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Wow, I feel really bad now that the weather in Israel has turned quite nice after this suffocating summer and you guys are still either captured in the heat or the cold :ohmy:

We haven't had rain since the beginning of May - so it would be nice if someone could blow those rainclouds into the direction of Israel :cheer:


Have a nice all B)

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I want rainclouds too!!! It has rained 2 times in the past year at that is not enough for me!!!!


Plus we are in a severe drought and the local govt. is threatening to turn off people's water if they go over their alloted limit!! Where are the rain gods when you need em B) B) B)???

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Good morning ev1 it's 8:45 am rise and shine on this cool dull drizzling day in SW Ontario. I have been up since 6 am but feel like crawling back in bed with this kind of weather, depressing. Well hope you have a great day everyone, talk to you soon.:)



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Yesterday it was overcast here, and you saw actually some people walking around wearing a coat, mistaking the lack of sun for cool weather. Well, it was still warm :silly: Wonder what today is going to bring. They promised rain, but looking at the clear blue skies and shining sun......... I have my doubts about that.



Have a very good day ya'all :kiss:

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Well said Joe :-)


It's a little cool here this morning at 48, but supposed to be 72 this afternoon. There is also some Fog starting to form now after the recent rains and will only get worse as winter arrives. We have several days of zero visibility here in the San Joaquin valley in the winter that spans 100's of miles......I hate driving in it, but must to get to San Jose. There is always big multiple car pile ups out here in the winter on the Freeways.

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I guess it will be a long day for you Tracy, why not spend some of it here with us.:P


It is 1:18 pm and I am goofing off at work again.:blush:


It has been cloudy here all day and I think there is rain in the forecast, we need it very much. It is warm, in the 70's but a little cooler at night, very nice weather for walking.:cheer:

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