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I think I bought a snuggle bug, not a CAG


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Every time Archimedes is out he charges me... head down... and demands to be pet... he will sprint to my hand, do a fly by, whatever it takes for some sweet lovin... and once he has it, he will sit there for an hour just purring away as I scratch every little feather on that noggin. Ofcourse nobody else can dare this... he'll let them look at him... he'll even let them hold him.... and if they're really lucky, a few quick pets until he perks back up... I wish he just knew if he accepted petting from everybody he could get hours of petting, if he so pleases...

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Dan is right, enjoy it while it lasts for most become more independent as they get older and no longer allow cuddling, Josey used to allow me to cuddle her but no longer but you might be one of the lucky few who may get to enjoy it for a long time.

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Misty is nine years old and is also a snuggle bunny but only on his terms and at his request. If I try to initiate a tickle he usually just moves away. When he initiates a session it can go on until my hand is ready to drop off! This can happen every day but usually in the evening after he has finished his regular attempts at destroying our home, his toys or my toys .:eek: So you may well find that although Archimedes does get more independent as he gets older he will retain his love of a good grooming session with you.

If I have had a trying day there is nothing better than Misty coming over climbing up my chest for a good beak rub and then a neck scritch to cheer me up and put life into a good perspective:D


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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Awww....that sounds so sweet! Yesterday Varo was very snuggly, letting me sit with him and pet him on the top of his head for long periods of time. Today, not so much. He is more into doing his own thing on top of his cage. The few times I have been able to pet him, he nips my fingers first. Hard, too! Don't know if he's mad or if he's just playing.

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You are probably better off following Varo's lead for head petting or neck scritching. Misty usually won't let me pet or scritch him without prior invitation. He invites me with "Your alright" or "Tickle tickle" and a slightly lowered head. He is quite happy for me to gently finger his beak at almost any time.


Steve n Misty

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My Corky is over eleven years old and will still snuggle and cuddle on her terms. Not as often as when she was young or as often as I would like. but she does many other things to make up for it like to just sit on my shoulder and just being with me.

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Proof positive !!!! Two yrs. ago my 10 yr. old screaming, biting etc. rehomed CAG who had never been shown love has become my lovebug... With ever so much perseverance & patience he walks across the room to me & lays his head on me, closes his eyes, & stands for at least 2 hrs. EVERY night for neck scritches, head pets, lovingly stroking the sides of his face when he nuzzles & makes kissy sounds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm lovin' every minute !!!

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THANK YOU !!! sooo very much, Nancy !!! Until just a few short weeks ago, the two yrs. I've had him, I would NEVER NEVER believed he would stop biting or know how to show affection !!!


I am proud --- mostly of Roscoe for being my little "snuggle-bug". I treasure & love him dearly :)

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It sounds like greys have different temperments. Sophie is my only experience. Starting to worry about when Sean goes off to college, and no longer have help. Started cleaning cages by myself, as they have two cages that go 3/4 to the ceiling. I started practicing, Sean asked me why I didn't ask for help! I told him I was trying to do it by myself, as I will eventually need to do so. Of course, he jumped in. Told me, he is just an hour away, and will come home to help. Bless him! I just want to be independent, and let him focus on college. Nancy

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