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Do your friends share your passion ?


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After chatting to beccy one night i was wondering if your friends share your passion for your grey ?


My friends have no interest in my greys & do not understand the passion & love i have for them, & the love & affection they return to me .

Am i alone in this scenario ?


That's why i love this place everyone is warm & compassionate,we share advice, stories, make new friends, have fun & it is our greys that brought us here, how wonderful is that ?


Thank_you-2.gifALL x

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GreYt Topic LMG!!


Your right, outside of my Son's, Brother and Grandchildren, no one shares My or Kim's Compassion for our Grey Dayo.


In fact. I know some of my co-workers thought I was out of my mind to "waste" 2 weeks of vacation I took when we first brought Dayo Home.


But, as you know, it was a MONUMENTAL occasion to us! :-)


Almost like having a new baby or GrandChild. I cannot think of a more wondrous event!!


That's why we are all such a close knit Family here.


Love to ALL...




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Well none of my family shares my love for my birds except for my daughter, she loves Sunny but she does not like to hear her scream. The others including my hubby likes them but if it weren't for me they would not be in this house. Not one of them would keep the birds if something happens to me, I have other arrangements for that scenario if it should happen.


No one but other bird lovers understand how we feel about our feathered friends and that is why I am so glad I found this place. The people here that I have made friends with truly know how I feel and we share a bond that will last for as long as we live and breathe.


I agree Dan, some of your co-workers thought you were crazy, because its just a bird, right!!! If they only knew and understood but then that is what makes us special I think.


Thanks Tracy for this topic, it sure brings to mind how all of us here feel about our greys and each other and I am proud to call you one of my best friends and I love all my friends.{Love-000200BF}

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You guys are not alone..... My friends and family think Im nutsssss..They tell me if I wanted a bird get a parakeet. The only person who really understood was my mom cause she knew how much I longed for an African Grey. Even my b/f said things at first but he changed his mind. Alcazar likes him too. My sons didnt say much but they knew better..;) The only thing he didnt really like was me getting a huge cage and it cost 500.00.

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That's an easy one. Nope! :blink: Only my kids understand. Hubby, extended family, and friends, NOPE!


That's what makes this forum so special. Everyone here in this family, DOES share this passion we all have for our birds, and understands every single thing we strive for in our lives to keep our birds happy, healthy and safe.



Karma for everyone who posts here in this thread! And for Karma again for just being here as members and supporting everyone! :cheer:

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Nobody! I mean NOBODY, dares to have a bad word or show no compassion for him. No bird, NO JOE. Short and sweet. Who cares about those knockel heads anyway. Who likes their pets, themselves, well be cool to mine an i'll be cool with yours. He is with me when they have their live outside of mine. This I can tell you, just respect everyones feelings.


Hey! I got a whole lot of friend and family, but let them step over the line with my birds, mother, kids and grandkids and they are no more. What belonegs to you, and you feel for them with your heart, better never be messed with. Tell them to take a hike. And tell them don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.



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You know it Judy. Much feeling about this kind of subjuct. Don't like that kind of stuff.

Should I look at my friends kis and say " he's ulgly" or something stupid? I'de be the stupid one. Hey I can yell at them and call them a name But not in front of others because then they think they can do it also.

Just the facts Judy.

I'm in a great mood, I'm with FRIENDS



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I am very greatful to have a husband who understands my passion and is slowly getting very intrigued himself. My sister and father also share my love for birds, although not necessarily my obsession with Greys.

As for my friends, they don't think I'm crazy, but they don't quite understand this unique bird. I am so thankful to have found a place where my obsession is normal. :)

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I always listen to you Talon, but do I always do what you say, what do you think?


No one and I mean no one on this forum will fault you for your obsession with your bird, we all feel the same way, we know we are special people with special birds and no one else understands exactly how we feel but us here, you are in good company with us.:)

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Great post LMG!!


It seems there is a definite distinction between "bird people" and "non-bird people". There really isn't much in between. We were told by SO MANY friends and family members that we are nuts and not to get a parrot. The funny thing is, once people meet Makena they fall in love with him too!


I have always been so intrigued by birds, especially greys. They are mysterious and fascinating and unlike any other creature. You have to really work for their love and affection, unlike many other pets. You have to understand them, know their signs and treat them as an equal.


The bottom line is... people can say we are nuts all they want. My grey is like a child to me and I can't imagine my life without him!


This forum is so special... to have a place to come and chat all the time about our birds is soooo comforting! I love all you guys!!! Lots of hugs!!! {Love-0002011E}<br><br>Post edited by: Makena, at: 2007/09/23 07:50

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nevjoe wrote:

Nobody! I mean NOBODY, dares to have a bad word or show no compassion for him. No bird, NO JOE. Short and sweet. ................







that's the way to go B)

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NONE of my off-line friends have parrots. Some of my closer friends enjoy hearing my funny stories on break - especially ones like when you run to get the phone and realize it is your bird. Or once when our Macaw said "Who farted" and our old Grey (RIP) said "Bob" (which is my dad's name). And I was not the one to teach the fart word. Can you imagine having your boss over for dinner and hearing that over and over again?

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  • 2 months later...

