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Visiting the Baby :)

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that is totally right :D you should be bringing your baby home soon too .... :D did you have oliver dna'd yet? i coulda swore I hada male but turned out Ms. Marco was quite female .. not that it matters much at all, either way we love her.


Yes we did, Oliver's a boy.

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WOO HOO Marco is not only totally paid off now BUT ....... she'll be coming home Friday April 6th :eek: OMG I CANT stand the wait !!!!!! I visited her yesterday ... yanno there are 5 CAGS there all ready to go home next week as well, when I saw 2 of the other parronts there getting their babies out of the cages both the others threw fits, squawked and screamed and the one even bit the lady and drew blood. The one parront asked me if Marco did that and I said uh.... uhm no, she just gets up to the open door climbs up and then steps on my finger no problem :confused: so hopefully that is bec100_0433.jpgause of all the time Ive spent with her. Im so ready for her to come home

She had her first shower yesterday and did REALLY w100_0419.jpg! YEAH!!!

Lots of new pics and vid's of the last visit posted at the website ... https://sites.google.com/site/marcosperch/



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I'm so happy for you! I sure will be happy when my turn comes. My baby was hatched on 11/13/11 and still is not ready. Oh well I won't rush after all we will have years together. Are you ready. Or do you still have things to buy for the home coming?

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hey hey ! :D thanks

oh goodness your baby was hatched way before mine :confused: why isnt it ready to come home yet? :confused: and yes true ... dont rush anything but that makes me curious. mine was hatched like dec 16th and she is eating on her own now and doing really well getting round, playing, and flying.

am I ready? shoot .. I feel like Im ready. I didnt go see her today just to stay home and clean and clean some more. I have 3 menz I live with that are mechanics so I have gone thru and put up the toxic aresols and stuff like that on counters and my nailpolish remover and just put things in cabinets that will be out of reach for Marco. taken all the candles and stuff out, cleans and mopped floors, wiped down walls and cobwebs lol :rolleyes: I really dont think I can be any more "ready".

i will leave work friday about noon and grab my friend and head out to the petstore ... we'll hang out there and get her all loaded up to come home! :D Ive gone thru the food and the toys and organized everything in the "food room" smiles I cant wait to get her home and have her exposed to the family. I even think they are finally a wee bit excited now too ... :D there will be LOTS of pics that nite so stay tuned lol ....

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She still loves her baby food. But the breeder said she should be ready by the 15th. I sure hope so. I have been looking at this large cage full of toys and this java tree for a month now. I'm on this forum all the time. Also I hate to admitt it but when it's time to leave her I tear up. Yep I do believe I'm ready for my little girl to come home.

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awwwww thats sweet! i just pray this week flies by ... I have ALOT to do for the bake sale this weekend on Thursday and Friday UGH! I just wanna be able to spend it with her but :( I cant until after the bake sale is over with then she'll have my undivided attention :D

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