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Hello from West Texas

Guest candismalli

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Guest candismalli

I have been lurking for a while and wanted to introduce myself properly, lol. I have wanted a CAG for 20yrs, my foster mom (great lady) had one, a Macaw also. I have wanted the CAG since then. I wanted to wait till I had my kids & they weren't little anymore, and also didn't want to get one while hubbie was military still.

I have decided that there is no better time than now! I put a deposit down on my little one today, he is a month old. I was just so excited I forgot to ask his hatch date, but I'll find out. They told me I can take him now & it would be cheaper or wait & pay more. Like I said I have been a lurker on here and other sites enough to know I DO NOT want to do that, and it is worth the extra time and money to have a healthy bird and not hurt him accidentally. He is so cute!! I can't wait till June, I will visit him as often as I can, I am going to make it out there on Tues again.





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Hi candismalli and welcome to the grey forum to you and your new baby.

Love the pictures. Do you have a name for the little one yet ?

Any way read all you can and ask all the questions you want and we will help you all we can.

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Guest candismalli

I don't have a name for my little peanut yet, I figure I have time to figure that out.

I am going to call "it" a him. My pro 9yr old son is surrounded by females and is begging for me to get a boy bird. Hubbie is a truck driver and away all week, he makes it home most weekends though but otherwise it is just him surrounded by me, his 2 sisters and after Sat they will both be teenage girls (aaahhh!!!) we have 2 female dogs and I just let my daughter get a chichuaua puppy- of course another female, lol. He says the 4 male parakeets don't count, lol.

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Guest candismalli

I also am scouring the internet, various forums, several books, and magazines and of course people and am absorbing info like a sponge!

I also thankfully have my own "bird expert", my cousin. She worked at a large but family owned I think pet store and was the bird person there. She has many birds, has for many years and even bred & handfed lovebirds!

She is now starting up her bird toy business again, she was successful at it but stopped for a while. Thankfully she is starting again at the perfect time for me- I will be a loyal customer of hers!

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I don't have a name for my little peanut yet, I figure I have time to figure that out.

I am going to call "it" a him. My pro 9yr old son is surrounded by females and is begging for me to get a boy bird. Hubbie is a truck driver and away all week, he makes it home most weekends though but otherwise it is just him surrounded by me, his 2 sisters and after Sat they will both be teenage girls (aaahhh!!!) we have 2 female dogs and I just let my daughter get a chichuaua puppy- of course another female, lol. He says the 4 male parakeets don't count, lol.

lol that is exactlyyyyyyy how I feel in my house Im the only girl :rolleyes: my house is all about the testosterone including the pets all but 1 lil yorkie I have and shes a girl and very loyal to me lol ... I call my baby a "boy" too tho, I havent had him DNA'd yet ... I dont know that it rightly matters either way ... so Im happy with it. They all think hes a boy at the pet store so :D Im good with that too lol


I also am scouring the internet, various forums, several books, and magazines and of course people and am absorbing info like a sponge!

I also thankfully have my own "bird expert", my cousin. She worked at a large but family owned I think pet store and was the bird person there. She has many birds, has for many years and even bred & handfed lovebirds!

She is now starting up her bird toy business again, she was successful at it but stopped for a while. Thankfully she is starting again at the perfect time for me- I will be a loyal customer of hers!

oooo is it something your sister will have a website for? We'd love to check it out when she gets it up and running again :D and WELCOME :D cant wait to see more pics .. your lil guy is ity bity!
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Welcome to the group. You have joined a wonderful bunch of people who will help you when you need it or just be there for you in good times or bad! Without these people here, i don't know what i would have done! Congrats on your little peanut, he is a cutie pie! Where are you in West Texas? I am in DFW but travel to Midland/ Odessa on occasion.

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Hello Candismalli and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you are finally realizing your dream of owning a Cag.

I commend you for waiting until the time was right, so many people want immediate gratification but you are going about this the right way and you should do fine since you have had some experience with living with a grey.

Your baby is adorable and it will seem like an eternity until that day comes you can bring him/her home but keep sharing the pics for we love to watch them grow.

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Guest candismalli

murfchck I live in Big Spring, you pass me right by on I-20. I am 1hr west of midland and go there often. My baby is in Odessa!! It's a small world!! There is not much in big spring- I am headed to Midland on Tues to go to dog training at petsmart so am going to visit my baby in Odessa after, I can't wait!

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Guest candismalli

I came up with a name for my lil chickadee, "his" name is Charley. The name Charlie kept popping up in my head but with that spelling and I didn't like it. But then I thought of it with the "ey" and that was it!!!


