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A Setback for Sam


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I posted last week that Sam made us laugh because he actually talked. I have had the flu and I was coughing and my voice was raspy. He kept saying " Have another cigarette".

He stopped that, but now he is terrified of me. I am sure it's my voice. He won't even take an almond from me, and has attempted to bite a few times.


I feel like I'm starting at day one with him, and it's not the easiest, because I'm really battling this flu. I sure hope it doesn't take us too long to become friends again. As it is he doesn't really care for me. I keep doing all the same routines, as best I can, but his eyes keep pinning and he won't interact with me at all. My husband has continued the night time routine of taking him out with us, and he seems fine with him so that makes me feel better.


Any suggestions?



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You should relax because when you tense up Sam "feels" it too. Things will settle down so relax and just get well.


Exactly, if this is upsetting you then it upsets him too so just take care of yourself and when your voice is back to normal then Sam will be back to his old self, hope you feel better soon.

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