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Is it 2o'clock yet?!


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  Doug said:
Ellie is the only one that doesn't complain loudly when I sing.


She complains quietly...


  ariisamis said:
Lol at Doug. I hear you because my children laugh while complaining when I sing, and don't let me try to rap,lol.


I love music and to sing, but I don't like to sing in front of people. I drive a lift bus and sing all day long because my passengers are behind me. Many have told me that I sing well. ;)



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  TWIX said:
Aerial, Congrats! I missed the fun, i just saw this thread lol. Marco looks gorgeous and i am very happy for you that she is home at last. I loved your thread ... Have fun :)
smiles big ty ty


  CathyJr said:
Id like to share something that happend to me last march, I was holding Miss hannah on my hand Taking her into the Kitchen where we had a playstand for her, She had to poop and it fell on the linolium floor in front of me I sliped and fell and broke my leg , Hannah flew off and was fine, I had to have a plate and pins put in my leg, I was down for 8 weeks. So be very carefull about where you let them poop whene you are carrying them from place to place.
OH MAN ... yes I do have to be careful I can normally judge her potty times but she did nail my jeans and the back of my shirt the other day. Glad you are ok now Cathy! the tree stand is on rollers so I could put her ON that and roll her to the kitchen LOL


  Talon said:
Oh my! Thats terrible. My birds have potty baskets, they usually go in them, or else I keep an eye on their body language, that lets me know,when they are going to go.
lol I try to watch it too ... its a little wiggle wiggle


  Kimijean said:
I love music and to sing, but I don't like to sing in front of people. I drive a lift bus and sing all day long because my passengers are behind me. Many have told me that I sing well. ;)



It was pretty cool to watch her as I put the music on she cocked her head and then when I started to sing specially a super sweet song her eyes got all droopy like a little lulabye putting her to sleep ... it really made me smile !!!! but hearing her chirping was the best!


  Life is Greyt said:
Miss Marco looks like she's smiling in her pic. :) She looks like one happy baby...congrats!!

She seems happy :D we'll see how each day goes ... its been super fun having her home thats for sure, and quite the adventure ...


This morning i took her out and put her ontop of her cage to play while i cut up some apples n stuff for her breakfast and I could hear all this ruffling of papers and figured she was chewing up the newspaper ontop of her cage ... so I ran in there and :eek: she was GONE !!!!!!!!!! but I could hear her ... OMG !!!!!!!!! i run to her cage .. she had flown down and landing ontop of my laptop!!!!!!!! and I could hear her little nails clicking on the plastic lol ... I was like NO NO NO Marco! thats mommys :rolleyes: so I spose I better remember to close the lid to it each day!

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I will say this ... and I hope its just the excitement of being in a new environment and she still needs to settle in a bit but, they weighed Marco at 4pm before we left the store at 424 g and I weighed her this am and shes at 393 g :confused: so I hope the drop is just cuz shes just been nervous and tryin to get used to her new environment.


I have seed mix (no sunflower) and pellets (Zupreem) IN her cage at all times and fresh water and she gets "fresh" fruits and vege's 2xs a day she loves her apples thats for sure. So Im hoping her appetite picks up, she seems VERY eager to eat when I bring her plate to her and her poops look healthy. I did change the paper in there this morning so I can look at it when I get home again, so ... please tell me your thoughts?

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Did you use the same scale at the store that you are using at home? Unless you have a precision, calibrated scale, you will see variation between scales and between readings. I've noticed that, with human scales ("bathroom" scales), they vary so much from one reading to the next that many "remember" the last reading and repeat that if the next reading is within a certain percentage. (Yes, I've done some testing - this kind of thing is entertainment for engineers...)

