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Spending *Quality Time* with your parrot?


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What constitutes as Quality time spent with your parrot? Personally, I have 2 scenarios. One would be when I have a parrot on me and I am fully engaged with interacting with them. The other scenario does not necessarily involve physical contact however all of my parrots are out of their cages and in the same room as me (usually flying about and getting into trouble). I may be be verbally interacting with them. I may not be, however my mind is fully present with them and I am aware of what their doing and not preocuppied or distracted by other matters. How about you guys?

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For quality time here I love to play games with them...a favorite in my home is peek-a-boo. We also enjoy dinner time together, and of course showers. My fids are out of their cages ALL day, and I do interact with them as the day goes on. I like to talk to them and tell them what I am doing...they usually ask me anyhow, so I answer them. Sometimes I have full blown one sided conversations with them. They really are great listeners :) I am sure to say "be right back" if I go into the kitchen to get a drink, and I tell them what I am going to do.


I guess I consider my one on one play, and interaction with an individual fid "quality time". The other things, like speaking to them as a group and so on, I would just consider that spending time with my fids.

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I'm retired and so my parrots and I have lots of one on one time. The are out all the time unless I leave the home, or there is someone/stranger or something going on that it is safer for them to be in their cages or in their room. There are times they go into another room to have alone time. My fids are all independent and confident little stinkers. I keep an eye on them all day long.

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Some times when I am sitting in my recliner and not doing anything special I can look over and see Cricket on the arm of the recliner preening her feathers and Corky is on the back rest of my recliner climbing around and going back and forth from the recliner to my shoulder and chattering away. Some times just being in each others presents is quality time.

There are times you don`t have to do anything to enjoy each other just be there. Other times we play our little games or we sit and talk. Any time you connect with your fids weather it`s physical or emotional is quality time.

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  lovethatgrey said:
What constitutes as Quality time spent with your parrot? Personally, I have 2 scenarios. One would be when I have a parrot on me and I am fully engaged with interacting with them. The other scenario does not necessarily involve physical contact however all of my parrots are out of their cages and in the same room as me (usually flying about and getting into trouble). I may be be verbally interacting with them. I may not be, however my mind is fully present with them and I am aware of what their doing and not preocuppied or distracted by other matters. How about you guys?


Both scenarios are interactive.

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  lovethatgrey said:
Dave, I know they are both interactive.;) Those are my two *personal*examples. What are yours?


Well, I guess *personal time * is different for people. ym greys are always around me so whatever they do is up to them. Sometimes they fly onto me and i pet them. One of them flies over and wants to bite my bird shirt and chew the collar untill I pet him. Sometimes they just hang out together but they're still around me. They seem comfotable that I'm busy doing things *in their area*. They don't overly excited if I pet them. They do get excited when they hear fumbling aound that container of almonds and they hear the nut cracker in it. Understand that all my birds are adults---10---13---17 yrs old. So, I can't answer your question. All of them have gotten past that *quality time*AGE.

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I love playing peek-a-boo with Isaac. I will hide behind a corner and pop out and say 'Peek-a-booo' to him. Sometimes I will pop out and wait for him to say it...and he does. Most of the time, Isaac is somewhere near me preening or watching what I am doing. He doesn't like anyone touching his toys or his "perceived" toys. Any time I am home, I feel like I am spending quality time with him especially since he is the only one there with me most of the time. I tend to think and talk out loud to him so he is always hearing me. I must tell him how much I love him with a great big smile as I am feeling it a hundred times a day. Every time I look at him he reminds me of what is good in my life. I think making sure that Isaac has everything that he needs would constitute quality time. He just seems to like being close to me. Perched on my knee preening while I am watching a movie. I will help him out a little by rubbing his head and giving scratches.

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I look forward to my time with AnnaBella ALL day! I can't wait to come home from work to be with her. Our time varies. I think our favorite is her sitting on my legs...going back and forth from my legs to the leg rest of the couch. She'll climb up to my stomach and chest and sometimes on the back of the couch. We chat, she likes to chew on paper. We play with foot toys. She loves her new cell phone. It's a child toy so I only allow her to play with it with me. Someone else said this too...I always tell her what I'm doing, where I'm going, etc. I think that's why she's got such a big vocabulary. Sometimes we watch birdie videos on the computer. I don't know if she can really understand what she's seeing, but she likes listening anyway. Sometimes we just sit and I give her scritches. Sometimes we just sit...and sit. Ha. I'm always looking for new things to do with her, thanks for creating this thread!

