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Where Do I Go From Here?


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Jayd and Kins. I thank you both for your opinions on this matter. There are different views here in the forum about trimming/clipping, although I think a majority are not in favor of it. There are good arguments on both sides. I have heard that trimming can make parrots more reliant on us and in the short term that might help her allow more touch from me. It is also a safety issue with regards to flying away or injuring themselves in the household. However, in my heart I just can't shake the feeling that birds are meant to fly. Gracie just loves to fly. It's a joy for her and a joy for me to watch. I also want to add that Gracie never flies away from me. When she doesn't want to interact, she will just turn her head or maybe walk away a bit. If it is an issue like putting her back in her cage when I have to leave, she may step away for a moment, but if I persist she will step up rather than trying to fly off. I promise I will keep an open mind, but I am working on a few strategies with Gracie that I would like to try first. Last week I began to introduce the word "touch" to her. I would touch my hand with a finger and say "touch". Then I would touch her beak with my nose and say "touch". I would also touch other things and use the word. When I observe her touching things, I say "touch". When my parents' dog visited the other day, every time I petted him I looked at Gracie and said "touch". Well, today I stood with my face about 4 inches from Gracie and I said "touch" and she reached out her beak and touched my nose. Now that is a little thing, but hopefully I can extend that to finger touches to head, beak, feet etc. I'm not in a rush.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Clipping or not clipping should be a personal choice is my manta but I do not believe in forcing anyone or any animal into submission. My first grey was clipped by the breeder before she was mine and my second grey was "lightly" clipped by his breeder but could always fly; he is so strong and big. (Poor clip job, I guess, thankfully). Both of these greys love me and come to me when called, well most of the time anyway LOL. Trust is what you must earn from your grey, breaking a wild spirit is just cruel and self-serving. Jeffnok I believe you have patience and heart and will figure out what you need do to earn Gracie's love and trust. In the end your patience and perseverance will win the day for you and the satisfaction you get for having Gracie's trust will be so worth the time and patience.

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I just wanted to say i think you are doing a wonderful job with her. The touch examples are brilliant and if you keep up with that it looks like you will make tons of progress with her. Ozzy my grey was one and half when I got him and he is now turning 2. I know she is much younger but she seems to be similar to him. It sounds like you are very patient with her and taking your time and that is what it will take. I think you are on the right track and she will come around.

I did want to comment on the pakobird carrier you said she didn't like. Did she seem ok with going in and out of it? Was it maybe a longer trip than she liked? I don't know but some birds don't like to travel. Some it is a slow process. Maybe try (you may have already done this) putting a couple of her toys in it and letting it sit where she can get in and out of it for a while. When she seems good with spending some time in there playing or have a while in there, zip it up while she is in there but them immediatly unzip it and give her praises and her favorite treat. Next time extend the time a little until you are able to take her outside and sit with her for a while out there. Then maybe a short walk or ride. She may have been adjusted fine and if so this isn't necessary but if she seems afraid and appriehensive and you want to travel with her in the future this might help. Also sometimes for weird reasons they regress on something like this and you have to start over.

I think you are doing really great with her and will be rewarded with a great bond with her that will take time to build but be so rewarding in the long run.

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When Ellie doesn't want to be touched (or picked up), she leans away and goes, "Woooo". Not upset or nipping at me.


I interpret that as, "I love you, but don't do that."


If I need to pick her up, I will persist. Otherwise I'll give her beak a little grab and let her have her space.

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Don't do it, In 37yrs I've seen to many Grey turned into perch potatoes, with blank stares..For those who don't know it, it will be another 200,000 years before a parrot becomes a domesticated animal like our beloved dogs and cat! Think about it! A parrot has "More" wild instincts then most people realize...Owning a Grey mean you must change for them, not change them for you! There's no such thing as a "Trimming" any one who clips a bird deeper then safe down ward flight is wrong. When a bird is Trimed[clipped], thew don't only lose lift, but they lose the abilty to control foward flight, not being able to stop foward flight and crashing or tumbling, possiable injuring themselves. A clipped bird can still fly, a gust of wind can lift a clipped bird into the air, combined with their combined flapping can carry them a long way, usually ending in a dangerous crash... Another example: Your fid is on top of his cage, their startled, they jump flapping and fall, with no spontaneous lift the stall and can't recover, injuring them selves...Make a paper glider, toss it, it lands right side up, now clip the back half of the wings off, toss it, see what happens. To Parront a Grey is to live by their needs, not ours.......Jay



No truer rods were spoken! Than Lou for stating what I and I am sure others feel. You last sentence is a mantra that ALL bird owners should live by on a daily basis.


To parront a bird is to live by their needs!

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Ozzy-The issue with the Pak-O-Bird was the going in and out. I think she feared the small enclosed space. I ended up transporting her in a larger, more open travel cage and that seemed to work much better. Admittedly, the pak o bird was during our first month together, she may take to it better now.

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