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How to teach my Timneh to talk?


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Hello everybody,

My Angel is 4 months old, I've had him for about 3 weeks now. He is such a sweetheart and is adjusting to his new home very well. He plays with his toys, and seems to be having a good time. Our bonding is going well also based on; He will step up, enjoyes being out the cage, he doesn't bite me anymore, He allows me to touch him in certain places. And he always squawks to get my attention when he sees me or hears my voice.

I want to start training him to do some tricks and to talk. And was wondering around what age is the best to start training? As far as vocalization goes he is pretty quiet through out the day unless he's calling for me. I talk to him everytime I pass by his cage and he responds with a little sqealing. I've heard that if greys mumble or vocalize throughout the day they our most likely the ones that will talk. Angel practices vocalizing probably about once or twice a day for about 5 mins. He makes all kinds of sounds and mumbles like he's trying to talk. It's really funny and exciting to hear, until he starts making growling sounds which can be a little scary :-)

I set up his cage in my living room close to our t.v which he likes to watch.

Is their other things I can do to encourage him to talk? I was considering buying some of the training cds but I'm not sure they really work.

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At 4 months of age he has plenty of time to talk yet, my grey didn't talk until she was a year old. The fact that he is mumbling is the beginnings of learning to talk, he has to practice a lot before he finally utters a recognizable word so be patient. I never played any training cds to encourage Josey to talk, if they are gonna talk and a few greys choose not to, they will learn from the conversations going on in the household on a daily basis or hear from the tv or radio. They are especially attracted to words and sentences with inflections or words said with emphasis such as when one utters a dirty word so be careful of what you say that you don't want repeated.

Just sit back and enjoy for it seems like Angel will be talking soon enough.

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I would not suggest buying the bird training CD's, in my own opinion they are a total waste of money. Maybe some people recommend them, but i defiantly don't. I purchased an entire collection of the bird training CD's and i would sit in my living room on a daily basis with my Amazon trying to teach him the words off the CD. I would leave them on when i went out and eventually he started screaming as im sure the CD's became annoying! I found that just us talking to one another and talking to him pick up words.


I cant speak from experience with an African Grey as i am a new mommy to a 20 year old grey who already had a vocabulary when i purchased her.


I wish you the best of luck, but give your baby some time and eventually he'll learn!


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I am not a fan of CDs. I believe our feather friends really want to be part of the family so I find mine watch me intently and try very hard to understand what I want and what I am saying. They pick up what they like. I have tried for three years to get my parrots to say, "Hello gorgeous" and not a peep. Stubbed my toe and let out a painful "Oh Sh..! and it was immediately part of my grey's vocabulary no problem! As for talking, there is no set time table. Whatever will be will be. So relax, talk to your baby and enjoy!

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All greyt advice here already! Yes, they will learn more than you can ever imagine just by allowing them to go at their own pace and to be an important part of the family atmosphere! Forget the 'training cd's. It's a waste of money in my opinion. You will be able to teach them things when they are more bonded, trusting and completely comfortable. And don't wonder when that will happen, if you allow it, it will happen on its own time, and you will know

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@greyturky, Judy, Thanks for the advice. Your birds are very beautiful. I used to have a cocatiel named Cali that looks just like your Gypsy. Sadly my beloved Cali flew away 5 years ago. I have always loved birds and miss her very much. So thats why I recently got Angel my Tag. I also have a sun conure named Sunny! Which I got 2 weeks ago while out buying some food for Angel at Petsmart. He/she is a year old. He actually knows how to say "Good Parrot" and "what, what, what?" He can also beep like my alarm, make kissing sounds and laugh. He likes to laughs at Angel to tease him when they're together, he sometimes takes his treats, or laughs when Angel falls in his cage. I always tell him that's not nice to laugh at Angel. They both have so much character.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am not a fan of CDs. I believe our feather friends really want to be part of the family so I find mine watch me intently and try very hard to understand what I want and what I am saying. They pick up what they like. I have tried for three years to get my parrots to say, "Hello gorgeous" and not a peep. Stubbed my toe and let out a painful "Oh Sh..! and it was immediately part of my grey's vocabulary no problem! As for talking, there is no set time table. Whatever will be will be. So relax, talk to your baby and enjoy!
HAHAHAHAHAH ... Im sorry but that was FUNNYYYYYYYY :D :D :D
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