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Is it 2o'clock yet?!


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Guess who comes home at 2pm today? :D


Guess who is so excited I cant even concentrate on being at work until noon today? :rolleyes:


Guess who hopes she doesnt get a ticket speeding after work to the petstore to bring home her baby?


Guess who was up half the night and barely slept in anticipation?


Guess whos family is also excited about the new edition?


Well ............. any guesses? :confused:


Dats right its none other then Ms. Marco !!!! :o


So today is it everyone!!! I get off at noon from work ... and pick up my friend that is patiently waiting, I have the carrier in the truck already, I put gas in my truck already, and Im off to the petstore (1.5 hours away from me) to go pick up Marco!


I am so stinking excited I can't see straight. I went to the website I made for Marco over this last week and watched all the videos of her from 5weeks old to last weekend and still cant believe its finally HERE !!!!! Im sure I will update ya'll VERY soon .... about the homecoming !!!


Hangs up balloons and party streamers and passes out those lil blowy thingys that roll out when ya blow in them to everyone LMAO :D woooooooo hooooooooo ... ok ok I better try and do some work :rolleyes:


See ya'll very soon ...

Edited by aerial.2000
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Well anyone would think you might be a tad excited about today and 2 pm is it huh, well I will be listening for any fireworks at that time, congrats the long wait is over and now the real fun begins, welcome to the rest of your life.

Pictures please.

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Yay! I believe we here at Greyforums are WAY more excited than you are! Why don't you pick it up a notch or two.....:)


Can't wait to follow this new adventure. Just remember your life is never going to be the same every again, it will be better than better!!!!

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Well anyone would think you might be a tad excited about today and 2 pm is it huh, well I will be listening for any fireworks at that time, congrats the long wait is over and now the real fun begins, welcome to the rest of your life.


Pictures please.

smiles beaming !!!!!! I will definately be ontop of the pics ... :D I even made these cute little bird nest treats with lil malted robin eggs in them to give the petstore people to thank them for all their awesome care :D they are super yummy too!


Oh Boy !! I remember that day when it was time to pick Corky. I KNOW JUST HOW YOU FEEL.

At 2:00 P.M. I will stop for a moment of silence on your behalf. GOOD LUCK.

lol for a moment of silence LMAO might be the last moment of silence I have in a long time after I get her home *giggles*


aerial why don't you tell us how you really feel. ROFL. jumping-18.gifjumping_smiley04.gif
giggles insanely!!!! I cant hide it anymore huh? :o


Yay! I believe we here at Greyforums are WAY more excited than you are! Why don't you pick it up a notch or two.....:)


Can't wait to follow this new adventure. Just remember your life is never going to be the same every again, it will be better than better!!!!

<snickers> phew its been an excruiatingly long wait but its FINALLY over !!!!! :D heck looks like Im getting out of work even earlier like as soon as I finish posting this so :D


GAME IS ON !!!!!!!!!!!! Marco here I come :D :D :D

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I thought I would just explode waiting to bring my Chickie home. It's such a fun day.


I totally know ... I just wanna get her home and hope it goes smoothly where she isnt going to be toooo terribly afraid or nervous cuz she knows me so well. I mean shes coming into a house with dogs and 3 menz she dont know. Im only SO glad that the petstore where shes at literally bring their 2 dogs to work with them and they are HUGE barkers so ... shes almost already accustomed to hearing that so I dont think the barking is going to be as big of an issue and Im kinda glad they did that :D cuz I think it will help me out in the long run :D


SOoooooooooo.... ya'll keep the party favors flowing I'll b back in a bit with my baby !!!!!!!! Im headed out now :D :D :D :D :D :D

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I needed this great news! I'm recovering from my surgery and the jet that crashed in Virgina Beach is very close to my home. So again it is great to get on the forum and see this and share your happy day day. Plus it's a reminder that I only have to wait another week and I will be feeling like you. I will be lurking later for your update on how things are going. Congrats Mommy!

