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the love of buttons and electronics


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I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a grey who LOVES buttons, remote controls, keyboards, phones... you name it, they go after it.


So we decided to give Archimedes his own keyboard... we got an old keyboard, took the whole thing apart, sanitized it, and got the crumbs out, got rid of the wires and such... and put it back together... well... he loves it...




he's learned how to pop off the keys too, sends em flying every which way, and they easily pop back on... best part is, it distracts him from the real keyboard...

Edited by snoepgoed123
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Of course if your grey is like my Ana Grey who likes to "exam" the keyboard because it is mine and then remove each key and demolish it immediately after "popping" it off then you have a real problem. LOL!!! I'm glad your grey is satisfied with the "imitation" keyboard snoepgoed123. I am jealous!

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What a good idea i never thought of that


Archie goes mad for all the stuff you have mentioned aswell,we got him hes own `fake` phone which lasted a whole 10 mins,when he comes after my keyboard i give him a firm no which is returned with a look of `bring it` and then goes straight back to biting my keys , deffinatly going to do as you have done

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LOL! Sophie also has her own keyboard!. I loved the video of Archimedes trying to pop off the keys. I will be glad to send over Sophie to teach Archimedes to pop off those keys in one bite! I'm sure she would want to teach her fellow Grey friend to do it in less than one second! I LOVE watching new babes accomplish amazing things. Nancy

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Misty has been though at least five of my keyboards before I got smart and fitted a silicon rubber protector. Now the worst that happens is his jumping on it as I am in the middle of typing something brilliant :rolleyes: (well I think so anyway!). He did manage to find a key combination that disabled the mouse!:eek: Very irritating and it took a while to work out how to fix that!


Steve n Misty

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Misty has been though at least five of my keyboards before I got smart and fitted a silicon rubber protector. Now the worst that happens is his jumping on it as I am in the middle of typing something brilliant :rolleyes: (well I think so anyway!). He did manage to find a key combination that disabled the mouse!:eek: Very irritating and it took a while to work out how to fix that!


Steve n Misty


Archimedes did the same thing!!!!! except he gave all the shortcut commands new commands (like *increase text size* turned into *open up new window*) and no matter what I did, I couldn't get it back to normal... eventually I just restarted the computer and it fixed, but darn that was annoying haha.

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I gave Archie hes own keboard yesterday and for the first couple of minutes he was scared of it :S...mines black his is white, when i helped him realise what it is he took a whole 10 minutes to rip all the keys off then took me 20 mins to get them all back on and so on and so on

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My concern when doing this is that we are telling our birds, "Chewing on keyboards is not only okay but encouraged! Next time you see my work keyboard, just go to town on it!!"


Of course, Ellie already thinks that it is fair game...

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My concern when doing this is that we are telling our birds, "Chewing on keyboards is not only okay but encouraged! Next time you see my work keyboard, just go to town on it!!"


Of course, Ellie already thinks that it is fair game...

well you do have a point as well ... I like you have a "work" computer that she (Marco) simply can NOT chew on ... (or poop on for that matter lololol) so you make a valid point in not doing it at all :D


I started out doing that yes...but i soon gave in and just stuck them anywhere lol
;) lol
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My concern when doing this is that we are telling our birds, "Chewing on keyboards is not only okay but encouraged! Next time you see my work keyboard, just go to town on it!!"


Of course, Ellie already thinks that it is fair game...


I was thinking the same thing. It's a great toy, diversion, etc., but you are reinforcing a potentially very bad behavior.


As much as I like the idea, I think I'll stick with toys that amuse while not confusing the bird with 'real vs fake'. JMHO, though.

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Doug, you have a point by not wanting to confuse Ellie. For me, I've noticed that the more I tell Archimedes no, and shoo him away, the more he wants something, so if he wants to destroy a keyboard, let him destroy the one thats safe for him to destroy, the one that doesn't have wires connected to electricity. The keyboards are right next to each other too, which I feel helps out.

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Love to read all the stories. I think I will keep Ozzy away from keyboards though.


The other morning my hubby left his laptop laying open and on its side on the floor. He went downstairs to make coffee while I was still in bed and he left ozzy out of his cage, since it was Saturday it was a great day to sleep in.

Well Ozzy had other ideas. I heard an odd clicking sound and I looked over the side of the bed and there was Ozzy perched on the side of the laptop, with one of the keys in his foot knawing away. So the game was on trying to get it away from him before it was destroyed. He seemed pretty happy with himself when he looked up at me and then did everything in his power to keep me from getting that key from him. It was quite shocking to see the pile of keys all around. Luckily they all went back on except the one he had been chewing (of all the keys he could have chosen it was the esc. key he was knawing on) had to be worked on but finally got it back on. whew. It is a good thing it wasn't a common used key but I thought it was funny that it was the esc key.

I hope hubby learned not to leave his laptop laying around with an open keyboard because to a grey it is an invitation for a playdate.

I forget to take a picture but I think it would have been great in his srapbook.

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Love to read all the stories. I think I will keep Ozzy away from keyboards though.


The other morning my hubby left his laptop laying open and on its side on the floor. He went downstairs to make coffee while I was still in bed and he left ozzy out of his cage, since it was Saturday it was a great day to sleep in.

Well Ozzy had other ideas. I heard an odd clicking sound and I looked over the side of the bed and there was Ozzy perched on the side of the laptop, with one of the keys in his foot knawing away. So the game was on trying to get it away from him before it was destroyed. He seemed pretty happy with himself when he looked up at me and then did everything in his power to keep me from getting that key from him. It was quite shocking to see the pile of keys all around. Luckily they all went back on except the one he had been chewing (of all the keys he could have chosen it was the esc. key he was knawing on) had to be worked on but finally got it back on. whew. It is a good thing it wasn't a common used key but I thought it was funny that it was the esc key.

I hope hubby learned not to leave his laptop laying around with an open keyboard because to a grey it is an invitation for a playdate.

I forget to take a picture but I think it would have been great in his srapbook.

:eek: :eek:

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Is a grey able to learn that there is a difference and that while one is ok while the other is not?


I don't think Greys think like that. They want what you treasure because they assume it has some special magic and if it is good for you it must be good for them as well.

Either that or when they go for your treasured thing it gets a reaction from you and that is lots of fun!


Steve n Misty

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