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thats right .. and Marco was Jan 6th ... :D so we are totally going thru the same experiences. :D Kinda cool. Isnt it amazing seeing how much they have changed? Each week Im like :eek: HOLY SMOKES look how big he is or look what he can do. Brenda says hes starting to climb the sides of the cage :D

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my drive is about 100 miles give or take 1 way and I been squeezing out 2 visits on the weekend, but Im taking our lil 4banger beater car to try and save on gas a wee bit it has no power to it no heat and no ac lol ... but gosh dang gas is getting up there so high it just sucks :( I hope you have a really good visit Sunday! How long do you get to spend w/Oscar? I get in several hours each weekend, I swear Im like part of the family now of the petstore .... but it makes you feel good they greet you by your name and they even bought me lunch last week lol :D

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Well it's about a 45 minute drive one way. I have been spending close to an hour and a half but he hasn't been able to spend to much out of the incubator. Since he is out of it now maybe I can spend a little more time. He is from a breeder and he stays at her house. So I don't want to stay too long. Maybe I can start spending a little more time the next times I go. Since it getting close to him being weaned. I've been empaling her about an African grey for several months so she feels like family too. She is always waiting outside the door when we drive up.

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awww well that sounds absolutely wonderful! the owner of the petstore Marco is at STILL is taking them babies home everyyyyyy night with her! She did tell me she was tryin to ween them down from 3 feedings a day to 2 this week I hope that happens, just makes it all the more closer for him to come home lol. He is eating the Zupreem pellets a little bit, she always has food out for him, fresh water and he gets a little plate full of yummy fruits n veges every day. I think he samples everything and I dont think hes a fan of bananas so far but carrots and apples ....... watch out!!!!! he loves them

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I went to vist Oliver again today. I had a lot of fun. He is a lot more playful and starting to walk around. He even perched on my finger! I was so amazed he actually stepped up onto it. We played for a long time. He likes to chew my fingers. I guess that is just a baby thing, but he has a stong beak. He has grown a ton and has lots of feathers. I cant wait for him to come home. He is a great bird.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oliver's getting two feedings a day, breakfast and dinner, with a few snacks inbetween. He's 11 weeks old. He isn't flying yet but he LOVES to flap his wings like crazy. She said he has to eat by himself for two weeks before he can home. So I'm hopeing 4 weeks max. He likes to nibble on my fingers. It hurts pretty bad. I'm not sure what to do about that. Maybe it's just baby thing. But hes a great bird. Oh and he is fully feathered.

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Oliver's getting two feedings a day, breakfast and dinner, with a few snacks inbetween. He's 11 weeks old. He isn't flying yet but he LOVES to flap his wings like crazy. She said he has to eat by himself for two weeks before he can home. So I'm hopeing 4 weeks max. He likes to nibble on my fingers. It hurts pretty bad. I'm not sure what to do about that. Maybe it's just baby thing. But hes a great bird. Oh and he is fully feathered.

yeahhhh sounds like he is progressing well :D the last 4 weeks will fly by :D promise ... :D


marco bit me pretty good at the store the other day because a little girl ran up to her and tried to hand her a piece of food and she realllly reacted poorly so when i went to pick her up so she didnt bite the child she REALLY bit me pretty good twice ... I had to get off the couch and stand infront of her hiding the child for her to feel safe and get on my hand with no problems once the child was out of site. Im not realllllll happy bout that, its the second time ive been bit because of a child scaring her :( I dont know how to stop that, I spose Im glad my kids are grown but "some day" I'll have grandkids I wont want bit :( but I spose 1 day at a time I dont even have her home yet ... so I dont wanna over react just yet.

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Well oliver got moved into a smaller cage. She said he was losing weight because he wasnt eating by himself good. She said it was because of all the excitement of all the space. But she said it was nothing to worry about because she has done it plenty of times before. It just proves he is a big spoiled baby!

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