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My personal adventure

Joe Bachi

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Birdhouse and Joe: you both ARE members here at GF, and more importantly FAMILY members. There has been no criticism regarding OWNING a wild caught. Just suggestions. The criticism you read is mine due to the fact that Joe was playing with our emotions in "trying to prove a point" which was never clearly understood.


I agree with your sentiment that if any of us stumbled upon a wild caught bird, then the best thing we could do is try and give that bird the best life possible in our care vs the alternative. I feel you have been given nothing but support as a member. Never have I seen anyone come down on you regarding your grey. Nor was anyone coming down on Joe.

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I'm not sure how involved I want to get in this conversation however, I wanted to say that I don't think anyone has condemned Joe or come down on him for having a wild caught grey. Others only suggested a viable way to help stop the wild caught bird trade, besides an inexperienced breeder starting to breed. Then, as others have said, the thread got a little weird. I think all involved here are doing what they think is right for greys. Yes, there's passion behind it because we are all passionate people about animals. The issue was not whether or not anyone has a wild caught grey, the issue has become the weirdness of asking for a breeding pair and then saying that it was only done to prove a point. No point was made, nor proven.


That was perfectly stated. Thank you for putting it exactly as it is. :)

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It is possible to bond tightly even with a wild caught.


Try to find the time to see how I have done that.


Below extracted from http://shanlung.livejournal.com/132671.html




Riamfada was a wild caught CAG as seen in her open leg ring. She was a rescue and given to my charge when she was about 5-6 years old. She came to me bitey and fearful.




In about a year, she was doing free flights to me.




Yingshiong above is a white rumped shama. A shama is a songbird. He was caught from the wild at about 3 years old. He was given into my charge at about 5 years old. He flew to me on cue within a month of coming to me. Breeders of shamas told me even their breed shamas , some they hand raised, never ever landed on them. They told me above was the first ever they seen of a male shama landing on a human.




Libai is a Greater Greenleaf song bird. Caught from the wild and probably about 3 years old or so when he came to me.


Even wild caught and old birds can be so easily trained and bonded if you know how.


Understanding them is the first and most important step that can be taken.

That is the most fundamental truth in looking after birds.



To understanding them, try to read

Understanding the mind of your grey




You might like to see the food that you can make for your grey, and so much better than any of the food commercially sold for greys either.

Morning with Harry & the decision// Sultan of Oman Palace// Tinkerbell Mash Batch 7



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Joe, I understand your defensive nature coming onto a new forum with a controversial issue such as a wild caught bird. Especially if you have had verbal grief on another forum in the past, I too have had this on another forum. I asked for some help on another forum when I first got my baby grey Murphy, I had never had a baby grey before, I was also was inexperienced with African Greys & was looking for help on some issues. I got abused & told I wasn't fit to own any bird because I didn't know what I was doing & was only fit to look after goldfish. The abuse went on for many pages as other forum members all jumped on the bandwagon to join in bashing me about my inexperience & lack off knowledge. Needless to say I quickly left that forum forever, only once going back there recently to post that I had lost Murphy.


Looking for another forum I found this place, grey forums. I registered, started some posts & waited for the backlash...................it didn't happen. I quickly realized not all forums are the same & this place is greyt, I was welcomed with open arms & quickly made to feel like part of the family. On any forum you will always have some difference of opinion & many different views to things we all feel strongly about. I have had this & so have most other people but the important thing about grey forums is everybody tries to be respectful & keep a calm friendly attitude, that is why it is such a successful forum & a nice place to visit.


So a big welcome from me & Missy.

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