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This has me curious


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Recently our grey started doing this, almost like a cross between a yawn and almost like throwing up, but he never throws up. Just wondering if anyone had ever seen this before in their greys, and could give me a clue as to what might be going on? I have thought of everything from some kind of sickness, to some type of hormonal thing. Also he doesnt do it all the time, just every 4-5 days, and he never does it when I am interacting with him, only my wife, who is in the video, or if he is on the playtop to his cage..Thanks in advance for any help!


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A grey will do something like that especially when it's a baby. Your bird is a baby bird. The bird is regurgitating but I watched and watched and the frequency and regularity is telling me that there may be an obstruction and my advice is to go to a vet as soon as you can so the bird can be checked out.

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I egree with Dave too. I would go to a vet just to get an expert's opinion. But the fact he does that only with our wife and every 4-5 days made me think that maybe he considers your wife his mommy and is expecting her to feed him...? :)

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I would never wait if i see one of my birds doing that, i felt bad when i saw the video. It looks like he can't breath well or there is something stuck in his throat. Please get him checked by a vet. I hope he is alright and it's not a serious matter. He is so gorgeous btw :)

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Well as no vets offices were open today, I did talk to a lady who breeds CAGS, and she thought it was from being handfed, and young, she said they will do this sometimes, even for awhile after being weaned. She said she thinks he is just wanting someone to feed him. And if I do remember when we got our baby Senegal from the petstore, and she was doing something similar to this, and the guy in the petstore said it was from being handfed, and expecting food...Any ideas on this?

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  luvparrots said:
Perhaps if you spoon fed him some cooked oatmeal that might help. If he mimicing feeding that might solve things. If it continues I would take him to an avian vet as soon as posisble for a wellness check.


I will but will probably not be until at least Monday, and even then may be a few days before I can get him in..

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Luvparrots, has excellent advice. I watched the video twice. Of course, seeking an avian vet, is the first thing to do. Frequent yawning, is the first sign of respiratory distress. I didn't see this. I saw a bird that wants to be handfed. After ruling out health reasons, try an additional handfed mesh, twice a day. Kiki needed this, and exhibited the same symtoms. We continued to give her a " mesh", off a spoon for another three months. Nancy

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