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Hormones of Spring


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Normally my three guys hang out together just fine-except in the Spring. Lately my quaker has been flying over to Pancho's (amazon) cage and charging him. Pancho doesn't know what to do because he is kind of a laid back guy and prefers peace and quiet. I usually end up putting the quaker in his cage. I hate keeping him there. What should I do? My grey is also full of hormones and has WAY more energy for mischief than normal. He bonks us on the back of the head as he goes flying by making pterodactyl noises as he goes. It sometimes seems that the quaker and the grey are POSSESSED by hormones and not recognizable as their usual selves. It a little hectic around here right now. Brutus (CAG) keeps trying to regurgitate for the quaker, and the quaker takes his advances as an assault to his personal space and fights back. These two have been at it like this for several years now, and they seem to work it out without incident. The main problem is the new found aggression that the quaker has for Pancho. The quaker (Jimpster) is trying to claim ALL three cages now. Usually, Jimpster tries to run off Brutus from his cage, but they have worked it out, so I guess the excitement is not there anymore. I am afraid if I allow Jimpster out he may get hurt by Pancho (not that I blame him) at some point. Jimpster really is a little terror right now. He still will sit nicely on my shoulder at the computer, but he has been preoccupied with flying over to Pancho's cage and acting dominant. Sometimes Pancho flies off instead of dealing with him, but I foresee a time when Jimpster could get hurt if Pancho gets tired of his antics and nails him. Pancho and Brutus are easily three times the size of Jimpster.


What advice do you have for me?

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My 3 have been acting up. In fact, they were so bad a couple of days ago, I had to put them in their cages for most of the day. That never happened before, and lasted for 2 days. They are still pretty feisty, I have been putting them to bed earlier......I think the time change made matters worse as well.


I like Steve's advice, and leave home until summer!!!! I wish I could!!! Lol

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  Dave007 said:
I don't worry because my 2 quakers are always policing the greys all year long. So if one of the greys gets horny, one of quakers puts him in his place. She/he simply bites him on his pecker. End of problems.


Corporals Baby and Lola




Dave, you're referring to his beak, right?

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Maybe thats why Kiki our Amazon, has been so noisy lately! She's driving me crazy! Not aggressive, but noisy. She's already been " bonded" to my sunconure for past eight years. I notice she is snuggling with him more than usual. He DOES get annoyed when she sinks his rope, but tolerates it. Deep down, he LOVES her to death, but hates when she sinks his rope with her weight. LOL! Nancy

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We have an amazon named Kiwi too! We just found out about 2 weeks ago that she is a he thanks to DNA testing. Now we call him Ki-wennie. (just kidding) He's a mess right now with all the honking, wing fluttering and tail fanning. He let me pet his head this morning then lunging at me by lunch.

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It's so funny that our Amazon is the only sweet one in the bunch. I got them all outside the last few days and it seems to have calmed them down a little. They do get 12 hours+ of sleep at night. As far as roles go, Jimpster is definitely the security guard, but with the other two birds! He watches Brutus (CAG) and if Brutus flies to a place he shouldn't go, Jimpster is quick to chase him off. Pretty funny at times and helpful too. Pancho, the amazon, notices everything outside, and at the door, so he is the home security guard. If someone comes to the door he calls out, "hellllllooooo" and he sounds exactly like a little girl, so hopefully we will never be burglarized. If I come home he says, "where are you?" or "Hello Pancho!" I just bought them some new toys, but only Pancho LOVES his toys. The other two hone in on me or my husband. I guess a little cage time is in order here. I am sort of glad (sorry) that i am not the only household suffering from Springtime hormones-Geez! BTW Cute picture 007! And I do think Wingy that "piss pots" is an apt description. Quakers are amazingly productive and focused on their task! You CANNOT talk them out of it. IT IS their mission in life.

Edited by chezron
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  Mama CJ said:
Our CAG's haven't been too bad, just going heavy on the shredding. But my amazons...OMG....the honking is insane!



I don't know what that 'honking' is. I have never heard that sound before from any of my birds. Nilah has even yelling more, but she only speaks my language, have yet to hear et make any amazon sounds.

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Kiki our Amazon of 10 years, is the only one suffering from " spring fever!" She is just being more needy. Certainly ,not aggressive, but wants to "be", with everyone. She DID exhibit aggression several weeks ago when I was changing fruit and veggie tray. She started to run across the top of the cage... she NEVER did this before. I stopped what I was doing and held my ground.( left my fingers where they were and waited for the " impact".) It didn't happen. She stopped short. I would rather take a bite, than give in to hormones. I can't give in to one bird since the rest will learn I'm not so invinsible. Yay! She's back to normal this week. Nancy

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