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Peanut Butter


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  snoepgoed123 said:
aww I wanna try this tomorrow (not the full jar) we have almond butter from trader joes thats so good... wonder if Archimedes will like it... usually any time I give him food he looks at it like I'm trying to poison him


Did he like it? Sam isn't crazy about peanut butter, but since he loves almonds, I thought maybe I'd give it a try.

Karen and Sam

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX
  chelseaB said:
XxExoticPsychExX I am only playing with Biscotti about the "steak & potato's", I don't actually feed him that! But he does love his peanut butter, just a dab now and then.


Lol, Solomon just says, "want some?" for everything he sees me eating. I have yet to treat him to peanut butter so we'll see how that goes.


According to everyone's pictures and stories, I'll be prepared for a mess!

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

Solomon trying pb for the first time. He had to watch me eat it first before he tried it. Started first with little nibbles and constant beak cleanings afterward lol. I eventually had to help him wipe off the pb from his beak.






Don't worry, I didn't let him eat the whole thing!

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  Doug said:
I gave Ellie peanut butter only once. She managed to get it all over her beak (and some on her head) and spent a lot of time trying to wipe it off. On anything. Including me...


I give her peanuts in the evening (in her foraging toy - she's greatly amused and the dogs eat all the shells that she drops so they're amused as well...)


She has peanut breath at night...


I may try some more tomorrow during breakfast preparation....


Greetings, I hate to be a party pooper, Please everyone, DON'T feed you fid "Peanuts in the shell!!! This can be very deadly!!!!! Only feed them "Canned Roasted and unsalted peanuts".....Please read this article by Dave007: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?115338-Aspergillosis

It only takes once for them to get the peanut shell with the mold on it. Thanks Jayd

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Spock has "Hypoglycemia" so he's on a high carb diet, we've had to give Spock a lot of medicines, peanut butter is a excellent medium to mix medicine in to feed to your fid. Dan is correct, most "Natural" peanut butter has "Palm oil' in it, we use "Natural Jif" peanut butter, it has the lowest amount of salt. Peanut Butter is high in 'Saturated fat" so limit the amount of it you feed your fid, a 1/2tsp a day is greyt, it helps with maintaining proper weight and a balanced diet, plus its full of "Amino Acids". Greys are prone to "High Cholesterol" and "Hardening of the Arteries". To help counter this feed them "Albacore low-sodium tuna and/or Wild Atlantic Salmon" a couple times a week. Thanks Jayd

P.S. No-Stir Almond butter is Greyt for them, less cholesterol...

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  Jayd said:
Greetings, I hate to be a party pooper, Please everyone, DON'T feed you fid "Peanuts in the shell!!! This can be very deadly!!!!! Only feed them "Canned Roasted and unsalted peanuts".....Please read this article by Dave007: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?115338-Aspergillosis

It only takes once for them to get the peanut shell with the mold on it. Thanks Jayd


Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that only applies to RAW peanuts. I buy ROASTED (unsalted) peanuts in the shell. The roasting kills any fungus.

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Doug, I was always under the impression it DOES apply to peanuts in the shell. Those that chose to feed them use human grade.


Lucky for me, my greys ont like them, but my amazon, that's a whole other story, they are her favorite!

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I buy them from the grocery store.


I guess that is what you mean by "human grade".


The key is that the peanuts in the shell are ROASTED. High heat. I don't see how any fungus can live through that.


There are three options for peanuts in the shell at the grocery store: (1) roasted & salted; (2) roasted & NOT salted; (3) raw. The raw would be used to make boiled peanuts (a Southern tradition).


The risky peanuts are the third option since they have not been cooked.

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I always wondered that myself. I Do allow Nilah to have one or two every other day or so. There are some pretty I depth threads about this, I will see if I can resurrect them to continue our discussion. I DO know there have been a few members here that have had fatal peanut related health issues from feeding them peanuts.....I'm on a hunt.

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Those roasted unsalted peanuts in the shell are perfectly ok for our birds, I buy them in the grocery store and they are the "human grade" variety that Dave was talking about, roasting makes them safe. Unsafe ones that I would not feed my birds are those that may come in seed mixes, I don't know if they have been roasted so I throw them away just to be on the safe side.

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  Jayd said:
Spock has "Hypoglycemia" so he's on a high carb diet, we've had to give Spock a lot of medicines, peanut butter is a excellent medium to mix medicine in to feed to your fid. Dan is correct, most "Natural" peanut butter has "Palm oil' in it, we use "Natural Jif" peanut butter, it has the lowest amount of salt. Peanut Butter is high in 'Saturated fat" so limit the amount of it you feed your fid, a 1/2tsp a day is greyt, it helps with maintaining proper weight and a balanced diet, plus its full of "Amino Acids". Greys are prone to "High Cholesterol" and "Hardening of the Arteries". To help counter this feed them "Albacore low-sodium tuna and/or Wild Atlantic Salmon" a couple times a week. Thanks Jayd

P.S. No-Stir Almond butter is Greyt for them, less cholesterol...


You can usually find some peanut butter in the organic food section that is ONLY peanuts. No added oil, salt, sugar, or anything. More expensive, of course, but our little birds only eat a tiny amount at a time...

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  Doug said:
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that only applies to RAW peanuts. I buy ROASTED (unsalted) peanuts in the shell. The roasting kills any fungus.


I'm sorry if I crossed anyone, but peanuts in the shell are roasted at temperatures bellow 350%, which is not hot enough to kill the mold. Mold can lie dormant after processing,then its bag, stored and shipped, which with the small amount of moisture in the package it causes problems. Raw peanut also never be served to our fids either. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to cause any problems, I'm just stating a fact and a caution.. I feel it is better to err on the safe side. As a side note, there is "No one" I respect more than Dave!!! Some people feed apple seeds to there fids and say there safe, I don't.

Thank you



Side Note: I've personally seen what "Aspergillosis" and "Cyanide" does to our parrots...

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That said, I'd like to find a way to continue to give them to Ellie since she gets so much pleasure from them.


If I roast the "roasted in the shell" peanuts myself, what temperature should I use and for how long? (Of course, I have to keep an eye on them so they don't burn.)


It wouldn't be terribly difficult to do a whole bag's worth at once.

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Hi, bake at 325% for 20 to 30 minutes, keep away from moisture. Inspect all shells foe "discoloration", look for clear clean unbroken shells...The temp still isn't high enough to destroy the mold, but with "hand picking" and inspection" it can help reduce the risk. What we have substituted is "Pistachio's" in the shell....

Thanks Jayd

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I'll do that before I give Ellie any more peanuts.


If that isn't high enough, how high is enough?


Also, I haven't seen unsalted pistachios in the shell. I'll have to seek them out. I'm sure she'd love them just as well!

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Hi, I'm afraid if you go much higher they'll just be no good, or explode. Walmart sells the unsalted in the snack section.[Wonderful Pistachio brand] You can also get them at a nut or health food store. You also can break a walnut in half and they forage out the nut.[Walnuts are the best for Greys] Dave shows in one of his threads how to nip off the end of a walnut and let your fid do the rest. All these nuts are better then peanuts in the shell... Thanks Jayd

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In Archies parrot mix i buy him he has pistachios,monkey nuts,the odd half a wal nut all these are in shells,i also buy him these 3 in the shells from the shop,all unsalted , why would they put these in hes mix if he is not allowed them??

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