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Rikki the Menace!


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Today, I was doing a thorough cleaning of the bird cages since my running accident 3 weeks ago. I have a severely sprained left wrist. ( I am left-handed). Up until now, I had done only the necessary cleaning to get by, so they needed a FULL out clean!!

It was taking much longer than expected, so I stopped for a quick bowl of yogurt for lunch. I left the bowl on the kitchen table to go back to cleaning as NIlah was still licking (yes, she licks the bowl like a dog) the bowl. :rolleyes:


Thus the story begins: Rikki as many of you know, is famous for throwing EVERY dish onto the ceramic floor to hear them explode! :cool: (corelle dishes explode when they do break) Well.......a while later, I hear CRASH!!! :eek: BUT.....this is one of the few times it didn't break! HA!!!! I thought, Ha HA on you Rikki!!! :P:p

Well, a while goes by, I am still scrubbing away, fighting with Nilah who thinks every cage is HERS, and it is her job to make sure I NEVER touch them! :mad:

Next thing I hear.....is a bowl trying to be broken....... Well, let the video tell the rest of the story. Hope you enjoy!! ( there are 2 videos)




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Hahahahahahahahahaha, what is it about the sound of a dish breaking that they get so much enjoyment out of?

Dayo does the same thing. We have to watch any dishes out or they will go splattering to the floor as well. :)


Finally...success!!!!! Go Rikki....Go Rikki....Go Rikki :P

Edited by danmcq
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You guys all made me laugh with you comments, suggestions and stories! Is comforting to know I'm not alone in the dish breaking olympic games! Rikki is the only one of my parrots that MUST do this, so I thought it was just her bizarre personality. It will give me more patience knowing when she breaks a plate or dish, somewhere here on our forum, someone else is going thru the same thing....hee hee!

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Loved your 2 videos... Rikki sure likes her game !! I think I'm glad Roscoe doesn't venture into the kitchen yet !!!


The closest we come to Rikki's expertise is listening to quarters bouncing on the stone fireplace hearth... There's something about loving the sound of two objects hitting each other over & over & over !!! He also has two small stainless steel bowls sitting in the bottom of his cage with foot toys & treats in them. Roscoe LOVES to pick them up like Rikki does and listen to metal hitting metal...


Wow... I shutter to think of how much less clean up I have than you LOL !!!!

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Perhaps I should post a video of Ana Grey testing Newton's theory of gravity. She can send more things off the top of a refrigerator in five seconds than any grey!!! Good thing about it, I have the cleanest refrigerator top in North America!!!


Please do Janet.

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Egad! The tenacity, the determination, the strength and the noise! As I wish for flight and courage for Gilbert, now I am wondering about that strategy. LOL. Not really, Rikki was glorious in her quest for a crash. I think you should send that clip to Corning to use in advertising. Tough enough to withstand lots of bangs, but keep away from the African grey.

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Hahaha.... Great videos! And god forbid she would cut herself by walking on that broken pieces!!-she just flew away when the job was done. It is somebody's else job to clean that up! Hahaha! What a character!

My Zak loves to throw coffee mugs from the counter. In our last apartment he threw 5 mugs, some with tea still in them, some empty :S Lol

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Yrs, Rikki is good about not going near the broken pieces. When my kids start whining, "mom, we only have 2 bowls left.... I go to the Corelle website and reorder the ones that she broke so we have enough instead of buying new sets....

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Yrs, Rikki is good about not going near the broken pieces. When my kids start whining, "mom, we only have 2 bowls left.... I go to the Corelle website and reorder the ones that she broke so we have enough instead of buying new sets....


Now I understand. Rikki has shares in Corelle. Very canny are Greys!


Steve n Misty

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I want to have a talk with Rikki about his actions and what he has done to my Ana Grey!!!!! Remember I said that she was on my shoulder going "uh oh" whiling watching the bowl break in the second video. Well last evening I was watching TV and I hear crashing in the kitchen. I rush in and see Ana Grey leaning over the countertop, head tilted sideways looking down at the many shards of glass bowl on the kitchen floor. I quickly told her if she says "uh oh" she would be one sorry little gir. Then I dutifully cleaned up the broken glass while giving her what for. Thanks Penny.

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