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I have had my CAG Gracie a little over three weeks. She is very independent and not a cuddler. BUT she is very vocal and playful. I have three main ways of spending quality time with her. The first is handfeeding her. She is fully weaned, but she still enjoys being hand fed. I usually do this twice a day and she sits on my hand while I feed her. Although I give her treats from time to time, she just loves when I hand feed her. No matter where she is or what she is doing, when she sees that I have formula prepared for her, she steps up and enjoys about 15 minutes of intimate time with me. The second thing we do is play with toys together. I am a sucker for buying toys for Gracie, and she is always interested in anything new. Whenever I get a new toy, I introduce it to her and play with it a bit. Then we take turns playing with it together. Gracie loves her toys--she plays and plays for hours nonstop either chewing or battling them. The third way I interact with Gracie is vocalizing with her. Gracie is a very chatty fid. She loves to sing and squawk and chatter. She says something and I respond--back and forth--sometimes for an hour or more. It is so cute as we try to imitate each other. I find that when we do this, she is very focused on me. We are engaged in an exchange of communication, and it's really fun.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Dave007--I was a little confused by your comment saying that all your greys were older and beyond the "quality time stage". Could you comment on that? I'm completely new to birds, but I envsion having quality time with Gracie 'til death do us part'. I would assume that as intelligent, social animals, quality time would not be something that they would outgrow.

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Our quality time is playing, singing and cuddling. My TAG is really funny and I love playing with him. And when he learned a new trick, I just see his selfconfident grow and that makes me so proud!

This week we were waiting on the train and he was just sitting on my knee, whistling and talking. My parrot is such a cutie and I love to go on advertures with him.

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  shanlung said:
What is quality time?

I wondered about this some time ago.

And as said in there,

maybe time just cannot be counted. How can one measure what is in the heart.


Riamfada freeflight hide&seek // When I am with her, am I with her?




*Quality time* is when people who work all day or are out all day finally come home and spend quality time with their bird like playing, giving treats, cuddling etc etc. Quality time is interacting with the bird. It has nothing to do with what's in the heart. It's the same thing that people do with their dog or cat after being away for a certain amount of time. It also concerns the amount of time that a person interacts with a bird when home. Read the responses and you'll find out what people consider to be quality time. It's different for all people and depends on their situation.

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I am also retired so Misty, who I think is nearly nine, and I spend a lot of time in each others company. Some times he sits on my shoulder and snoozes or has a gentle preen whilst I am on the computer. But one of my favorit things is in the evening and I am watching TV and Misty comes and sits on my knee. He will sometimes watch as well and if it is a comedy program he often joins in the laughter! I don't really think he gets the jokes! Otherwise he just sits and looks at me with what I like to imagine is adoration although I could be kidding myself ;)


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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"quality time" appears to be an Americanism I guess I have to accept.


Come to think of it, that is not even an Americanism as I never came across that term used by authors like Mark Twain , FS Fitzgerald, TS Eliot, John Steinbeck, E Hemingway, unless those authors are not Americans.


Q time appeared only about 10 years ago. A term I never quite got to grips with.


But thank you for doing your best to educate perhaps the uneducatable.

And for telling me Q time has nothing to do with the heart at all.


To each their style with birds, or with words.

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Truly, when I walk in the door, Sophie is on my shoulder within five minutes. Kiki, seeks Sean out, and she is on his shoulder. Sunny wonders where everyone has gone, so now he wants out. We do alot of bird juggling.Sophie has accepted my " adopted son", a friend of Ryan, that spends alot of time here. I was surprised to see her on his shoulder this week. He commented... he has spent alot of time with her, when I was at work. Now she thinks he's " great!" Our home is soooo crazy! I have been careful, that birds are introduced to people they feel they can trust.They all, do really adjust quickly to anyone I trust. Nancy

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