by the Conures especially, but my daughter loved the Too. Good sign I think. I haven't really told them we are getting a Grey eventually, or else I'd hear about it every day, and I'm impatient enough about it as it is.


I just had to share. Thanks for listening!



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Sounds like a fun outing. Those TOOs and conures are quite attention seekers. Greys seem to hold their cards closer to their chests. The body language you describe in the grey at that pet store indicates stress and fear. The poor little guy sounds like he was scared. Is that normal? Yes--it can be. When I visited my breeder in the months before I got my grey there was a Timneh there that shook and growled at me every time I walked by. It doesn't mean that he wouldn't make a great pet--but he will need a lot of love and patience to get settled in. That growling Timneh found a home and seems to be doing well based on the most recent reports. My grey (Gracie) had a reputation of being somewhat of a grump too--although not a biter. I almost hesitated to get her because she didn't seem that impressed with me or anyone else for that matter. She was, and still is, quite independent. But for whatever reason, I just felt deep inside that we were meant to be a team. She's been home with me for four months now and I just love her to pieces--she loves me too--but not in a gushy way. I suspect relationships with greys grow as trust is earned. It is not granted lightly, but it is genuine and real. I've heard conures might make better family birds than greys, however, especially where kids are concerned. I'm curious why you have decided on a grey rather than a TOO or a conure. By the way, before I found a breeder closer to home (Tulsa, OK) I corresponded with a breeder near you. Old World Aviaries. They specialize in African parrots as well as Eclectus. I was impressed with them. You might consider contacting them if you haven't settled on a breeder yet. I think they sell Congo Greys for $850 and Timnehs for $750.

Edited by JeffNOK
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haha sounds like a fun day...TOO's as I'm beginning to learn...sweet as can be 1 minute with cuddles and neck scratches etc...and then instantly BAM bite/cranky mode lol.


A site I found really useful but is reaaaaallly blunt is http://www.mytoos.com/ Anyone considering a TOO should check it out before making a purchase. They really are a lot of work, but thankfully the TOO we just adopted is starting to bite less and less due to target training/clicker training we're doing a few times a day.

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Hay all, let's not prejudge and stereotype these companions... There is over 30 different Amazon's alone.. "TOO's [The "TOO you mentioned sounds like a "Bare-eye" "TOO]. Name just the 'TOO's familiar with! : Let's see, Lesser Sulpher Crested, Galah, Greater Sulpher Crested, Rose-breasted, Bare-eyd, Calyptorhynchus [black], Read Palm, Citron Crested,

Cactua [true white], Moluccan,Umbrella, Eleanore and the Major Mitchell.[by the way is a $3-4000. 'TOO.who is very grumpy.]

Greys come from a large Area in Africa, Besides TAG's, they come in different sizes and shades of gray. So the point I'm trying to make is "No two birds are completely alike! research and study the parrot your interested in, some are better suited to one personality than another... Greys have in common, "intelligent's" 'TOO's are all basically noisy, some more than others. Both Greys and 'TOO's need a lot of Love. Jayd

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Jayd, that's why I'm here! Research! Lots and lots of research before we commit. I want to make sure I'm ready definitely as I'll be the main caretaker being home all day, and my family is ready. I've loved Grey's since the first time I saw one. Of course my kids were very young then, so we've been putting it off. I got a great book that is giving me lots of information on Grey's...The African Grey Parrot handbook by Mattie Sue Athan and Dianalee Deter. I have a list of books that I'm in the process of getting, aside from the research I'm doing online. Lots of differing opinions online. I'm very glad that I've found this place where everyone is very respectful and knowledgeable without the I'm right you're wrong attitude. I've learned quite a bit in just the few days I've been here...I'm pretty sure I've read all the stickies already and printed most of it! LOL I honestly don't know enough to stereotype. I've not been around many birds except my stepmom's and my friend's mom's, I think they had tiels and parakeets. They did not like me. My stepmom's birds were all wild. She didn't interact with them very much and they were loud and nippy. And my friend's mom's all loved her and no one else. I have a distant memory of a Too, think a friend of a friend had one when I was in the army. So no bird experience...must learn lots.


JeffNOK, it was a great outing for me definitely! When I asked the lady there if this was normal behavior for the Grey she said yes and that he was fine when I told the kids let's leave him alone cause he didn't look happy. I don't know. He just really didn't look happy, felt bad having all of us staring at him. But he was beautiful. I think he was a pet that they brought. Small cage.


I have looked at Old World Aviary. I haven't contacted any Aviaries as of yet. I need to make sure our financial situation is secure enough and ensure that I'm prepared first. Of course none of this stops me from finding aviaries close by and seeing what's available and finding a cage and looking at all the toys and seeing if I can make them myself! LOL


Take care! Dawn

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Sounds like fun, i too love to visit these pet shops and meet new parrot friends, i also saw a Too that day and he was so not interested in me. He was busy jumping, climbing and dancing, i gave him a scratch at the end, he was too funny.

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When the right bird comes along, you will know. It is wonderful to get out and about and read and ask questions. It is a big commitment and it is good to be just a little scared, you know you are taking it seriously. Before we got our first baby, I read a book called "The Problem Parrot". It is an excellent way to learn what may happen inadvertently and how to avoid getting into habits that are cute when they are little and compliant, but get more troublesome when they hit the terrible twos and beyond. Have you ever tried Half-Price Books? I miss them from when we lived in Texas. They have a revolving selection for excellent prices, often less than half price.

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