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Doug is right, different scales will be different weights. That is too big of a drop in such a small amount of time! Not really possible. You will see a difference in their weight before and after their morning bomb tho. ;:)


Doug, your wife must love having you tinker with everything in the house for entertainment!!! That made me crack up! Lol

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  Doug said:
Did you use the same scale at the store that you are using at home? Unless you have a precision, calibrated scale, you will see variation between scales and between readings. I've noticed that, with human scales ("bathroom" scales), they vary so much from one reading to the next that many "remember" the last reading and repeat that if the next reading is within a certain percentage. (Yes, I've done some testing - this kind of thing is entertainment for engineers...)
no my scale is VERY different indeed :( it is the one with the little perch on it and ive weighed her twice and shes been in the 393-391 range each time ... SO ... ok maybe I shouldnt worry SO much ... but I will continue to monitor it as to I want my girl to be healthy :D


  Talon said:
Doug is right, different scales will be different weights. That is too big of a drop in such a small amount of time! Not really possible. You will see a difference in their weight before and after their morning bomb tho. ;:)


Doug, your wife must love having you tinker with everything in the house for entertainment!!! That made me crack up! Lol

and like I said she SURE does love to eat, I havent seen alot of change in that Ive seen her eat the pellets Ive seen her nibbling on the seed mix and course she definately eats the fresh!


ty both I was VERY worried!

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well she hasnt really branched out (pardon the punn) to really investigate it yet but thats why we put the rope round the trunk like that so she could if she was brave enough. but for now the ladder worked really well as long as she didnt put her head thru it .. that was pretty funny actually lol :D so for now shes sat on all the limbs ate from her little bowl at the top and climbed the ladder and played with the hanging toys a bit and being that we were limited on size ... it could only be SO wide to fit thru my door way into the other rooms so hence the perches being short

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I did find out that so far she loves apples for sure, she tried a nibble of cheese today and seemed ok w/it, she is eating broccoli and corn tonight I tried my hand at some birdie bread so we'll see how that pans out tomorrow :confused: she likes raw carrots but hasnt touched the cooked ones tonite lol :rolleyes: my kids are the same way

yanno .. food wouldnt hit the wall or floor if they didnt shake their heads while eating LOL :rolleyes:

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HAHAHAHA ... Yanno....... I have noticed that ... if something hits the floor the dogs ears perk up and they go searching for it lol I think they are going to find she might be a cool addition to the family if she is sharing her food with them cuz heck the dogs are ALWAYS hungry!


She ate like a piggy tonite I was soooo pleased!!!! It was the first time we tried the mixed veggies and she totally loved them! I did make my first attempt at birdie bread I just threw buncha veggies and pellets and pepper flakes and the eggshell from the egg baked it all up with some corn bread mix ....... MAN it sure smells reallllllllly good I had to tell the family DONT eat this it has shells in it and its for the bird bwahahahah .... might of been funny to see them come out from the kitchen with a mouthful asking me "what is this?" <giggles insanely>

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  aerial.2000 said:
So heres another question ........ let me ask ......... is she about as big as shes going to get at 4months? What is considered "full grown" ?

A grey continues to go to about 1 year old. Question? What is her morning weight, after her big bomb? Thanks Jayd

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Today Marks Marco's FIRST WEEK HOME !!!!!!!!! :D

IMO... She has adjusted beautifully and even in the short week shes been home shes way adjusted to being handled by more then just me (thankfully) She might grumble a bit, but she has gone to hubby and my boys equally when asked! She nips at them slightly but not to hurt I think more in protest so I have them telling her no bite ...

Its slow but its going. Course as far as her and me ... we are thick as thieves! She likes to cuddle at nite before bedtime on my upper chest. She grooms my hair sometimes and then once I hear the beak chatter I know shes ready for bed!

She hasnt been moody if we leave the tv on or if the dogs barking wake her so I think she is TOTALLY adjusting well. We are still getting to know the fresh things that she likes but if all else fails she is an APPLE freak !!!!! lol.

So far Ive seen her really take to broccoli, corn, and apples. Shes tried pnb and almond butter, not sure how she feels about that. She likes banana and coconutand course she loves her nuts :D Im so happy to have her home I think shes been an awesome addition to our family!

She gets vocal in the mornings when you first get up and take her out oh and she likes her baths :D I was able to soak her yesterday just fine. YEAH!!! She's flown a bit when she wants to usually from a perch to where Im at, tho she did make it thru the living room and landed in the kitchen the other day :eek:

She realllly seems happy! we have lots of fun with her. and each day i think shes experiencing more and trying more and becoming a wee bit braver!

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It sounds like things are going very smoothly for you and Marco, she is adjusting to her new home in record time but then the babies adjust more quickly than an older bird. Go easy on the apple, some is good but not a lot of fruit should be given and not every day either.

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