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Wings is correct, he was mimicking a burp. They Can't burp. I know for a fact when one time, I was giving my grey a drink form a glass of water that my kids left next to the cage. When she wouldn't stop drinking it, I mentioned that fact to my kids, it was like she never had a drink in her life and was dehydrated.....it was then that they told me it was sprite, that was on the flat side......I freaked out, it was the weekened, and had to call Tufts University Emergency Animal Hospital for advice as they aren't capable of burping. She eventually, threw it up several times and it got out of her stomach...

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LOL Ray P. I bet MY bird can fart louder than YOUR bird! LOL Sophie does all those unpleasant sounds. I always remind her to say " excuse me", as they are unladylike. Of course she never does! When I first got Sophie, she went in for her " well child visit", got a clean bill of health and was meeting her milestones. After being here for just one week, she started saying " ACHOOOOO". What did I know! I thought she had a cold, and made an emergency appointment with the avian vet. While seeing him, he had this " smirk". I asked him, is she sick? He explained to me, that birds don't say " achoo", when they are sick.Of course I was embarrassed! He couldn't help himself, as Sophie was flirting with him and being the prankster she is. Down right laughed! Told me, " Sophie made his day!" Nancy

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When you send your children to another family's house for dinner, you know you have done a great job when you get called and told " your kids are great! So polite, help with cleaning up, and say thank you". What call would I get, if I sent Sophie over for dinner? Your bird farts and burps, walks from plate to plate, throwing out what she doesn't want on the plate, leaves with no plans on helping with the dishes. Nancy

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  • 4 weeks later...

IDK know much on the previous owners but from the the first day I have had Fergie, when she is finished eating she burps, yesterday was her third week here, she also farts, or as the wife says toots. When she burps, I say do you feel better, yesterday morning one my teenage girls burped and Fergie said do you feel better.LOL

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IDK know much on the previous owners but from the the first day I have had Fergie, when she is finished eating she burps, yesterday was her third week here, she also farts, or as the wife says toots. When she burps, I say do you feel better, yesterday morning one my teenage girls burped and Fergie said do you feel better.LOL


Too funny!

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That's adorable. I'm afraid that my grey would fart, and burp. It would also probably sing the bean/farting song. "Beans, beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot. The more you toot, the better you feel, so eat some beans at every meal." My hubby's dad taught it to him, and he taught it to our kids. I must say the family I married into are very proud and open aired about their farts! LOL I will have to curb my cursing even more. No need to add that to the list.

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It's not an excuse if it's true...right?? lol



Exactly! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!


I've been listening to my kids and wondering what a very smart grey would pick up. Any visitors will be appalled! LOL One of my son's does this honking snort thing, my daughter always says "I'm bored", my youngest always says "I don't like that". Oh my! I'm in for a treat! LOL

Edited by DawnMM
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