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Animal Trophies...problematic to a Grey?


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Hi all. New here. I tried to do a search, but didn't find any results.


My husband happens to be a hunter. He has many animal trophies. We've got bobcats, antelope, ducks...etc. What problems can we expect when we get our Grey? I sure wouldn't want him/her to chew on any of these...as some are once-in-a-lifetime trophies from a trip to Africa with his dad who passed away a year ago. I wouldn't want the Grey to be harmed by them. I'm afraid the bobcats might just scare the poop out of the Grey.


I will have to come up with some sort of solution that will keep the Grey safe, and my hubby happy too. Has anyone had to deal with this?


Thanks a bunch!


Edited by DawnMM
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Dawn, I don't think you will have a problem, my husband is a big hunter and our house is filled with heads, whole bodies of some animals and birds. We have a bear, mule deer, elk, coyote, red fox, whitetails, caribou, ducks, geese and whole mounted turkeys. They were mostly all here when my grey arrived and she didn't pay them much mind, she is a little scared at first when a new one is introduced but she doesn't fly so she never fools with any of them. I do have a cockatiel that will fly and land on the various animals including the turkeys several of which are on the wall over the area where the bird's cages are so they probably think they are just part of the room, I have never had one of my birds chew on any of the animals.

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That is good to hear! As I said most of the African mounts were a once in a lifetime thing for my hubby and his dad, and I would just hate for them to be a problem. As it is we've already had an issue with my Schnauzer Buddy chewing on bobcats' tails and ears when we were repainting the living room...oops! I'd rather not have something like that happen again! LOL Nor of course would I want something bad to happen to our Grey. I really want to make sure our house is safe. Luckily we don't have many breakables at this point. Having four rambunctious kids have taught us that our nice things are better put away for the moment. I guess my hubby will have to make me a nice cabinet with glass doors to put our breakables in. Luckily he likes building me furniture! LOL



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Well one of these days we are converting our huge barn/garage into his trophy room. Since his dad passed away we will be inheriting his dad's collection of trophies. Which happens to include full-size mounts. Our house is so not big enough and we really don't want to see them go someplace else at the moment. That will help too. But probably won't happen before we get our Grey.

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