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Shadow's Gift


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As many of you know, my relationship with Shadow is tentative. She does not dislike me, but I have come to accept that I am not her favorite person and as such, do not get the same privileges as my DH. However, today she decided to give me the best post Christmas gift ever! I was playing peekaboo with her under her cage and she decided to hop off and walk across the floor to be closer. This is not unusual except that she walked right up to me sitting on the floor and rubbed her head on my hand and GENTLY beaked me and then continued to rub her beak over my closed fist. I was completely shocked because a lowered head usually ends up in me getting a bite. I was so excited I grabbed the sunflower seeds and continued to sit with her gently taking seeds from my hand and continuing to gently beak my fingers (I think my chocolate colored nail polish looked a bit like a seed). I am so proud of her for being so gentle, and look forward to the next time she decides to bestow me another such gift. Hopefully before next Christmas...but I will be waiting, patiently!

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Yes, Yes, Yes !!! It's absolutely the best feeling in the world !!!!

Until a few wks. ago, a bowed head meant a possible sucker bite also... Then to my surprise, he let me pet the top of his head... Now, nightly for at least an hour, beak rubbing, nudging, scritches, Roscoe & I enjoy each other too!!! Shadow will be back for more !!

It's cute how they beak your finger, get in a little petting, beak your finger, more lovin'...I'm not quite sure what they're doing but seems to be a grey-thing. Occasionally, he starts to bite down instead of holding my finger.... Another member really helped me out by suggesting while I was petting to say, "Gentle...". Now, when he starts getting rough, I say Gentle & he will stop, rub my finger w/ his beak & close his eyes w/ his head turned for more !!!

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I am still wallowing in the joy of her gift! Today she did her walk across the floor...stepped up and wanted to hang out on my arm for a while. Then she hopped up on the counter and helped with the dishes. Seems she just wanted to be near by, as I was standing at the counter getting coffee and breakfast. Thank you all for your continued encouragement it means a lot!

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CLB... as shadow has shown you, baby wants to be with you, next time he wants to hang, watch you do dishes, have a bottle of bubbles ready! Show baby something amazing! Start blowing bubbles... say " Pop!" Sophie found that amazing! Once she got past her " aww" state, she started chasing bubbles on the countertop! Soooo much fun! Nancy

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Well, I can't believe I am saying this so soon, but the gifts keep coming!! Although Shadow will bathe in her water bowl, she does enjoy an occasional shower with my hubby. However, today, I was showering early in the day and thought it a good time for a shower so that it wouldn't be too chilly. So, I had my hubby deliver Shadow to the shower after I was in and ready.....she actually does enjoy this showering and kept looking up at me ( she has a little stool she stands on in the shower) so I offered her a step-up and she quickly obliged. Enjoying the water and splashing, she promptly walked up my arm and lowered her beak........of course I worried about her intentions......but I looked over and she began to gently pick up water droplets off my shoulder! So Sweet! I quietly praised her and continued talking and whistling. My hubby left us alone to prepare a warm drying spot near Shadow's cage ( I was still worried about a chill). While he was gone....and I was defenseless, Shadow proceeded to climb up onto my shoulder. I was of course hesitant but managed to keep my composure and act perfectly normal. I cleared off the little mirror so I could see her and she promptly leaned in toward my diamond earings! Yikes....I had visions of losing more than just the earing, but I simply told her "no earrings Shadow" and she backed off and began gently preening the water droplets off my hair instead! Each time she reached toward my earring I calmly repeated " no, no earrings" and she went back to preening. We enjoyed what seemed like a forever long shower and certainly one I will not soon forget!!

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Awww, Shadow is a doll! Great bonding time for mommie and Shadow. Its just the beginning! Had to laugh at Sophie the otherday. Kids and I were watching movies, Sophie sitting on Ryan's shoulder ( my son, her boyfriend!) Sophie went into " regurg" mode.... Ryan begged her not to do it, put her in his lap. I told him it was coming up, to pick it up and thank her. She did! LOL he of course thanked her. She was very pleased. Nancy

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