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welcome to the rest of your life! What you're feeling is exactly what I was feeling the first weekend Archimedes came home... it's so exciting! I can't wait for you to share the joys of owning a grey!
smiles ty ty ty


I needed this great news! I'm recovering from my surgery and the jet that crashed in Virgina Beach is very close to my home. So again it is great to get on the forum and see this and share your happy day day. Plus it's a reminder that I only have to wait another week and I will be feeling like you. I will be lurking later for your update on how things are going. Congrats Mommy!
awww I hope you are ok! get to feeling better soon!


awwwww that is SOOOOOOOO cute !!!!!!!!! ty ty


Well, Ariel, where are the pix of Marco in her new home??? Having too much fun so you torture us with further waiting??
OMG ive been driving that drive for 3 months now and today this trip was the logest of MY LIFE geeze I never thought we'd get home EVER ... :rolleyes:


we are home now and marco is getting used to things she went into her cage ate just a wee bit ... shes been ontop of her cage chillin now shes on the back of the couch with me ... pictures will be soon :D

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she is definately "testing" her surroundings ... shes flown onto my head twice, perched my shoulder for a bit now shes on the top of her play stand, oh oh shes is playing on that boingy thing lol that I have in the corner its swinging an dshes just sitting up there watching the living room

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Sounds like a good thing! Super curious and being goofy. I'm so jealous...another 4 weeks for me lol
awww you'll have your little baby home in NO time ... its been interesting I sure hope the "newness" wears off of the dogs b4 someone gets a bit nose :confused: :rolleyes:


Welcome Home Marco! I know you are loved very much.
:o :o :D mhm wow what a great day !!!!!
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awww you'll have your little baby home in NO time ... its been interesting I sure hope the "newness" wears off of the dogs b4 someone gets a bit nose :confused: :rolleyes:


:o :o :D mhm wow what a great day !!!!!


hee hee yes :D...I have a German Shepherd...she's very very protective of my gf and well..despite training will charge people she deems a threat.


However, she is scared to death of the cockatoo we're currently working with...the dog got too close to the cage today and the cockatoo gave her a nice big scream that sent my dog running away tail btwn its legs haha...now she won't go near the cage


I'm sure it's a matter of time before your dog gets too "nosy" if you know what I mean and the grey gives a little nip ;) or maybe better yet they'll become best friends

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dogs b4 someone gets a bit nose :confused: :rolleyes:!



Both my dogs have had a sore nose thanks to Archie,but they learnt after only a couple of times , now they kknow they can go to where hiis beak cant reach and wont go no further lol




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hee hee yes :D...I have a German Shepherd...she's very very protective of my gf and well..despite training will charge people she deems a threat.


However, she is scared to death of the cockatoo we're currently working with...the dog got too close to the cage today and the cockatoo gave her a nice big scream that sent my dog running away tail btwn its legs haha...now she won't go near the cage


I'm sure it's a matter of time before your dog gets too "nosy" if you know what I mean and the grey gives a little nip ;) or maybe better yet they'll become best friends

yes I think they "bite" is coming lol I spose its gonna have to happen one way or another cuz he sure is really curious about her. Im SOOOO thankful that shes been REALLLLLLLLLY active and not sitting round scared or nothing.


Wow, I'm exhausted just after reading this thread!! LOL I'm soooooooooo happy for you! I don't yet know when my little boy will get to come home, but I'm sure it'll be at least 4 or 5 weeks. :)



:D you can definately tell that for now shes MY baby :o she squawks when they kids or hubby goes to close to her and she nipped my youngest lol I said ya'll just need to let her get used to u


Both my dogs have had a sore nose thanks to Archie,but they learnt after only a couple of times , now they kknow they can go to where hiis beak cant reach and wont go no further lol




:D she sure sure was hungry this morning !!!! ate a huge plate that makes me feel good. she really seems to be settling in VERY WELL !!!!! couple chirpy sounds some preening shesa happy girl :D
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