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Do I have a grey who doesn't like to play?


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My gray loves her toys at first she wouldnt go near them for about a week or so .

Everytime i introduce somthing new she avoids it for days and almost goes in a little mood with m for putting it in ther lol. Then she crnt get enough of it once shes gotten used to it her favourite at the minute is her bell, got to say though its my least favourite along with the headache it brings lol


As long as shes happy il deal with it till she gets bored n finds something new to play with haha :D.

Am sure ur gray just needs time to get used be comfortable and adjust to find out what it likes :)

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Here's a good example of the flakiness of Greys when it comes to toys...


I bought a couple new toys for Ellie yesterday - a kabob and a string of wooden balls with a bell on the end.


I carried the toy with a bell past her cage (I had to get the scissors out of my office) and she was intently curious. When I returned, I showed it to her. None of the typical Grey fear of the new - she wanted it. Especially the bell. Once I held up the bell for her to see, she snatched it from me and wouldn't let it go...



Ellie DEMANDED that I give her the new toy! by shyzaboy, on Flickr


I had to attach the other end to one of the branches on the play-top so once she DID let go, it wouldn't go crashing to the floor. (Where the dogs would probably chew it up...)


It is now in her cage so she can ring the bell for service...


I may have to rethink the location of this toy...




Ellie loved her previous kabob - she completely destroyed it. I showed her the new one and she growled and pulled away. I still can't get her within three or four feet of it without her freaking out.


Weird critters...

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Archie is pretty brave aswell,he does accept new things quite quickly ,there is only 2/3 things i have tried to give him and he has not accepted with in 5 mins,he gave one of the willow sticks a lick today then run away lol.....cute really

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It depends on the dogs, but one goal for us, is dogs and birds all get along.( depends on the breed!) While Max my senior Lhasa Apso, ruled the animal kingdom... he chose Sophie, to suceed him. I doubted his choice. He was quite firm about it. Sophie HAS taken over, and I have to say, has done a fantastic job! All birds and dogs get along. Nancy

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I mentioned the toy that was terrifying Ellie a couple of days ago. I've left it laying out on my desk (situated between me and her play-stand). Today she seemed less fearful, so I hung it on her play-stand. When I brought her back into my office, she reached down and grabbed the string, pulled up the kabob and started tearing it up...



Not scared any longer! by shyzaboy, on Flickr

Edited by Doug
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I mentioned the toy that was terrifying Ellie a couple of days ago. I've left it lay out out on my desk (situated between me and her play-stand). Today she seemed less fearful, so I hung it on her play-stand. When I brought her back into my office, she reached down and grabbed the string, pulled up the kabob and started tearing it up...



Not scared any longer! by shyzaboy, on Flickr


what is it that is wrapped round the PVC on the stand Ellie is on?

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Vet wrap. You can get it at any pet store or farm supply store. It is designed to stick to itself and to NOT be toxic to animals that are likely to chew on their bandages...


It comes in a huge variety of colors. It is cheap, easy to apply and provides grip. It allows me to do all kinds of cool stuff with PVC...


Here are my play-stands (links to the pictures):

Office (modified somewhat since the picture)

Sunroom (modified somewhat since the picture)

Window perch


All of which use PVC and vet wrap...

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awesome I will definately check that out that is exactly what I needed ... your stands are freeking AWESOME !!!!!!! I dont have that many rooms to my little house so we have the cage w/playtop ... the home made tree stand on wheels (made from a pecan tree) the swing that will be in the window opening between my kitchen and dinning room and then course we have a boing in the one corner. I really like your sunroom toy! way cool .... Im definately gonna check out the vet wrap we have a great tack store in town Im totally on it :D

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ahhh I am very south central on the OK boarder :D so in like 45 minutes I can be in Oklahoma or 1 hour I am in Wichita ... :)


and yes Im going to hit the one store today on my way home for the vet wrap stuff :D TOTALLY excited bout that lol. (apparently doesnt take much to excite me LMAO)

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