When I told my two best friends (known them since we were 8) that my first bird passed away, I could hear such sadness in their voices, it made me want to start crying (again!), they sounded as if they wanted to cry too. Both of my friend had birds when they were younger, but discovered that they were not bird people. But we spent many hours as teenagers sitting around my house with Bubbles crawling around on us and watching and laughing.


My family is a mix of emotions. My mom loved my birds, and is always hesitant about any new pet, but always falls in love and will never get rid of after that. Shes so cute that way. My brother doesn't like birds, but when I get my grey I am hoping to help him get over dislike of birds, I think it was just because he never got the chance to know him well. My sister is a weird case, she has a head injury. So she has weird little quirks.


When I first got Bubbles, I was at school one day and Jenelle (my sister) decided she wanted to take him out and she was going to whether or not he liked it. Side note, ALL animals love my sister for some reason, with the except of my bird, and the neighbors dog. Anyway, she took him out, and he gave her a hard bite. My mom walks in sees her holding Bubbles in her fist, and her mouth in wide open about to bite him back. My mom yelled and jumped at her and the bird and stopped it from happening. She doesn't like me or the birds, and I rather have it that way. She loves the cats, but she has never had much respect for smaller animals.

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When I told my two best friends (known them since we were 8) that my first bird passed away, I could hear such sadness in their voices, it made me want to start crying (again!), they sounded as if they wanted to cry too. Both of my friend had birds when they were younger, but discovered that they were not bird people. But we spent many hours as teenagers sitting around my house with Bubbles crawling around on us and watching and laughing.


My family is a mix of emotions. My mom loved my birds, and is always hesitant about any new pet, but always falls in love and will never get rid of after that. Shes so cute that way. My brother doesn't like birds, but when I get my grey I am hoping to help him get over dislike of birds, I think it was just because he never got the chance to know him well. My sister is a weird case, she has a head injury. So she has weird little quirks.


When I first got Bubbles, I was at school one day and Jenelle (my sister) decided she wanted to take him out and she was going to whether or not he liked it. Side note, ALL animals love my sister for some reason, with the except of my bird, and the neighbors dog. Anyway, she took him out, and he gave her a hard bite. My mom walks in sees her holding Bubbles in her fist, and her mouth in wide open about to bite him back. My mom yelled and jumped at her and the bird and stopped it from happening. She doesn't like me or the birds, and I rather have it that way. She loves the cats, but she has never had much respect for smaller animals.

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When I told my two best friends (known them since we were 8) that my first bird passed away, I could hear such sadness in their voices, it made me want to start crying (again!), they sounded as if they wanted to cry too. Both of my friend had birds when they were younger, but discovered that they were not bird people. But we spent many hours as teenagers sitting around my house with Bubbles crawling around on us and watching and laughing.


My family is a mix of emotions. My mom loved my birds, and is always hesitant about any new pet, but always falls in love and will never get rid of after that. Shes so cute that way. My brother doesn't like birds, but when I get my grey I am hoping to help him get over dislike of birds, I think it was just because he never got the chance to know him well. My sister is a weird case, she has a head injury. So she has weird little quirks.


When I first got Bubbles, I was at school one day and Jenelle (my sister) decided she wanted to take him out and she was going to whether or not he liked it. Side note, ALL animals love my sister for some reason, with the except of my bird, and the neighbors dog. Anyway, she took him out, and he gave her a hard bite. My mom walks in sees her holding Bubbles in her fist, and her mouth in wide open about to bite him back. My mom yelled and jumped at her and the bird and stopped it from happening. She doesn't like me or the birds, and I rather have it that way. She loves the cats, but she has never had much respect for smaller animals.

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My friends and co-workers think I'm a little nuts. They enjoy hearing my funny stories, though!

At least, I think they do...Maybe they're just being polite! :laugh:

No, really, if I don't talk about Klaus at work for a while, people start asking me how he's doing.

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Alot of my friends are very involved in the bird world. Alot of them just dont understand the love and compashion I have for the birds. I love them all so much,

all of them. Each have there own way to show there love towards me. You look at each in their own way, and appreciate them for what they are and who they are.

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  • 2 months later...

LOL Tracy I am soo far behind lol.


But no none of my friends have any clue! I had friends in Ohio before I moved and they could care less, and the friends I have made since moving here to WV 6 years ago all think my Grey looks like a pigeon and my little baby cockatoo looks very ugly! I have to admit it is only a face right now that a mother can love lol. Especially when they are just a month old and no feathers, well so to speak, yet lol. Around here in Hick town lol, they raise chickens! And can not understand why we have these feathered things that don't lay eggs or are not for eatin in the house! And honestly we have never told the price on them lol. They would totally look at us funny I know they would! They have asked and we say ohh I don't really remember I think with shipping and gas and all of that maybe around 500. And even than they want to drop to the ground! So no I am soo thankful for all of you here to share the same feeling with lol. And to know that with all the trouble I have had with sweetheart that it was and still is kind of heart breaking to me. I know she'll come around eventually. But to tell my mom that my sweetheart won't play with me she thinks I'm talking about my husband lol. She can't stand birds and actually won't even come to my house unless I put them away! Silly people!!!

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