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He finally did it!


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Sam, who LOVES his foraging toy, but is afraid of any changes, finally played with it this morning, filled with all sorts of toys, before he found his almond.

This is his favorite toy, but he has ignored it for more than a week, because I added other stuff to it.


Happy Day!

sma 020.jpg

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I used to tease my parents about their horses - it seemed like if you just moved a bucket they'd freak out.


Now I have the only creature on the earth that is more skittish than a horse. Sigh...


Where did you get the pine foraging block? That looks pretty cool...

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Yeah Sam!! I bought Biscotti a really cool foot toy a couple weeks ago & he was really scared of it. I just left it sitting on the counter where he could see it & finally after about 2 weeks he realized it was a fun toy. He is now in the process of destroying it! He also has one of those pine blocks, for some reason he was not scared of that- I pushed whole almonds into the holes so he could work on getting them out. I believe they have this cautious nature their whole life so you always have to introduce new toys ( and perches, feeders etc...) very slowly.

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