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Who here uses Myspace?


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I've been wondering how many people from here have a myspace page. So now we have a post to link to your myspace if you like. I figure it'll help with everyone getting to know each other, as I'm sure people tend to put more effort into their myspace bio than the one on here.


I'll start :P... myspace<br><br>Post edited by: CursingLlama, at: 2007/09/19 07:18

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Thanks for posting mustee, kharma for you! I just think it seems like most folks here would like to get to know each other better, so even if it hasnt' been updated in a while (like mine) I do have a decent amount of my interests listed there. Also I check it regularly for messages so it's a good way to get in touch with me. BTW like your layout, transformers was a great movie :D


Thanks again for the reply! And for the rest of you, I'd appreciate it if you'd post your's as well if ya have one ;)

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Yeah...That movie was soooo cool. I loved Barricade as the new Mustang. I'm thinking of changing my layout to a 300 skin though...that’s like the best movie ever!


I'm not able to look at yours though...it says it's under maintenance.


At first I was never going to start a myspace page, but when my brother went to Korea and my sister being on it so much I caved and made one. I'm actually glad I did because I have found old friends I never would have without it.

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Thats funny this is brought up. My niece made me a myspace. I didnt want it because I feel its a teen thing so I thought. My niece's household doesnt have a phone so when she said she goes over to friends house she uses their computers.She doesnt have an email address but she has a myspace account. She said since Im busy alot its a good way for her to just give me a heads up on things. I just want to make sure it doesnt have spyware though. Don't need for something to go wrong w/ this computer.

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Toni wrote:

I just want to make sure it doesnt have spyware though. Don't need for something to go wrong w/ this computer.


Myspace is 100% free and spyware free as well. They make their money from the advertising they do (which isn't really that noticable most the time anyway). There are a lot of people who aren't in the teens whom use myspace. A lot of bands have pages as well, so you can use it to keep tabs on where their shows are coming etc.

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Nice :) I haven't got a myspace page. I'm sitting near the cmomputer too much time as it is, if I'd have to attend to a personal page that would make that time even more :P

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I just signed up a few days ago and really need some friends to add to my list.



Like GorgAss, please put in there that you are from the forum.

Hope to see you all soon:)


Oh yea, I have found out it is super fun, too. :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/06/07 16:04

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It is an older thread but there have a couple new people join it. I did open an account of Facebook a few weeks ago but wasn't sure why I was opening so I closed it again. I guess I could reopen it:blink: I always seem to jump on the band wagons when everything is outdated:laugh:

Is facebook about the same or is it more complicated? More fun? I've been having a blast on myspace so far getting it all set up....It's been keeping me from my studies and I have tests tomorrow:ohmy: :S :whistle:

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I love Facebook Erika, its great fun with all the games and different ways to keep in touch with people. Just be sure to add people you know, I have had random people Ive never heard of requesting to be a friend, I just ignore these.


Give it a try!:P

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