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how to go about socializing your Grey


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Hey again.


Any thoughts and advice on how to get your grey to socialize more.


My girl is a bit standoffish and doesn't like to be touched. She is only eleven months old. as she gets older, will she be more socialble especially if we just keep treating her like shes a member of the family? i interact more with her that any one else in the house. she knows my routine better than myself.....


still would love it if she was more confident and willing to please her self, like if she wants to sit on the soft blanket on the sofa, she just decides to do it.. I know she isn't a kitty,but heck, id be willing to give her that much freedom if she chose.



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Socialization is more of having all members of the household interact with and handle her so she is less likely to become a one person bird, letting visitors to the home talk and interact with her if she allows it and maybe taking her to places so she sees other people besides just the immediate family.


Some greys just don't like to be touched too much and some are cuddlers, my grey is the same as yours, she doesn't like to be touched too much and I have to respect that but she is a part of the household and I do interact with her the most, she will give my hubby kisses but usually won't go to him.

Take her with you when you sit down on the sofa and see if she will stay and be with you while you watch tv, she might and she might not, some are content to sit by for a while and some are more restless and want to roam and get into things, only you know your bird and what she likes.

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My TAG chooses whom she will go to and if there are people around she does not care for she just flies to the bird room. My CAG is friendly only to me, he will be a year old next month. He growls and screams if others go into his space. I do not invite others to touch my greys. My greys are the ones that choose who they like. I, personally, do not believe in making it easy for someone to steal my companions.

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Slater will step up for his immediate flock (me, my husband and daughters) especially if we have something he wants. He's also been know to fly to someone he barly knows I guess cause he thinks he might like them. He definitely wants to be right smack in the middle of whatever we are doing and wants to be the center of attention and all eyes on him. He's a mischief maker so I need to keep a close eye on him.

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Thankx fidsandfrats..Echoe is involved in the eveyday life of the whole flock as well, including our cat, Dasche, tho usually its to fuss him. I was worried that she wasn't a snuggle bunny. I realize now that she may never be, but I can see now she feels a part of the family. She's a bit jumpy, but not about other people, not even people walking on the street. I think i was seeing socializing as her being super friendly. I get it now.

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A Grey doesn't need to just socialize with you and family. They may need to share space with other animals. All greys are different. We offer them the opportunities to hang with the family introduce them to the rest of our animal world. We introduce them to friends, kids that come in the door. We offer them the oportunities to socialize, but they may opt out.We must respect that.

Many are working on socializing....BUT... there are some, that have the opposite problem! Such as me! I know it sounds crazy.... and who am I to complain,but as I get older, and will have two kids in college next year, I am looking forward to a more " quiet" existence. Sophie will NOT like it. Nancy

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