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He Thinks I am Going to Hurt Him


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Quick help for any one that has good training skills or just can help! Sunny he thinks I am going to hurt him. Lately I have been trying to get him out of the cage but he seems fearful. Once I get him out he perches on my hand then immediately he flies away from me like if I was going to hurt him and sometimes he gives me a warning. He also makes that scare scream like while he’s on my hand. I hope explained this issue in the matter that you understand. Thanks in advance….

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sounds to me like your are trying to rush him into liking and trusting you. You can't force yourself on him. You have to give it time and be very patient. Sit next to his cage and talk softly, read books share your food. Let it be his idea, to come to you. The more you rush, the longer it will take. Grey's are slow to take to much anything. I assume you haven't had him long. Just time and patience.

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I have three parrots, two I have had since they were weaned by their breeders. I never take my parrots out of their cages. I always let it be their choice. As Shelly stated, you can't rush anything. A grey has to want to be with you.

Edited by luvparrots
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Very good advice, I always ask after I open the door, and then let them walk or climb out, only then do I offer my hand and say " do you want to step up?" always let it be their choice. After all, it's THEIR space, THEIR bedroom, they will respect and trust you more if you dont force it on them.

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Those two words we all preach here, "time and patience" is what you need as you cannot force a grey to do what they don't want to and if you push for more than they are willing to give then you only set yourself up for heartbreak. Another thing is most greys view their cage as their safe zone and do not like any intrusion so allow him to come out on his own and ask if he wants to step up, make it an enjoyable experience that he will want to come to you.

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Everyone has given you such fantastic advice here. You are not going to be able to rush anything. Forcing the issue will only break the trust you have built so far. Go to the cage, talk to him, give him treats from your hand, but do not grab him. Let him make the choice to come out, like the others have said. Trust me, he will eventually thank you for allowing him to make his own choices.

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Yes, Thanks so much I just experieced what you said. I opend the door of his cage and he flew to my shoulder and he wanted me to pet him :). I just have to be patience. Thanks again....


That is such an excellent example of what can happen when we allow our birds the freedom to make choices! Congrats!!!

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