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6 Years Old

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Hi All,

I saw an add for a 6 year old Congo African Grey, the gentleman can't keep him any more due to his asthma, the Dr advised him to get rid of the CAG.

2 Questions, can I change his name and is that alright? And the fact that he belonged to a man, me being a female will that pose a problem?

Thanks all


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Hiya i cannot comment on the name change although i have read somewhere if the bird is saying his name then no you cant change it as it will confuse him,thats why we stuck with `Archie`


As for the male/female thing.....We got Archie from a single male owner,Iam the chosen one and my hubby was hated at first but now tolerated,so i dont think that is going to be a problem at all


Archie is 2 years old

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Welcome! I do not think your gender will be an issue. Name change is tuffer. I agree that if he knows his name, don't confuse him by changing it. You may be able to add to it though, add a middle name or something in front of it, after some time maybe you could drop the old name.

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If you take the time to know your new companion by letting them settle in to a new home and new people so they feel safe and love you should not have any trouble.

Talking to and being around and giving them time to get to know you will make all the differance when it comes to bonding with your new fid.

As far as name change, You will love them no mater what their name is and in return they will love you back.

Spend the time building a relationship and bonding and don`t worry about the small stuff.


P.S. Welcome to the grey forum !!

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Welcome! I do not think your gender will be an issue. Name change is tuffer. I agree that if he knows his name, don't confuse him by changing it. You may be able to add to it though, add a middle name or something in front of it, after some time maybe you could drop the old name.


I hate the name Archie,it used to be one of those names that made my skin crawl,i call him Archie boy and this does not seem to grind me that much and he has picked this up and says hello archie boy

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Go visit this grey and see if the two of you like each other. Talk to the owner and learn all you can about this grey. You'll know after your visit whether or not the two of you can be friends. Enjoy and relax. Greys are so worth the time and effort. Welcome to the Grey family!

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Thank you all for replaying.

This specific Grey has already found a home, unfortunately for me, but I found another one. This young man is 4 years old and his mommy can't keep him due to a divorce.

So hopefully this works out, I will definitely first see whether we get along before I bring him home.


A question regarding diet, Nutribird P15 Tropical, is it a good diet for a Grey? How much should I give a day, if I use this, how may grams? I will feed this along with fruit and veg salad and a calcium supplement. Is this the best I can do?


Thanks for all your time!

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When we got Joe our 6yr old rescue CAG, we were going to chang his name to "Jim Kirk", to go with our Spock, Side Note: The safest way to change a Greys name is to start calling the their old/new name together, JOE/JIM, then after a while "If" they accept that, switch the names around,[JIM/JOE], then if this works, drop the old name...Back to my story, for the first year, Joe hardly talked, then, out of no-ware he said quite mater of factually, "I'm Joe not Jim". okay, he Joe, period...


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Thank you all for replaying.

This specific Grey has already found a home, unfortunately for me, but I found another one. This young man is 4 years old and his mommy can't keep him due to a divorce.

So hopefully this works out, I will definitely first see whether we get along before I bring him home.


A question regarding diet, Nutribird P15 Tropical, is it a good diet for a Grey? How much should I give a day, if I use this, how may grams? I will feed this along with fruit and veg salad and a calcium supplement. Is this the best I can do?


Thanks for all your time!


Just make sure there are pellets in the bowl all the time (check once a day for freshness...) Your bird will decide how much he/she wants to eat. Don't worry - it won't overeat.


Good luck with your NEW new baby...

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Hello and welcome. I am pretty new myself so I really can't answer you. But don't worry plenty of people here will be giving you great advice. Do you have any other birds if so what kind?


Hi AriIsaMis,

We have a Basset named Turner, a Dachshund named Jessie, Min Pin Chihuahua X named Trixie, a Indian Ringneck named Twiggy, a Sun Conure named Vicks and a Yellow sided Green cheeked Conure named Joffy.

We have a big family!

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Hi Kim,


Twiggy is a Blue Lacewing.

One day about 2 years ago now, my boyfriend was out in the back yard when he called and said there is a cockatiel that just flew in. I got a towel and went out to catch it so that we could give it food an try to find it's family. On closer inspection, I saw that is was a IRN. We had a cage ready for the conures, that I ordered from a breeder, so in 'she' went in to the ready made cage. You see when I found it there was no ring. So based on what I have read I assumed it was a 2 year old female. Reason for the name was, when we found her she was chewing on a little twig, so Twiggy is was. No one ever calmed her and that was alright with me. As she was the only one of our parrots that actually liked me, and me only! The other two tolerate me, probably only cause I am the one feeding them. A couple of month ago, after a molt suddenly a ring appeared. So now it's Twiggy Boy, I don't really want to change his name as he knows it and can say it. And that explains why he likes me best and not my boyfriend - it's a boy!

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Here's our [?] year old IRN, Pistachio and his buddy "Buddy",a Mitered conure. We rescued them from a druggie house, they would blow crack smoke at them, and pulled the IRN's feathers out for the fun of it...We've had them for about 5yr's now. They would scream and flog themselves in their cage till they bled. Pistachio is tame now, and Buddy still cowers, he bites if you try to touch him, but he'll take a treat between the bars from you, and Maggie can clean his care with out him attacking him. jayd


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Sorry the pics are huge. I am a bit new at posting pictures on forums!


Jayd, be blessed you saved lives!


The first pic is of Twiggy climbing up my leg and the second one is of him planning his next ambush on my PC's mouse! That was number 3 I am on number 4 now. He loves them.

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