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Fransis is eating like crazy


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Hi all.its been a long time since ive been on here.Ive have bought a new house and with the moving and all.Well you all know how that goes.but anyway.I changed Fransis food to those new Zupreem entrees The Wild and spicy one.And he is eating like a pig.I had him on the regular zupreem chunky food and he would eat a little and through the rest out.But now he is eating whole bowls full except the red kibbles...lol.i am having to cut his food back so he dosnt get fat on me.For those of you who dont remember me and Fransis he is 21 years old.And in the 20 years ive had him he has never eatin his food like he does this stuff.Has anyone else had any exp with the new zupreem diets.





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Hi Dinkanber,


Since you have had you Grey for 20 years, I have a question, rather than any advice. :-)


Has his wieght always been steady?


What was/is his diet such as base food, veggies, fruit, bean/grain mixes etc.?


With your years of experience, I am sure you can give some good advice too.


Thanks for the Tip on this Zupreem mix, I will pick some up as another of the abundant foods to offer my Grey. :-)


Dayo seems to like a little Zupreme fruity tropical.

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Yes his weight has always been the same.i cant remember off hand what it is.But he goes to the vet once a year and its always been within a few grams of the last time.

His diet has always been either Zupreem or the kaytee rainbow exact depending on if im at petco or petsmart at the time.,,,lol....I always have a bag of mixed nuts on hand as treats.i find if i give him some nuts with every ,meal he only will eat the nuts.He wont touch veggies.never has but he gets fruit about 2-3 times a week.he has always been a good eater,but he realy likes this stuff.And every now and then i will buy one of those meals that you cook up for them and he realy seems to like that as well.but i try to keep things like that on a moderate level because i dont want him not eating his regular bird food.

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Thanks for the information Dinkanber.


It sounds like you hit the Mmmmmm Mmmmmm good button with your Grey on that new mix. :-)


With 20 years under your belt with him, I would bet you have some interesting stories to tell and advice.


Thanks again for the reply to my question!!

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ok same goes here. Right now Dan you and I have babies but Alcazar is eating alot ! Im totally shocked from how it took along time for him to come home cause he wasnt eating. Everytime we turn around hes eating. Should I take away food like we do for our dogs? Since he is a baby is there really a too much?

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I wouldnt take it away if hes a baby.Let him eat.There are way to many bird out there that develop picky eating habbits.You dont want to trigger this.I mean if he is polishing off two bowls a day then i would cut it back but if not then leave it.As long as your not feeding a bunch of unhealthy things.Like too many seeds and nuts that are high in fat and your sticking to freash fruits and veggies and a good pellet food then you wont have anything to worry about.




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