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Hello everybody!! What an awesome forum you all have here. I cannot wait to have a couple hours later on to really explore it all! I do not currently own a Grey, but am looking to purchase one in the next few months. I have been rehabilitating a pair of Grey squirrels and will be releasing them next month more than likely. A heart-wrenching experience every time, but I know it is best. Anywho :) I welcome any and all advice you guys can offer me, as I am new to Grey ownership. I am reading as much info as possible and trying to soak all of it up. Also, I was curious how you all felt as far as going with a Congo or a Timneh? I have read various pro's to both, but would like to get some suggestions/opinions from those of you who have experienced the two personally. Thank you all in advance, and I look forward to being a part of your community :)

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Hi BeeFernandez22, welcome to the forum. I have both a TAG and a CAG and I find that they have different personalities and characteristics. My TAG is much smaller (305g) and my CAG much larger (505g). My TAG is fearless and a swift flyer. My CAG is more cautious and flies more laboriously; he is a big guy. So it really depends on what you want. So do your research and choose the grey that fits best into your way of living. I love both of my greys and would never want to have to choose between them.

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Thanks for all of the replies! I know the TAG and CAG often have different personalities but I see such good things in both. I like the idea of a larger bird so I am leaning towards CAG, but I am worried that a CAG may be less affectionate or bond less with me. I have read they are more "aloof" so to speak. Any truth to this? I know all of them have an individual personality so there is no way to be sure, obviously. Gosh, I feel like there are SO many decisions!!! Where to start??

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Both of my greys are affectionate. They both love neck rubs and give me kisses. Both love to sit on my chest and snuggle. In the affection department I see no difference at all. Both love being misted and soaked to the skin. I have always been very affectionate with my greys and I have had both since they were weaned so I believe it makes a difference in the love and affection you give them. I am retired so my greys and I spend a lot of time together. I also believe that their breeders have a great love of greys and both greys, TAG and CAG, were handled lovingly from hatch to weaning. Both were very socialized when I got them.

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Hello BeeFernandez and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you want to add a grey to your family.

You are doing the right thing to research and read all you can before you make the final plunge for you must know what you are getting yourself into and what to expect, I only wish every potential bird owner did the same and then we wouldn't have so many birds in need of new homes.

You will learn a lot from reading thru the threads here and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Welcome to the forums, you are in the right place! I am new here as well, i am still reading the great threads posted by many members. I think i will finish reading everything within a month or two, lots to learn and 100% great feedback. Lots of experienced members who will also save you time and efforts when you look for answers. I have a CAG and an Indian Ringneck, a CAG is my first and they are way different than Ringnecks, more sensitive and they need extra care and patience. I suggest you read a lot before you get one, so welcome again and wish you all the best.

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While there MAY be, on average, differences in personality and behavior between CAGs and TAGs, I think you'll find that there is more variation between individual birds than between the sub-species. Imagine two large circles that almost completely overlap...


So, you rolls your dice and you takes your chances...

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