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What's on your bucket list???


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Is there anything that you really really really want to do before you leave this world? Dreams? Wishes? Lifetime achievements? If so list your goals in life: Here are mine.


Learn to swim

Visit Greece and Ireland

Not owe personal debts to anyone

Leave having accomplished something good for others

Find good forever homes for my birdies

Feel good about my life with no regrets

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I want to make sure my family is taken care of if I pass before I should

I want to make sure my husband and kids know how much I loved them

I want to visit Madagascar

I want to own a farm house with my husband, and have horses, chickens, a llama, cats, dogs, and my birdies. Also want to have a "collection" of oddities in the yard, such as random hubcaps, and windmills ect made out of coke cans LOL


There are others, but this is it for now. Most of all I just want to spend as much time with my family as I can...nothing in life is more important than that.

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"Also want to have a "collection" of oddities in the yard, such as random hubcaps, and windmills ect made out of coke cans LOL"


Come on... you are from the south - throw in a couple of pink flamingos, tractor tires as planters and a couch on the front porch.

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"Also want to have a "collection" of oddities in the yard, such as random hubcaps, and windmills ect made out of coke cans LOL"


Come on... you are from the south - throw in a couple of pink flamingos, tractor tires as planters and a couch on the front porch.


Hahahaha! So true. We had decided a long time ago to just have the weirdest things we could find... I would love a tower of used tires. The possibilities are endless! LOL


Speaking of pink flamingos...I watched Gnomeo and Juliet with my kids awhile back... I love the pink flamingo, and cried so hard when he lost his flamingo wife....every time I see a flamingo I think of him LOL

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This thread is funny with the farmhouse, the horses, chickens etc. the tractor tires and tractors..........I say this because YOUR wishes are my worst nightmare..........you see, I was married to a vegetable farmer, lived in an old farmhouse, had the horses, free range chickens, a pig, cows, etc. Always had the tractors, farm equipment everywhere, the dust always coming in thru the windows of my house, ( cause of course, old farm houses don't have AC, or enough current to run one....I would open the windows in the summer.:( I had the mud constantly being tracked into the house and when my 4 kids were little, it was soooo hard to keep the floors clean while they crawled around. Then we grew the farm and had over 30 employees working, they had to park their cars somewhere, eat lunch somewhere...it was ALWAYS in my yard!!!

Things became so bad, my daughter wouldn't swim in our pool because of the people around gawking, my kids weren't comfortable playing outside, nor was I. We were watched, had NO privacy, and that is the tip of the iceberg.

Thus after 20 years, I bought my own house on a quite road,trees all around, privacy, built a horse barn and moved myself, my kids and our horses out of the farm house into a NEW house (clean) without the husband! Now divorced, NEVER do I miss the farmhouse, the tractors, the mess everywhere!!!!!


There! Got that out... Just be careful what you wish for! LOL!

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Oh Boy... Don't get me started !!! Yes, 150 yr. old Victorian home - field stone/mortar foundation, sistern, 12 ft. ceilings, 5 BR, 2-story.. No air !! finally put window AC in living rm, closed french doors & cooled off. Yes, major dust from having windows open. We had too much privacy out in the country all alone.. Always something!! Grew, harvested & took corn to the mill to grind. Tractors, birthing calves, pitching hay & straw. Hubby was a fireman -- every 48 hrs. alone w/ kids for 24 hrs. Good for teaching them responsibilities & all of us had our own chores..... Think one of the toughest days was walking in snow up to my crotch 500 ft. to the barn, shoveling open the door (Mich. blizzard -15 degrees) to feed the animals at 4am...

Yes, be careful what you wish for !!!! Wouldn't have missed it for the world !!

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"Think one of the toughest days was walking in snow up to my crotch 500 ft. to the barn, shoveling open the door (Mich. blizzard -15 degrees) to feed the animals at 4am..."


See if you lived down South that would have been up hill both ways to the barn and you would have been barefoot.... :)

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Yup, been there done all that. A single mom while husband worked all the time and was never home...Had to be the one to shovel all the snow on front of the barn doors and chip away at the ice so you could open them to get in and feed the animals....:)

It is fun for a while, but gets old as you get older....

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HAHAHAHA! This thread has me cracking up!!! Penny, you do have a good point. I will be telling hubby it must be a new house, central air is not negotiable, and we will not be farming anything at all. It sucks that your ex didn't care about how you and the kids felt when all of this was going on, or at least that is how it sounds. I was with a guy like that for 8 years, thank God I never married him... my husband is a wonderful man. He takes such good care of his family, and I pity anyone that would ever even think of hurting me or our kids...wouldn't be pretty LOL. He does work a lot...60+ hours a week, but crams it into 5 days a week to have time to spend with us, and when we are both home together we work as a team.


You are awesome though Penny because you took control and improved your life, and the lives of your children. You sound like a good mama :)

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  • 3 years later...

I've got a few odd things on my bucket list, and one of my top ones, I accidentally crossed off! --well, at least, half of it ;D

Ride a horse bareback at full tilt. Very short version of the story is we were out riding bareback, he spooked, and he bolted all the way back up to the house. I didn't fall when he turned on his heels or when he was racing over the grass, but rather, when he stopped on the small gravel driveay! Ouch >.<


Still on my list is to be able to ride him without tack, and with that, to have more time to be able to trip up and visit him. I'm amazed we have the relationship we do from the few times I can make the six hour trip to see he and the family he lives with.


Still on my list;

Own horses someday,

Find my 'niche' in a job I love,

Snowboard in Colorado with a friend,

and visit some of my penpals, one of whom lives all the way over in Indonesia.

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- Build Marden's Ark into a sustainable foundation that will give large, flighted homes to its residents where they can live in as close to natural settings as possible.

- Change the hearts and minds of as many people as I can to encourage compassion and RESPECT towards the animals we share our lives with.

- Promote fostering positive interactions, trust and better relationships between humans and their animal companions


Everything else I could think of pales in comparison to that first "bucket" goal.

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