I told my 9yr old son his name was Charley and he said thats too Charlie Brown, and I replied "NO Charley Grey!!" so his name is now Charley Grey!! ;)

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Ha ha ha...charley grey is too cute of a name!! I was the same way when I finally named my little girl. I kept calling her my little chicken, but didn't like chicky...so I changed the spelling to Chickie and loved it! :) congrats on your baby finding you and welcome to the forum.

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I came up with a name for my lil chickadee, "his" name is Charley. The name Charlie kept popping up in my head but with that spelling and I didn't like it. But then I thought of it with the "ey" and that was it!!!


I told my 9yr old son his name was Charley and he said thats too Charlie Brown, and I replied "NO Charley Grey!!" so his name is now Charley Grey!! ;)

Cute name ... smiles

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Guest candismalli

when she gets her website up I will be sure to let you know! She is already swamped with order from family, friends & stores that she used to sell to (they had a BIG order!) Her young daughters are having fun helping, and dying the wood.

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Guest candismalli

thank you. Isn't it funny when it is the spelling that throws you off? I thought I was nuts, lol. I told my hubbie I had a name that kept coming to me but I didn't like it. He told me not to say it, so what did I do? I promptly spit it out!! Later that day in a bird magazine I saw the other spelling & it clicked!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest candismalli

I was not going to admit this, and hide it from ya'll but I am horrible at that. I hope I don't get negative remarks I already know I did wrong, and feel awful as it is, but am just hoping for support now that it is done. When I went to visit Charley last week I got a migraine on my way there, and my fibro was acting up. The store owner talked me into taking Charley home. He had me feed Charlie there and assured me I would have no probs but if I did he would help me right away, even make house calls if I need it. He said Charley was 6 wks but looking at pictures on the forum I am thinking he is 6 wks now, so was 5 when I took him home last week. I am so persuadable (sp?) when I have fibro fog and a migraine on top of that makes it so much worse. I was not going to take him home till he was weaned, I was very adamant about that, and was going to pay the extra $ to have the feeding done by the couple who I bought him from, but like I said I had the fibro fog acting up so was persuaded into taking him home.


I have been feeding him 3x a day with zupreem formula that I bought from him. He also told me to mix a little baby food in the formula, one day meat/broth, one day mixed veg, one day applesauce all the jarred baby food. I haven't been having problems, he is a good eater and soo sweet. My kids have all been holding him too. I notice changes in him every day. I wish I would have gone with the petstore that I was originally going to go with who refuses to let a bird home while still being hand fed, but was afraid she wouldn't get a grey this year. I am praying nothing goes wrong with my baby and am trying my best to be careful.


I know everyone is mostly supportive on here and I realize I should not have taken him home until weaned and already am mad at myself for doing it. Just a little more background on me- I was in a horrible accident 6yrs ago and had a brain injury that also works against me during the fibro fog. I am still able to take care of things just am easily persuaded and foggy during those times, also have trouble finding words when I am like that, it is quite annoying because I can picture what I want to say but cannot think of the word. I am quite smart (or used to be before I had kids, lol) so that makes me even more annoyed when my brain is working against me.


Please don't beat me up, I am already doing that to myself, please support me in my stupidity.

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You'll be/do fine. It sounds like you have help just a call away and you said even house calls. I've hand fed several birds and, knock on wood, have not yet had a problem. And I knowingly made the decision to bring the babies home before weaned. The main thing is if you any doubts or concerns, ask right away.



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Guest candismalli

thank you so much Kim. Charley eats so well and seems veery happy. He is so cute when I am holding him and talking to him he watches me very intently and moves his beak and tongue like he is trying to figure out how to talk. My 3 human kids were extremely late talkers due to disabilities, maybe he will be the "child" who is the opposite and talks early!! lol

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What's done is done, so just move on. You should post your baby grey questions in the Nursery Room as that is where our Dave resides and he is great with baby greys. He has helped me oodles with actually any grey questions I have. Good luck and relax and listen to Dave007.

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Guest candismalli

thank you luv parrots & Talon. I will do that. I just wanted to come clean to ya'll since I had already posted that I wasn't gonna bring home an unweaned bird! I am silly that way. :)

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thank you luv parrots & Talon. I will do that. I just wanted to come clean to ya'll since I had already posted that I wasn't gonna bring home an unweaned bird! I am silly that way. :)


I don't think it's silly, I'm the same way. I always think that I'm not going to say anything then before I know it I've told all. LOL How is Charley doing today?



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