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He spoke


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I've had the flu and my voice is really raspy...... out of no where, Sam keeps saying "Have another cigarrette"



I guess this might be a clue that his former owner smoked and had a raspy voice. It's pretty funny, since he likes to whistle and we still can't get him to speak to us. We were completely shocked, but praised him and made a big deal of it, hoping he'd open up more and start speaking.




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Getting Gracie was my motivation to quit smoking. I haven't lit up since she came home! Halelujah! We are both better for it. Since she is likely to live fifty years, I want to be around for as much of that as possible.
i quit too :D when i put down my deposit on my lil egg lol he wasnt even hatched yet ... but i figured those few hundred dollars a month can be put to good use in buying things I need for my new baby :D and hubby even quit so ;) thats even more savings :D plus i just feel bettter


GREAT job JeffNOK! Quite an accomplishment! We are all proud of you! I smoke... do so outside. All of us smokers MUST be careful, NEVER to smoke in the house, and should wear a " robe", to cover our clothes. Also, never allow a bird to check out our mouthes after smoking. Nancy

great advice :D

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