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Visiting the Baby :)

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So this weeks visit went really well! Marco is sucha precious baby! AND ... this week he is being DNA'd .. .not sure how long it will take to get the results maybe they will be in by my next visit next saturday. *crosses fingers* Anyways ... we tried to work on "step up" this weekend. he did pretty well. The owner will stop taking the baby greys home every night and they are going from their "toddler cages" to big boy cages (kinda like the one I have at home) with lots of toys in them. He even has a swing in his cage that he managed to get on saturday for the first time! :D He has been weened down to 2 feedings a day and apparently out of the 5 baby greys Im the only parront that visits ... :eek: I have been told that Marco is very tamed and sweet compared to the other 4 that dont get handled on a regular basis. That makes me happy, that once I get home maybe Marco will atleast have ME that he will already know and I will be able to calm him and make his transition easier! :D least thats the goal! I find that Marco does not like it when there are alot of people in the store thats when he usually wants up close to my body, or when a train goes by. Today was great because he was running his beak up and down the side of my cheek. It made me smile. I even got some sweet kisses in!





Edited by aerial.2000
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How exciting!! My baby is an egg right now and they live at least 2 hrs away so I won't be able visit very often. :( I also don't care if my baby is a boy or girl but intend to DNA. It's good to know and I would like to pick a name accordingly. :o)



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How exciting!! My baby is an egg right now and they live at least 2 hrs away so I won't be able visit very often. :( I also don't care if my baby is a boy or girl but intend to DNA. It's good to know and I would like to pick a name accordingly. :o)



awww that is quite some drive but if you do get out there a few times it will be a great experience for you both! :D I put my deposit down on an egg too ... the petstore said that greys would only be available for a few weeks after they come in before they are ALL on deposit and man they sure werent lying! :eek: so I thought it was best to get my deposit in there before he was even hatch. Now the name thing? The petstore owner n teasing me what I was going to do if Marco did come back a girl ... and I said uhm ... name her Marco :-s LOL (man that is sure gonna screw up my you are a pretty BOY thing however) laffs....... :rolleyes: Ive been calling him a boy since January now I'll probably give my poor baby a complex LOL .. results SHOULD be in this week! man its a nail biter!!!!

Woo, boo! Those dark eyes are so mesmerizing!
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when do they change?
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LOL I know rite? I am so stuck on Marco ... sheesh! I will probably change it I mean she wont konw the difference ... My gf at work was giving me tons of "M" girl names and Molly was cute and Marley but then I think of the dog in the movie LOL hahahah ... what to do what to do. :)

And Dave Id rather keep my story in 1 thread not in 5 different ones if that is ok with the Moderator Gods. People come here to see the updates on Marco and I dont fill up 8 different threads with progress on her :) thats all. Not only that lol makes it easier for ME to find as well ...

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well thanks :D the pet store posted a super sweet pic of Marco and 2 other grays they took today! check it out !! 466757_10150634895603149_281273443148_9487336_194027579_o.jpg


I dont know which end is Marco but one of them is her. Infact either end is Marco and her hatchmate who also tested out a female as well. I think that is an awesome cute pic !!! :D The store owner was so excited to call me with the DNA results today and to tell me about the pic on FB~!

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well I did find out in the picture of the 3 babies above ..... the one with "Her" mouth open squawkin about is Marco LOLOL ... go figure :rolleyes: bossy already hahahahah...


SO heres my news ....... Marco comes home APRIL 7th !!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited I cant stand it lol. After my visit this weekend, she is now 48 hours off the feedings and doing well. Eating like a lil oinker lol :D doing really well with being handled! Infact they said shes the tame'est out of all the 5 cuz Ive spent so much time with her on the weekends she just steps up on my hand from the cage no problem she loves being out and playing with her toys and I really feel that she totally knows me now, I can see her get excited when I approach the cage.


The petstore allowed me to set up her NEW and final big girl cage. Its super big like the one she'll have at home she took to it really well when we left Sunday didnt make any fuss at all with the new location or toys. I brought hubby up there with me and she DID fuss about that a wee bit lol. But he worked with her until she was comfortable and I think he'll do fine once shes home :D The petstore owners were telling me how much they are going to miss me going up there and sitting ALLLLLLLL day with them lol :o and invited me back with Marco to play with any of the other babies they have. That was great!


2 more weeks .... I hope they hurry!!!!!!! oh and I have tons of new pics and videos at the website if you havent looked lately ... :Dhttp://sites.google.com/site/marcosperch/

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that is totally right :D you should be bringing your baby home soon too .... :D did you have oliver dna'd yet? i coulda swore I hada male but turned out Ms. Marco was quite female .. not that it matters much at all, either way we love her.


That's great news! Congratulations! This means my Oliver isn't going to be much longer.
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