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Hello from Sunnyvale, CA!

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Well hello there -- it's nice to meet you all!


I'm a 27-year-old woman who lives in the San Francisco bay area with my husband, dog, and Congo African Gray named Mico. Mico is 12 and has been with me since the beginning....I weaned him by hand from formula to pellets and he's moved with us from Virginia to New York City to California.


I'm expecting our first (human) baby in a month and will be looking for advice on how to acclimate Mico to a new family member. He's quite bonded with me to the point of dive-bomb attacking my husband, so I'm hopeful that a new baby in the house won't be too traumatic. He spends a fair amount of time out of his cage and has all of his flight feathers intact, so he's used to having some freedom around the house. We had success in adding a dog a few years ago, but of course the baby will need much more of my attention than our furry child did.


Anyway - I'm really glad to have found this forum and am looking forward to chatting with you all!



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Welcome to our forum! :)


Your grey will for the most part be very curios of the tiny human baby. Just make certain you include him in some good times with the baby as you feed and interact with you new child. Our grey became very curious and attached to our grand daughter from the time she was born. He will fly and follow her as she crawls various places just to watch her. We of course do not allow any touching or beaking by our grey, as it could be very dangerous for an innocent baby flailing their arms and legs around as they do.

Edited by danmcq
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Hi Laura, I got my grey, Ana Grey, before my grandson arrived. The first time I babysit I was worried about Ana Grey's reaction, she was 2 years old at the time and very bonded to me as I live alone. I talked to Ana Grey about my Dino coming to visit and that she needed to be nice to him. When Dino arrived all bundled up and warm I introduced them watching Ana Grey closely all the time. No interaction between grey and baby, of course. I told Ana Grey what I was doing and she flew from room to room and watched closely. As it was my worries were unnecessary because Ana Grey just watched closely as I feed, changed and rocked little Dino and put him to bed. She then got lots of cuddles and scratches all her own. After that Ana Grey got so she would sit on the back of my rocking chair as I feed and rocked my grandson. She has never tried to beak or even touch my grandson who is now 2 1/2 years old. So as long as you keep your grey informed about what is going on and give him a chance to adapt to the new baby, I think all will be fine. Just watch your grey closely because you are the only one who really knows your grey's personality and reactions to change and new environments. Congrats on your new arrival and I can't wait to see some pictures and hear more about Mico!

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I definately think its going to be in the way you "handle" the situation with your FID. Just like luv said, if you go ahead and include your FID and you talk to them about what you are doing it might be easier for your fid to accept and understand the newest addition :D to your flock! Good luck post pics and keep us posted

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Hello Laura and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you have a grey and congrats on your new addition to be. If you heed the advice already given you will do just fine as he is a part of your family.

I would love to see some pictures of Mico if you have some you would share with us.

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