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New Grey = Odd Behavior


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Actually, almost all greys prefer a smaller cage. Unfortunately, they eventually outgrow the smaller cage, needing a bigger one. Then it is tough to get them to adapt to bigger cage. When I bought Sophie a " palace", she refused to have anything to do with it. Brought back her old cage. New and old cage, next to each other. She refused both cages and moved into cage with Amazon and Sunconure. OH BROTHER! Three birds in one cage! CRAZY!

I removed her old cage. She eventually accepted her new cage, but I still find her on or in, the cage with Amazon and Sunconure. Nancy


Thank you for the information. I had read, or heard, that greys prefer smaller cages but had no idea if it was true or not. I'm thinking about putting a smaller cage inside the big cage for my baby. Then eventually leave the door of the smaller cage open and hope that over time he would just stop going in the smaller one. :)



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Kim, best of luck! Sophie adjusts to almost anything.... as long as we don't mess with her cage, and or gym. Thats how important these two homes are. While greys like the smaller cage in the beginning, they eventually need a bigger cage. It is not worth the stress for them. Start off in a forever cage and forever gym. The stress can increase potential for plucking. Sophie has finally accepted her new cage. Her gym of 12 years, is hanging by a thread, my son fixes it all the time. She won't give it up, even though I have other gyms that are amazing. Nancy

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Kim, best of luck! Sophie adjusts to almost anything.... as long as we don't mess with her cage, and or gym. Thats how important these two homes are. While greys like the smaller cage in the beginning, they eventually need a bigger cage. It is not worth the stress for them. Start off in a forever cage and forever gym. The stress can increase potential for plucking. Sophie has finally accepted her new cage. Her gym of 12 years, is hanging by a thread, my son fixes it all the time. She won't give it up, even though I have other gyms that are amazing. Nancy


But because he's a baby I thought it was a good idea to start with a smaller cage. Due to being a little clumsy?? This is the cage I have for him and it's quite big.:





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GREAT cage! Office cage, should be the same size as home cage. Your new babe has issues with trust. Quite normal, but you are offering trust, and baby is responding. Be consistent. Cage should be the same. Gym is the next step, but not needed now. I LOVE that your baby is offering trust, whether you know it or not, you are responding appropriately! Nancy

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