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Greetings (and ignorance) from Manitoba!

Guest Jocelyn

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Guest Jocelyn

Hey guys,

My name is Jocelyn and me and my husband our considering getting a Grey to join our family. It would not be for a few months yet but neither of us has ever owned a bird before so we want to do as much research as possible before we decide for sure if this is the right fit for our family. It’s just me my husband (we are a younger couple and our pets) we currently have 3 cats, 2 dogs, 2 rats, a rabbit, a hedgehog and a horse (the horse is boarded at a barn it does not live with us). Everyone (- the hedgehog) has been with us since they were young and they all surprisingly get along. The dogs are on the smaller side (about 20 pounds). Everyone other than the bunny and the horse is a rescue. Looking forward to learning from you guys!!!

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Hi Jocelyn nice you meet you and yours. Looking forward to traveling with you on your journey to find the right grey for you! There is oodles of information in the different rooms of Grey Forums so read, read, read and ask all the questions you want! Welcome to the Grey family!

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Guest Jocelyn

Thanks luvparots! I know before I got my horse I joined a forum. I didn't know if I would have what it takes to own a horse (I had part boarded before), they were awesome, they helped me pick my horse and helped me when I was panicking (near constantly) that I didnt know enough. They made a huge differnce for both of us. For me it helped me feel confident in what I was doing, and probably greatly increased quality of care for my horse.


Cant wait to learn all I can about these awesome animals. Starting at square one can anyone suggest a good basic guide/website for care housing ect on line?

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helped me when I was panicking (near constantly) that I didnt know enough. They made a huge differnce for both of us. For me it helped me feel confident in what I was doing, and probably greatly increased quality of care for my horse.



This is exactly what this forum has done for me and my baby,the food thread is excellent on here , lots of recipies that i have tried, any questions you have get answered i have just felt alot more confident with my baby sinse joining this site , so welcome and good luck finding your baby,or should i say letting your baby find you

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Welcome!! I'm new to the forum, as well as to greys, but not birds. My baby grey is an egg right now and should be hatching any day. :) I grew up owning/riding horses but don't have any now. My 16 yr old son and I have a dog, 2 cats, 2 bunnies, and a "few" birds.



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Hi Jocelyn and welcome to the grey forum.

Many of us have many pets that we share our life with.

We have 4 parrots thats one CAG, one BFA two cockatiels, only one dog now, three cats. two peacocks one rabbit two goats chickens and ducks.

I think you are right at home here at the grey forum.

If you have a question juat ask and you just might get a lot of answers. So post away.

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Guest Jocelyn

Me neither... A lot of people look at us funny with all our pets, the very worst is the people who ask if we will get rid of them when we have children. It's like these guys are our family, do you get rid of your children when you have other children?

As for the grey, we want one now because we want it to be a part of our whole lives, children (some day) and all.

Lol sorry guys pet peeve ( pardon the pun)

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What no horse in the kitchen, I am disappointed. I love the hedgehogs remembering them being in our back garden when I was a little girl in England. I know there are not the same kind & I am familiar with them also. We share our home with cats as well & I think you will enjoy the adventure of living with a Grey.

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Guest Jocelyn

That's too cool I would love to see a wild one. Mines a rescue, given to me by a local breeder. Someone dropped him off at her house and was like he's mean I don't want him you can breed him. Long story short helikes me enough and that's it, we talk aboutwld caught on here. I wonder about this guy, chances are he was just never handled

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Me neither... A lot of people look at us funny with all our pets, the very worst is the people who ask if we will get rid of them when we have children. It's like these guys are our family, do you get rid of your children when you have other children?

As for the grey, we want one now because we want it to be a part of our whole lives, children (some day) and all.

Lol sorry guys pet peeve ( pardon the pun)


Well, I knew a woman that got rid of her son when she had children with her second husband, but that's another (and ugly) story...


Sometimes I feel like the odd one out on this forum - I only have (in addition to Ellie): two dogs and a turtle. Barely any pets at all!! (Of course, my golden retriever makes a mess enough for any six pets with her fur and her toy destruction...)

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