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So it begins....TLW (The Long Wait)


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I've been lurking a lot lately and not posting, but the time seems right.....


I spoke with my breeder yesterday and have later today we will have a deposit on a new baby CAG. The babies were born 3/1/12, so won't be available for take home until late June. I'm ok with that. :cool: Thankfully, the breeder is about 20 minutes away, so once the babies are old enough, I'll begin regular visits so that when the day comes to take her/him home, they will be familiar with me.


No pictures yet, but the breeder will send weekly shots, so I'll post them as I get them.


We haven't decided on a male or female. I don't think it matters much either way behaviorally, and am kind of hoping that the bird will pick ME when I go meet them for the first time. But needless to say, we're looking forward to welcoming our new CAG into our house of 1 German Shepherd, 2 toy poodles, 1 Cockatiel and 7 Zebra finches. :o


Anyways....1000 thanks to ELVENKING for recommending a breeder that is well respected (and just happens to be right down the street!)!!


More to follow....


Let TLW begin!

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Congrats on putting that deposit down on your baby Cag, yes the wait will be long but well worth it and then you have the rest of your life to spend getting to know and love this baby. I agree that it doesn't matter much about the sex of the bird as either one will make an excellent companion.

Many thanks to Stephen for guiding you in the right direction, he is a very much satisified customer.

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Congratulations!! After visiting a few time you might see that one has chosen you. I was hoping a baby would pick me and if not I was leaning towards a girl. Well I didn't have a choice and I have a boy! Not sure when he will be ready to come home.



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Congratulations!! After visiting a few time you might see that one has chosen you. I was hoping a baby would pick me and if not I was leaning towards a girl. Well I didn't have a choice and I have a boy! Not sure when he will be ready to come home.




When I went to pick out my first German Shepherd, I stepped into the puppy play-pen and one puppy ran right up to me and started licking my face enthusiastically!! I immediately told the breeder that this was my dog. Sadly, it was already taken....and the pup I DID go home with cried for a day and a half and was generally miserable. I thought I now had a puppy that wanted ANYONE but me and was settling down for a life with an aloof dog. That feeling lasted less than 2 days. Long story short, Max was a GREAT pet for almost 12 years and would have taken a bullet for me!!


I agree, some pets choose their owners, but new family members that are social creatures will get along just fine even without the "YOU-You-YOU! I WANT YOU!" moment. The trust and camaraderie that build over time make us all inseparable! :)

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Ellie was the only grey that my breeder had available, so I "chose" her without any interaction.


Doesn't matter, she's my sweet little cuddle baby...



Ellie's nap time! by shyzaboy, on Flickr

awww so cute !!!!


Congrats on putting down your deposit !!!!!!! the wait is long but seeing your baby when you can is awesome and exactly what I have been doing since January! So i totally know what you are going thru, watching them grow is sheer amazing! I was only able to go on the weekends as to the petstore was 1.5hrs away so each week the changes were mind blowing! enjoy your visits! :D

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It's cute, but a real pain in the butt trying to type with on hand. (She's sleeping like this as I type. Making little growling complaints because I am moving too much when I type...)

that is cute ... daddy quit moving !!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: how often do they nap thru the day?

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When I went to pick out my first German Shepherd, I stepped into the puppy play-pen and one puppy ran right up to me and started licking my face enthusiastically!! I immediately told the breeder that this was my dog. Sadly, it was already taken....and the pup I DID go home with cried for a day and a half and was generally miserable. I thought I now had a puppy that wanted ANYONE but me and was settling down for a life with an aloof dog. That feeling lasted less than 2 days. Long story short, Max was a GREAT pet for almost 12 years and would have taken a bullet for me!!


I agree, some pets choose their owners, but new family members that are social creatures will get along just fine even without the "YOU-You-YOU! I WANT YOU!" moment. The trust and camaraderie that build over time make us all inseparable! :)


I agree 100%. I saw a picture of my dog on line, fell in love, and bought her. I had to wait for her to "wean" and she was 10 1/2 weeks old by the time I made the 6 hr (one way) drive to go get her. I still have her and wouldn't trade her for anything.


I was going to go meet the baby greys once old enough (I've been waiting for eggs to hatch) and wanted one to choose me. But the breeder is letting me have a baby that she was going to keep. So all of a sudden I have a baby boy that's around 9 weeks old. Not only did he not choose me, I didn't really "choose" him. But there was no way I was going to turn him down. :)



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This is TOTALLY of the subject but........ I would love to one day meet a man that loves animals as much as the men I've "met" through forums and email groups. My ex husband only really liked dogs, and a man I was dating for a while wanted me to get rid of most of my animals, got rid of him instead. LOL



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This is TOTALLY of the subject but........ I would love to one day meet a man that loves animals as much as the men I've "met" through forums and email groups. My ex husband only really liked dogs, and a man I was dating for a while wanted me to get rid of most of my animals, got rid of him instead. LOL




Sounds like you made the right choice :)

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Kimijean looks as if we have something else in common. The men I meet look at me like I am crazy when I talked of having a bird. One even told me birds are nasty. Funny I thought he was the nasty one. Well I had to give my birds up after my divorce ten years ago, that wont happen again.

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This is TOTALLY of the subject but........ I would love to one day meet a man that loves animals as much as the men I've "met" through forums and email groups. My ex husband only really liked dogs, and a man I was dating for a while wanted me to get rid of most of my animals, got rid of him instead. LOL




Yes, my wifes getting rid of me and keeping the flock.....Jayd

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