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Thoughts/suggestions RE: my baby IRN


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Goose, my baby IRN, wants to be with me at all times. When she’s in her cage and can see me she wants out. I need to teach her how to entertain herself and that she won’t always be out when I’m around.


The cage she’s in is a temp/baby cage. I’m moving her into her big bird cage within the next few days (I need to set it up).


My plan is to ignore her while she does this and let her out as soon as she settles down. But she never settles down! LOL :



Any thoughts/suggestions on what else I can do would be great. The next step will be to teach her how to stay on her cage as well as a play stand.



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I have an open door policy as well, any bird that will stay in/on his or her cage has their door open when I'm home. Goose won't, not yet anyway.


On another forum someone suggested a second IRN to meet Goose's needs. Her albino sister is still available and her breeder thinks there is a very good chance that they would get along well into the future. I know at any time they could decide that they no longer like each other, but as long as they do I wouldn't have another cage to clean or another bird to take up my time (because I could have them with me together). I actually wanted the albino first but she was sold, then the sale fell through.


I could move Goose into one of my A&E flight cages for now and once I got her sister move them both into the bigger cage. That way it wouldn't be Goose's cage first. Her breeder said she would let me make payments and it would be about 6 weeks before I could pay her off and bring her home.


Thoughts?? I would LOVE to have her for me, not just to keep Goose company.



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