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Oh boy, I can't wait.....sitting back in my chair and getting some popcorn....let's begin!


I got Nilah when she was 6 months old, she was an adorable well behaved angel who adored everyone. Now she is 3, and believes the world revolves completely around her and we are here to serve her.

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Well, I have had Codie since she was 11 Weeks old.. At first she loved everyone :) Then suddenly she decided, I was the only one that she was going to tolerate! With me, she is a very loving and cute little Angel, but as soon as any other Family Member goes near her... I can only describe her as turning into mean and viscious monster :( They have tried everything to get her to bond with them, but she will have none of it:( Its almost like she has a obsession with me... She just wants to be near me all the time.. Even as I am writing this, she has come down from her Playstand and perched herself on the leg of my Computer Chair.. Thats how close she always wants to be lol


She is a real little Acrobat and swings about in her Cage like a Monkey :) She is now 6 Months old and is saying lots of words... Her favourites are Hiya.. What Ya Doing.. Hello and Good Girl..


She loves nearly all Veggies, but is not very keen on any type of fruit, although I will keep putting it in her Dish and hopefully, one day she will decide to eat it!


Apart from all of this, I love her to bits and cannot imagine not having her around :)

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Talon. get ready with the popcorn! You have one that is at the age of three. You are at the end of the terrible two's. that will go into the terrible three's. Probably, age four. Age four, is awesome! They no longer challenge you, and want to please. This year, is when they learn the best. I promise you, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Kiki always remained destructive with chew toys, but learned to cuddle and a head scratch. After age four, Kiki learned! She learned that we all loved her, tolerated her beliefs... BUT... I rule, she can tell us what she wants and I will think very seriously about her desires and beliefs. You remain the parrent, and set the " tone" for expectations! Never sit back, because I know thats not your nature. You know what to do! Nancy

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Thanks Nancy! Nilah is quite the cuddler, she only wants to be with me, and just wants to be petted and paid attention to. I can't imagine her being any calmer, although she does have her moments where she is into everything....


Lately, she has been snuggling in to my side when I sit on the couch and makes soundalike a duck......guess,it's spring....although she is only 3 yrs old.

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I think Kiki was being hormonal past several weeks. I was shocked the day I was changing birdbowls... she started charging across two cages at me. I left my hand where it was, waited for her attack. She stopped short! Then we had to deal with her being more sensitive than usual ( she can't possibly get more sensitive!) Sophie LOVES to imitate her. Kiki would have NONE of it! I've noticed past two weeks Kiki is constantly snuggling with Sunny our sunconure. She usually snuggles with him, but now he can't go anywhere unless she is at his side. He's okay with this. He loves her, and always tolerates her needs and demands.

Sophie is struggling what to do to make Kiki happy. Everything Sophie does, is wrong. Sophie is giving her some serious space. Thank God Sophie doesn't go thru this! ( why doesn't she?) Sophie is a DNA sexed girl, and has never gone thru hormonal changes. We love our Kiki girl, she doesn't really even sound like a Zon. She's never agressive, but holds her own. Is great at flying and being adventurous! She doesn't talk alot. Mostly, my name is Kiki, utoh!,( she tends to break things more than the average bird. )Hi! Come get me. Nancy

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got Chili Pepper when he was 6 weeks old. Hand fed him, weaned him, watched him learn to fly, etc. He was sooooo cute. I remember thinking that he was not very active when he was young and thought i had a couch potato on my hands. Then i moved the birds into their own room. Wow what a difference. Now he plays and gets into all kinds of trouble. Never has been a snuggle bug but he loves to sit next to me with his wing feathers actually touching me.


I've read all about the hot 3's and the hormonal years that we're headed into in the next 2-3 years. I hope i have learned his body language well enough to get thru them. I love his no fear attitude. He's not afraid of much. He's just so much fun.

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Hi, Zon's start their "Aggressive Period" around 5yrs old and this lasts till they're around 12yrs old when they are fully mature. The preamble starts around 3 years or so.[All Zon's aren't the same] Salsa 3yrs old, she's started to cuddle and shake when I pet her and makes those cute sounds. When they do this, remember only to pet and scritch their head...


Aside note: A Zon's behavior is different if he/she lives in a household of more then one bird!

Edited by Jayd
added A side note
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