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can greys overeat?


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I feel like Archimedes is a bottomless pit... and he's constantly hungry! He loves his mushy pellets (Tops pellets with a bit of warm water). He eats them so much that his crop just sticks out and is just completely solid... I don't wanna overfeed him... but he really likes his food...


oh and I only give him around 1 tbs at a time, because I don't wanna just leave the wet pellets in his cage (not that that's a problem for him)


and no... he doesn't like eating the pellets dry (I leave dry pellets in overnight, and he won't touch them)

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No, they can't overeat. Some eat more than others but their metabulism regulates the amount. It's extremely hard for a grey to gain weight. What you need to watch out for is when he doesn't eat. In other words, a drastic change from eating to only a little eating. When that happens the bird will become quiet, listness and is usually a sign of illness.

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Dave is sooo right! I have never seen my birds over eat! If they STOPPED eating, I would be concerned. Luckily, have not been to an avian vet, for past decade.If they are missing any vaccinations, please let me know, but I will NOT expose my birds to VRE, MRSA, C-DIFF! If there is a question about their weight, my trimmer takes care of their health. Trimming is all about nails and beak. Nancy

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  • 3 weeks later...

Varo has been eating like a maniac. He loves his pellets, the occasional peanut or almond, and especially CARROTS. Oh man, does he love carrots. Still, I can feel his keel sticking out. When I took him to the vet for an exam this past Monday, the vet even said he weighed a little bit under, but there was really nothing to be concerned about. Not sure why I can still feel his keel if he's shoveling food into his beak.

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If your vet is not concerned then you shouldn't be either, the main thing is to keep a check on his weight, start weighing him every day to get a baseline average then weigh him weekly to check on it, if he is losing weight then you can check with your vet but do provide food for him to eat whenever he wants as they are foragers, keeps pellets available all the time.

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