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Do I have a grey who doesn't like to play?


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Today is Varo's third full day with me, and I'm starting to notice something. I'm not sure if I should be concerned or if this is normal, but he doesn't really play that much. He's pretty much ignored the toys hanging from the top of his cage since he got here, and the only toy he's really played with has been a blue ball, but he hasn't touched that since yesterday morning. I've played with some of the toys myself, sitting there and laughing and tossing them around, but that didn't really pique his interest too much. I also bought those shredders that you can tie to perches and the bars of the cage and gave him a couple. He was interested in them for about fifteen minutes, then abandoned them. It seems like his most favorite thing to do is go and sit on top of his cage and just, well, sit. I put some toys up there, but he's just content sitting there, preening, and sometimes he even starts to drift off to sleep! Should I be worried, or do I just have a really chilled-out bird?


Oh, as an aside, I took Varo to the vet yesterday. There isn't an avian vet anywhere nearby, but the clinic that I went to does see exotic animals such as parrots. The vet was very helpful and told me that Varo is very healthy! Yay! :)

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Yes, he's probably taking some time settling in. I am sure there are lots to take in with his new surroundings. I would give it more tie. Aybe sit by his cage and play and get excited about a toy. It may strike up his interest.

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It took Archimedes a few days before he fully settled in at home, and for the first few days, playing was not on the top of his list. Since Varo is still a baby, he's still getting used to everything, give it a couple more days for him to settle in. Once he's settled in some more, take some foot toys and show it to him, bring it close to him, but just out of reach, pretend to mouth it, then get it close, but still out of reach. After doing this for around 30 seconds, give it to him, he'll probably nibble on it twice and then drop it, remember he's still figuring out how to hold something with his claws. You could also do this at the table. Surprisingly, the less *made for birds* the item is, the more in demand it is... Archimedes LOVES click pens (with the ink removed). I will also say, he's had toy on his java tree that has been on there since day one, and he only just started playing with it, 3 weeks later... so don't give up hope

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Thank you, Nancy. I know, I worry too much! Varo did play today with a shreddable toy that looks like a lollipop. It was so cute, because he was on top of his cage and would put the toy at one end of the cage, then walk to the other end of the cage, then he would turn around and CHARGE at the toy, grabbing it with his beak and growling. It was very cute and made me very happy to see him having a good time. I tried to record it with my phone-camera, but of course when as soon as I picked up my phone, he stopped doing it. Go figure, haha!

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He is becoming more comfortable in his new home and so is starting to play now, be sure to get him a heavy duty bell he can play fight with, my grey has one that she plays with and attacks it with fury, she loves to bang it around and make noise.

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I think it is a developmental thing.

My grey is on the timid side. She felt comfortable in her cage & would play, but not so much on her tree stand. It took months for her to start to wander around.

Now, she climbs down & up. Even goes on the boing hanging at the bottom.

She would also not play with anything hanging there. She has JUST started to pull the toys up to her and chew on them.

She is almost a year old.

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My greys are not toy players. My Ana Grey is 4 years old, I have had her since she was weaned. Sterling Gris is just a year old, I have had him since he was weaned. I will say Sterling Gris has shaken a toy or two but not with any real enthusiasm. They have never played with toys although they have lots of them. Now my zon, who is 4 years old, loves toys and plays and bangs around alot. My greys are healthy, eat well

and fly around a lot. They are just not toy people.

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I know the most important thing you can do right now is to not make any judgements be they major or minor after having the bird for 3 days. It takes much more than 3 days to learn about your bird and visa versa. I'm talking weeks, not days.

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Right. I know there's a lot of patience involved and am committed to constantly learning about Varo's likes and dislikes. I know that there's still a lot of stuff he's getting used to (the change in atmosphere, a new routine, etc.).

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I was thinking, and I wanted to add. Something I also do is we have little *toy boxes* for Archimedes, so that when he's out he's got toys available to him wherever he is. All it is is a plastic tupperware container, (holds like 3 cups) and we just keep random knick knacks in there, wooden cubes, short plastic chains, plastic circle thingies... all different shapes and colors... When he comes to the computer, I'll focus his attention on the toys and it'll usually keep him busy for 15 minutes finding what he likes, and then he'll sit there for 20 minutes just playing with the toy...

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Greys are like people, each will enjoy doing something of their choise.

My grey loves to fly around the house and get into things she should not get into, Bite things she should not bite.(like woodwork). When they find their thing you will know.

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I have several little toy boxes I have started to build for Ms. Marco so I can rotate them, most of them are foot toys from plastic to wood colorful shreddable so I hope that will keep her busy when I bring her home. I am glad that the swing and toys in her cage at the pet store are alot like the toys I have in her cage at home :D I hope that makes it easier when I get her home.

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No matter what toy I buy for Sophie, no matter how expensive it is.... she doesn't care. She only cares about being a part of this family. I learned this along time ago. I always focus on being her mom. When she does something I don't approve of, I let her know. She always changes her behavior, and I compliment her. We have the parent/child relationship. I always encourage her. nancy

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I am on my second month with my guy and like you have many toys in and around the cage. His first toy of choice was a straw he took from a drink, second was a sprite bottle. The bottle he really loved so i put some cereal in it and now he rolls it on top of his cage so it makes noise and attacks it. Also try some adding paper, the one free of carbon, as they do love to shred things. Both of my fids use the paper as a napkin after meals.

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You never know what will catch their imagination (OR why it stops being interesting to them)!


At almost ten months old, Ellie only recently started getting fully engaged in my bigger play-stand, climbing all over it and playing with all of the toys.


Ellie spent about 45 minutes today playing with a bit of twine that had a knot tied in the end:



Once the toy is gone, play with the string by shyzaboy, on Flickr

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She's wonderful. Absolutely a dear.


One thing that I've heard other people talk about is playing with their greys with foot toys and such. I don't really have a good way to do that - I don't really want to put Ellie on the floor due to the intense interest shown by the dogs...

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Doug, foot toys are the best! And Ellie wouldn't need to be on the ground in order to play with them. You could have her on your lap or a table anywhere... a foot toy is just a small object that she could hold in her foot and chew, like a wooden block, or some plastic spinny toy, or a straw... anything really...

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Oh I totally agree, when Ive been visiting the petstore I always bring foot toys with me and put Marco on the couch or my lap or the little table and let her play. I also have a big fear of my one dog (golden retriever) so he will need to be watched when she is out of her cage.

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When we got Archie i went out and spent a small fortune on toys for him,swings,ropes,bells,chains etc etc,even made the home made straw toy and phone book hanging toy for him to have in hes cage,and what does he do with them???NOTHING!!.....he complteley ignores any toy he has all he is interested in is having a cardboard box to chew to pieces ,i brought him some willow stripping sticks thinking he would wet himself with excitment,hes scared of them!!haha

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