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Afraid of dark?


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So here is what I got.

every time lights go out for the bed time, Lucy starts to panic, runs back and forth in the cage, panicking, making her bird calls, like she is calling someone, eyes are wide big... It's like she is afraid of dark or something. Sometimes she jumps around the cage and just acting like someone after her to get her.

Once lights off for 10-15 min she comes down and sleeps, but this transition time is scary for her.

any ideas?

Are they afraid of dark? Or just panicking when everyone lives the room and lights go off?

Do you have night lights by your cage?

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do you cover her cage? if so, that could be part of the problem. i leave about half of their cages uncovered so that if for some reason they hear something that scares them in the night, they can look out and see. we also have dim light so they are not in total darkness. i also spend a few minutes offering night night scratches and quietly talking to them after i've put the cover on, saying night night, and stuff like that so they know its now time to go to sleep.

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Are they afraid of dark? Or just panicking when everyone lives the room and lights go off?

Do you have night lights by your cage?


They are not afraid of the dark. As you suggest, the actions and contact calling is separation anxiety knowing you are all retiring to bed.


I fully cover my bird cages and leave a small night light on in the room which leaves it very dimly lit. Many people do not cover the cages at all or only partially as others already commented on.

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thanks all for your input.

I dont cover the cage.

Cage is downstairs and once we all ready for bed time, we go upstairs to our bedrooms and lights off downstairs. I did plug in blue LED night light that go off and on with light sensor, that should be good deal. it's color programable and I set it on blue.

SO I can try that, see what happens.

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I cover my birds cages but Josey's cage is so big that the sheet does not come all the way to the bottom so she could peek out if she wanted to and I do not leave a nightlight on for them, their cages are in the family room where the opposite wall from where the cages are is mostly windows so if there is any moonlight it is the same as having a dim light on, so far I have had no problems.

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I put my fids to bed with a nighttime snack and then I tell them all "Nite, nite, see you in the morning, etc., etc." and turn off the lights. When I start the ritual of "Nite, nite,....." they all go to their sleeping perch and settle in. I turn off all lights and all is quiet. They know what to expect and they just settle in.

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All greyt advice! I cover all my cages, but as Judy says, my cages are so big that the sheet barely covers the top half. Talon who sleeps in my bedroom, not with the others, requires a nightlite or she will have night terrors...:( The others don't, but I am very vocal about bedtime, scrithes, time for bed, nite nites, see you in the morning, love you Rikki, Nilah, Talon.. They know what bedtime is and will get in their sleep spot before I cover them.

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I don't cover my cages.. I did actually in the beginning, but found out, it didn't matter. I remember getting up when Sophie was freaking out... reassured her, I was here to protect her. No deamons under her bed. She learned I was here to protect her, but she still needed to go to bed. Took a few months, but once she trusted me to take care of the " things that go bump in the nite", she settled down. Always get up, reassure you are here to protect your baby. Once the trust is there, there are no longer issues with bedtime. Nancy

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