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Harmless `Feeding` or something abit more?


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I have seen a few posts with i think judygram telling people to watch out for sexual behaviour and it sounded abit like what Archie does to me but i thought he was just feeding me?? so to make it clear i have just filmed him doing it and see what you think,oh and is that white/bald bit on hes wing ok??it only shows when he is doing this




It starts with him rubbing his beak all over my fingers and alot of head bobbing,this was taken near the end of it, i went in close to him so you could hear the noises he makes

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Thats exactly what Archie is doing in that video, he has his wings lowered and making panting sounds and yes they can regurgitate also when in this mood. As I have said before do not pet him down the back, under the wings or anywhere around the tail area, pretty much just the head and neck and when he starts doing this behavior just divert it elsewhere or try to interest him in a toy. You should just put him back on a playstand and walk away for a bit whenever he does this behavior for you do not want to encourage it for imagine how you would feel if your significient other got you all hot and bothered then stopped, it will only lead to frustration and then he may bite.

That does look like a baldish patch on his wing, have you seen any feathers laying around that may have been chewed off?

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Iam glad i posted this now , i will deffinatly follow your advice on this as it is not something i want to do bless him,just neck and head scratches now , thank you , i have not seen any feathers from him only those little white fluffy ones,cant remember what they are called now


@ willow tree, i saw someone post some where else sexual maturity comes at age 6 , but i was told Archie is only 2 , but i have no deffinate proof of how old he actually is , iam sure someone with more knowledge will tell you

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This might be abit of a silly questrion but ill ask anyway, can i now say for deffinate Archie is a boy??,as obviously iam a girl,or would he be the same with a man?,you know like does it matter what `sex` either us humans or birds are as they show this love to the chosen one no matter what?

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This might be abit of a silly questrion but ill ask anyway, can i now say for deffinate Archie is a boy??,as obviously iam a girl,or would he be the same with a man?,you know like does it matter what `sex` either us humans or birds are as they show this love to the chosen one no matter what?


Sarah it does not matter what sex you are, my grey is a female and she has displayed sexual behavior towards me, it is usually towards their chosen one but sometimes it is directed toward another member of the family. The only true way to know the sex is to have the dna test done.

Josey is going on 6 years old so she is just about full maturity.


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Yep. A pin prick worth's of blood and voila! Hardly worth considering.


Makes it a lot easier to discuss the bird if you know the gender. We don't have a lot of gender-neutral pronouns in the English language...

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I cant really say iam concerned as to wether he is a he or she,i just wondered if i could now deffinatly say he was a boy as hes doing that to me a girl,but as you have all said that is not the case and iam fine with that,in the future if we deside to get another grey then obviously i will DNA him then as i dont want any chance of breeding ,but for now its fine.


I have looked up a few DNA sites and they say i have to get a fresh feather from him,not one that has been plucked out and been on the floor,and i dont want to pull one of hes feathers out,so at the moment while he is on hes own that is not something iam prepared to do


The owner we got him from said he was deffinatly a boy but when i asked him for DNA proof he didnt have any so .....


Sorry that all sounds abit stroppy i dont mean it to :D

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Doug is right! Whether it is sexual, or bonding, how do you decide? easy! Birds want to bond with you. ALWAYS, focus on that. Nancy

Parrots come in all variety's, some are Bi, some are Hetro and some are Homo.

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I've had Sophie for over a decade. She still continues to regurg. It is a " present", to me. It is her sign of affection. Nothing sexual. I would hate to see many misinterpret their offering of love, as sexual desire. Be careful! Nancy

I'm sorry I disagree, regurgitating is strictly sexual, it's part of a mating ritual, plain and simple be it human, bird or other...For the parrot sanity, the safest way to handle this is to tell them you love them and walk away and act as if nothing happened...The word "affection" is in close proximity and associated with "sexual" and "offering of love. When I was really sick, Spock would fly to my shoulder, touch my cheek with his foot, and say "I love you Pa-pa".

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I'm sorry I disagree, regurgitating is strictly sexual, it's part of a mating ritual, plain and simple be it human, bird or other...For the parrot sanity, the safest way to handle this is to tell them you love them and walk away and act as if nothing happened...The word "affection" is in close proximity and associated with "sexual" and "offering of love. When I was really sick, Spock would fly to my shoulder, touch my cheek with his foot, and say "I love you Pa-pa".


But Jayd, my 3 month old IRN girl regurgitates to/for me as does my just over 3 month old girl Parrotlet. Aren't they way to young for it to be sexual??



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Jayd, love ya, but regurg is absolutely bonding! They do it for years! I tried to open my beliefs into something possibly sexual, I'm sure, maybe they did it, and I ignored it. I'm sticking to my beliefs of "provide oral stage", if they want to regurg, thank them! I suggest to NOT go crazy, trying to decipher what they are telling you! Relax, and listen! Zoey , my pup, is ill right now. Had two seizures. Had bloodwork. Sophie is keeping the animal kingdom quiet. She knows Zoey is ill. All birds are worried about Zoey.

Sophie has been very attentive towards Zoey.She wants to help. She wants to know, what I need, and she will deliver! Nancy

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I'm sorry, my post's, 3 of them have disappeared. I'll try to answer them in this post...



#1." regurg is absolutely bonding!" In the instances you describe, yes regurgitate is bonding to the person their attempting to be sexual with!

#2. "I suggest to NOT go crazy, trying to decipher what they are telling you! Relax, and listen!" Thank you for the advice, I realize I'm not as experienced as you...

#3. Were all very sorry, we hope all will be well.. Can I ask what this has to do with feeding?

#4. "Freud", "Oral stage" differently then your using it!!!! "Wikipedia" isn't accepted as credible in Collages and University

You'd be surprised at the knowledge of the members of the Grey Forums. Freud has nothing to do with the "Ways of Parrots.

Thank You


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But Jayd, my 3 month old IRN girl regurgitates to/for me as does my just over 3 month old girl Parrotlet. Aren't they way to young for it to be sexual??


Sorry, I replied but my post disappeared. Yes, 3mo's is to young for "sexual activity". Parrots mature at different ages, they also age faster than humans. A parrot starts looking for a mate as soon as they fledge and leave the nest. Yes, regurgitating is part of the sexual bonding process, as companion in captivity this is force on them at a much early age, "Tiel's are ready to mate at appoxx 1yr old, a Grey at 4yr's a Amazon at around 12yr's etc. A Amazon starts at around 3yrs old with their sexual play, Greys, 2-4, etc This is the same as a human child becoming "sexual interested" long before they become mature! A"Too, will rub themselves on there owners arm, long before they become sexually active...

Thanks Jayd

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Thank you Jayd. I know that a parrots life span has a lot to do with when they become sexually mature. A parrotlet will be sooner then an IRN, and an IRN sooner then a grey, etc....... What you said does make sense.


Thank you Kim . Jayd

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