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My adventure begins.


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I bought a cage today. Yeah me. It should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. It is the one Dave suggested from E-Bay. I'm not 100% sure the timing is right but some things have happened to suggest that I should do this. First finding a cage that I could work with (the legs can be cut down at work to accommodate a better height for me) and the second coming into a small inheritance that I never expected. I started thinking what better way to honor a big, loud, messy man than by getting a big, loud, messy parrot. In a very special way my Grandpa will be spending each and every day with me. Once the check clears I'll be calling the bird store and seeing what they have coming in and put a deposit down.


So here my journey officially begins.

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When my son won't shut up about his computer game, I tell him to go tell Ellie all about it!


I have not considered reading to Ellie, nor do I have any interest in doing so now that it has been brought to my attention. I just act as the narrator in the story of my life. I tell Ellie everything that I am doing. Or describe what she is doing. If I am cooking, I show her the ingredients, tell her what I am doing to the ingredient, tell her what each utensil does, etc.


That is, in my opinion, a much better developmental pathway. Reading lets the bird hear your voice, but beyond that does nothing to teach them.


Just one grumpy old man's opinion...

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Thats funny that you said something about reading or not to your bird.... I make little videos with each trip Ive taken to go see Marco and yesterday I played back one of the videos several times and she just was mezmerized by it. I wasnt sure if it was that she could actually see the screen or if it was hearing my voice coming out of it ... but it was SOOOO cute! I think I will do what Doug does too ... narrating life .. lol (sounds funny)

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I also talk to my dogs, so it was natural to amp it up a bit for Ellie.


Apparently (I didn't hear it), Ellie said her second phrase today, "Nothing for you!". Which is what I tell my dogs each morning while they are begging for food as I prepare my breakfast and Ellie's veggies...

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I LOVE to read to Sophie! She LOVES to be read too! She enjoys books by Shel Silverstein as well as all books by Dr. Seuss. She LOVES rymes, and repeats them frequently. They don't understand the words, but understand and focus on rhymes! When I read a book, I give her a child's cardboard book to flip thru. She makes up words, entertains herself. Whether she is learning, doesn't really matter, we are bonding. nancy

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Look at that baby all curled up and relaxed. I just love seeing the pictures and imagining years ago when Gilbert was being welcomed into the world with such sweetness and innocence. It helps to look at these pictures and realize this is still who he is deep inside and we just have to get past the battle scars of his world to allow the sweet baby to find his way back. You don't know how much it means to me to watch the new babies coming into our forum to people who are committed to hanging in there from beginning to end with their grey companion. Your baby is just exquisite and enchanting.

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