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Fruits and Veggies

Ronald Byrd

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Since Papito came to live with Lisa and I its been difficult to get him to eat veggies. His previous parronts fed him a seed mix of 90% sunflower seeds for the last 9 years, as well as fruit that he didn't eat much of because of the bowl full of seeds. Anyways.... He wanted nothing to do with snap peas last week. last night I tried again but this time I took the peas out of the pods and he loved them. The next one i just split the pod to show him that the peas are inside. Then I gave him a whole pod which he opens and eats the peas out of. Twenty or so snap pea pods later I figured he had enough. So I found a veggie that he likes. The only other veggie he cared for is celery and carrots but he just tears those apart and doesn't really eats them.


So my question here is What is your grey's favorite veggie and favorite fruit?



Veggie: Snap Peas

Fruit: Kiwi

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Broccoli------Carrots ----Kale ---Peas -------String beans-------Sugar Snap Peas--Romaine---corn ( especially the cob)

I stay with as many dark green veggies as possible. My birds will eat the above when they feel like it. Not everyday. They tire of veggies. Variety works.

Stuff like celery, cucumbers, iceberg lettuce has no value at all.

One of my birds won't eat any of the above. He isn't a veggie eater and has never been and I got him when he was well into adulthood. He'll never change. You should understand that many older birds who haven't been fed veggies may not accept all types, sometimes none.

Lots of fruit isn't good because it's acidic. Small amounts are fine.

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My gang love snap peas and my house plants. Well, I no longer have any 20-30 year old house plants but they do love snap peas. I also add peas and carrots into they scrambled eggs. I do not feed many fruits but they like freeze dried banana chips and also freeze dried veggies. I finely chop their fresh spinach and add it to their scrambled eggs sometimes. I do also chop up fresh veggies with my electric chopping appliance and feed this "chop" to them a couple of times a week at least. have to be very sneaky to get fresh veggies in my flock. I also throw in a teaspoon of red palm oil for the little darlins.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My Grey (Simon) and my lovie (Oboe) are enthusiastic eaters and they'll try anything. I'm always looking for new foods for them to try. The latest is sunflower sprouts - a big hit. They also love peas, broccoli, purple cabbage, zucchini, and various other veggies. Variety is the key. If I give them carrots every day, they'll get bored with them.


Kazoo, my amazon, lived on pellets and peanuts for the first 13 years of her life. She's been with me for a year and a half now. At first she didn't want anything to do with her breakfast offerings, which consist of veggies, nuts, seeds and fruits. But then, gradually, after a few weeks, she started finding things she liked in there, and then she got braver and tried other things. She may never be as adventurous an eater as Simon and Oboe, but she loves breakfast time now, and she has made a lot of progress. Her favourite veggie is broccoli and her favourite fruit is apple.

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Ellie is fanatical about corn on the cob. I give her a half inch (1 cm) slice (I don't want to give her too much corn) and she goes to town. She has a lot of fun getting the corn off of the cob and then tears up the cob. Dinner theater!


She seems to eat her veggies better if I give them to her while she is on her window perch in the kitchen (while I'm there) versus from the bowl in her cage.


I probably should also give her different things every day. The problem is keeping the veggies fresh if I'm not using them every day. Ellie is a little bird (and my only bird) so she only gets a wee bit of each veggie each day...

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I see now thanks Doug , Ill have to get corn on the cob tonight to try him on it , i tried him with it out of the tin and he turned hes nose up but then i dont like it out the tin but love it on the cob,do you cook it first or raw??

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Doug's post is a good one, as a side note, rinse the corn in vinegar.[i'll get into that in a later thread]. Feed you fid fresh corn not caned or bagged, if you want to use frozen, read the ingredient's for salt and chemicals/preservatives, if the salt isn't to high you can soak and rinse it. Just because something is good for us,[humans] that doesn't mean it's ok for our fids....Thanks Jayd

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I see now thanks Doug , Ill have to get corn on the cob tonight to try him on it , i tried him with it out of the tin and he turned hes nose up but then i dont like it out the tin but love it on the cob,do you cook it first or raw??


I boiled it briefly (not as long as I would for myself) since someone mentioned that it was possible to have some type of fungus. I cut it into disks first before I boiled it.


Canned corn is a product of Satan. That stuff is distilled evil. I'd rather eat Spam... Just one man's opinion, of course...

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Canned corn is a product of Satan. That stuff is distilled evil. I'd rather eat Spam... Just one man's opinion, of course...


I cant stand it out of the can,i dont like frozen cob either


Just gave Archie a bit of fresh cob and guess what...he spat it out and walked away grrrr i really want to find something healthy this boy will eat!!

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