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I went to visit again yesterday. I cannot believe how much he has grown in the past two weeks! He is such a sweet baby and made a ton of noises. I cant wait to bring him home! The DNA results should be back tomorrow. I am going to keep all of my question and anything else in this one thread until he is weaned if that is ok. This first picture is from two weeks ago and the rest are from yesterday for comparision.









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He is adorable and yes they grow quickly, changing a lot from one week to the next, he is getting his feathers, his eyes are black, his beak is black and I just want to pick him up and squeeze his little pea pickin heart, baby greys are so special, thanks for sharing the pics with us.

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I am going to go ahead and ask this in preparation. Around July we will possibly go on a week long vacation to a cabin in the mountains. Its fine for the grey to go with us. I have an aviator harness I want to get him used to asap to make things a little easier. The cage would be practicly impossible for us to take with us so I will need something else. I have been thinking about the kings aluminum travel cage because it would be good to use later on. I am not sure if the medium sized one is big enough for him to stay in. We wouldnt stay away from the cabin all of the time and while we are there he can be out playing. We will go to different parks and things so he can go some places with us. I think it could be a good socialization learning oppurtunity for him and help us bond. What is your opinion?


Here is a link for the cage. http://www.kingscages.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=ATS1719

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I believe if you acclimate your grey to travel he can learn to love it! I would go with the larger aluminum cage as your grey should be able to spread his wings inside his cage. If your grey has to spend more than just travel time in the cage he should be comfortable and be able to comfortably move around and stretch his wings. Of course the more time a grey can be out of his cage the better. If your grey is anything like my two, they just enjoy being perched by a window and able to see and hear me. They love to follow me around from room to room. I love the sound of their flapping wings following me.

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The only problem I have with the larger travel cage is it seems so big that it would be incoveinent to use any other time. But I guess it would make a good place to put him when cleaning the cage. Plus I have can modify a cat carrier to use on short outing. He isnt even weaned yet so I will be thinking about it and see what others have to say.

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Waw! Your Grey is soooo cute! Can't wait to hear fi it as girl or boy! And how you'll name him/her. ;)

I've read in the NothernParrots site the commentaries on the King's Aluminium travel cage (Medium size), some buyer said that it is small for his African Grey. So I assume that it's great for travel but not for staying in for a long time. I will definately buy one later for our traveling. :)

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Does he look like an Oliver?

Looks like an Oliver to me, if that is what you want to name him then Oliver it is, he is a cutie but wish the shots were so we could see his face and not just the top of him, thanks for sharing them with us.

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Thanks! So would you get the larger size? I just have never seen it and I don't know if it is a pain to try to lug around. If anyone has actually been around one could you tell me what you think?


No, I think for traveling it's just fine. I have my travel cage and it's almost the same size as the King's one. Once I spent my one-week-vacation far away from home and took Sylia with me in her travel-cage. It was ok. She was a lot of time out of the cage in the room or outside with the harness (about 7-9 hours). But I can tell you that we (my hubby & I) were concerned about Sylia's wellbeing most of the time and did not pay enough attention on relaxing. It's just like taking a newborn baby on vacation with you. :)

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No, I think for traveling it's just fine. I have my travel cage and it's almost the same size as the King's one. Once I spent my one-week-vacation far away from home and took Sylia with me in her travel-cage. It was ok. She was a lot of time out of the cage in the room or outside with the harness (about 7-9 hours). But I can tell you that we (my hubby & I) were concerned about Sylia's wellbeing most of the time and did not pay enough attention on relaxing. It's just like taking a newborn baby on vacation with you. :)


Did you mean the 17x19 kings cage or the 20x29?

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