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Twix is sick!


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I am so sorry to hear of his passing, you two had a special bond and shared a few precious months together but he knew you loved him and returned that love, such a short life but it was filled with love and happiness, now he flies free over the Rainbow Bridge never to be forgotten by his beloved parront. I know you feel that you can never share your life with another grey but who knows what the future may bring, just leave your heart open to the possibility, maybe not in the immediate future but somewhere down the road when the pain of losing Twix is not so sharp.

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Thank you everyone for these kind words, Twix is will always be missed. Something has happened today! Two of our friends knocked my door today and they got us two gifts! The first is a bird, he is the Greater Hill Mynah (5 months old). The second is a small cage with two love birds inside of it. I have to admit, that was a big surprise to the family and it did help in a positive way. We don't really know much about Mynahs yet, but we know they are excellent talkers.


I may stay away from the forums for a while as i can't keep watching the photos of those lovely Greys. This is the only thread i will be visiting until i get the next Cag or Tag.


Thanks again

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Oh please don't go away from the forum!!!! We have an Other Birds Room and I would love to hear about your Mynah and watch him grow with you!!!! Regard if you go or stay for now, I can understand so until we hear from you be safe and know your Grey Forums family is here for you! Godspeed.

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TWIX, if you are still checking the forum, I want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers as well. I read this thread last night and was in tears, but wasn't able to post this until today. I wish you nothing but the best and want you to remember that you have friends here who are thinking of you (even if we're strangers).

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Thanks a lot again, i have been to many forums before and non was this friendly. You guys are serious PET lovers, lovable and sensitive just as much as i am. With every hour passing since Twix has passed away and we are feeling better, he made a cool buzz in the house and was so much fun and a lovable friend. We are missing him dearly but we're getting closer to getting another one, this time we won't get a baby Cag. We could be the reason why he passed away, maybe we haven't done enough to keep him alive anyway. Although i have been reading a lot on how to take care of a baby like him, but maybe i have done something wrong somehow. I will never know anyway! I have raised Susu the Indian ring since he was two weeks old, and he is doing just fine (4 year old now).


Our Hill Myna is very messy, he poops in his water and in his food too. The whole cage is full of poop and it smells bad, and we are always cleaning it. I don't know how to handle a Myna at all. He is already making funny sounds, sometimes he is a dog, a parrot, a chicken, and the list go on. Funny in a way but hard to maintain. I think we will give him away to someone who can handle him, he will be a huge challenge.This Hill Myna is the noisiest bird you will ever get, this morning we heard a police siren and we panicked (then we know it was him!!!). He does look great, having yellow and black feathers, but doesn't like to keep clean at all.


Some of you told me that they lost a baby Cag or even two, but you moved on and got another one. I am close to convincing my wife Lina to get a lovely Cag, let's see what happen in the next few days. I loved Twix more than any pet i have ever had, Greys are awesome and lovable and you are all lucky to have them in your company.

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It IS a phenomena how close you can get to a Grey...and how fast. If someone would have tried to explain to me how much in love I would fall with this bird, I would have laughed at them. I have the very same fears that a mother would over her very own blood-born child. I think about all of his possible futures and try to ensure the best for him. All of my plans revolve around making sure he is okay and well taken care of. I love him more than I think I have ever loved any living being. He did get out once, and he is fully flighted so yeah....he got around. I had to spend about 24 hours without him, and those were some of the darkest hours. The house just died without him. The empty cage, no sounds....it was all haunting. That said, my little friend ended up flying right back to me on the next day, and I bawled my eyes out with joy. I get choked up just thinking about it. To be so in love with something as fragile as a Grey is a big risk, with a lot of amazing and beautiful things along the way. Yes, we love Greys like they were our own kind. The love is worth it.

Edited by Elvenking
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Thanks a lot again, i have been to many forums before and non was this friendly. You guys are serious PET lovers, lovable and sensitive just as much as i am. With every hour passing since Twix has passed away and we are feeling better, he made a cool buzz in the house and was so much fun and a lovable friend. We are missing him dearly but we're getting closer to getting another one, this time we won't get a baby Cag. We could be the reason why he passed away, maybe we haven't done enough to keep him alive anyway. Although i have been reading a lot on how to take care of a baby like him, but maybe i have done something wrong somehow. I will never know anyway! I have raised Susu the Indian ring since he was two weeks old, and he is doing just fine (4 year old now).


Our Hill Myna is very messy, he poops in his water and in his food too. The whole cage is full of poop and it smells bad, and we are always cleaning it. I don't know how to handle a Myna at all. He is already making funny sounds, sometimes he is a dog, a parrot, a chicken, and the list go on. Funny in a way but hard to maintain. I think we will give him away to someone who can handle him, he will be a huge challenge.This Hill Myna is the noisiest bird you will ever get, this morning we heard a police siren and we panicked (then we know it was him!!!). He does look great, having yellow and black feathers, but doesn't like to keep clean at all.


Some of you told me that they lost a baby Cag or even two, but you moved on and got another one. I am close to convincing my wife Lina to get a lovely Cag, let's see what happen in the next few days. I loved Twix more than any pet i have ever had, Greys are awesome and lovable and you are all lucky to have them in your company.

Im so glad to see you back and that you didnt leave. You need your friends at this time! So let us be here for ya :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you first posted what the vet said before you took Twix in, my heart was heavy. We have been to the souks in Sharjah and friends still live in Mirdiff and tell me it is much the same. This vet is experienced in your area and had a good idea of the circumstances. Don't let that get you down, I am telling you because you mentioned you feel as if you let Twix down and you didn't in any way. When our first little guy suddenly took ill and died I was beside myself thinking it was something I might have done. I have lived through many losses and nothing hit me the way losing Juno did. I felt an overwhelming sense of failure. His necropsy came back confirming PDD and it was written from the beginning that his life with me would be short. When I took on his brother, I was reasonably hopeful but understood that they had been together in every moment so we could be looking at his loss too, and we did. Every moment with each of them is part of my soul and I believe I needed to learn something about loss and love and awaken something deeper to learn to open my heart to joy. Each loss took more time to grieve and make a plan and go forward but that is what happened. When Gilbert was offered on the forum, it was too raw and I looked away. When the time was right, the message came in again that he was still available and I took that as a sign that I was ready too. It is painful sometimes to see milestones passing and other babies in Juno's and Kopi's age group on the forum. I honor the memories of the sadness and pain and slowly it is ebbing but not forgotten. For our friends with healthy birds I am lifted by the happiness of their homes and I am stronger to withstand all the losses and more open to the gifts that are in my life. Take heart that Twix was in a loving home with you his entire life and knew your devotion and love. Take your time and when the time is right, you will know it and you will have great blessings.

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Nancy, we all come and go checking into the forum in bits and snatches with the times of our lives and you were coming in with a caring spirit. I think we all realized it was a moment of oversight, the illness of any bird in our flock is especially hard to read and it is really sweet and understanding of you to come back to bring condolences.

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I keep getting surprised how true "Pet lovers" are sensitive and loving. They are the people i respect most and love most. You were all there for us during this tough time, reading your comments made my family smile, it brought tears to our eyes sometimes. I want you all to know, that you have my respect and love right here from Dubai, wherever you might be.

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I read this thread after you posted about DJ. I'm sure having a new baby doesn't take away the pain from your loss, but it is still good to hear that you have some new joy to provide some balance.


I can't imagine something happening to Ellie. They are certainly special creatures.

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I see Twix through DJ, believe it or not. They are both so similar, almost a copy, yet Twix was closer to me and was the best animal friend i ever had. I hope you will have a life time full of joy with Ellie :)

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