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6 months- update


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Sam has been with us for six months this week. He's taught me so much about patience and expectations, that's for sure. We love him dearly and couldn't imagine our home without him.


I wonder what his life was like before getting here. He is still so very afraid of EVERYTHING. I know 6 months is not a long time and I can only hope, for him, that he feels safe and not so scared. He arrived talking, but that stopped shortly thereafter and now only makes loads of hilarious noises and thinks screeching is the best form of communication. We try our very best not to respond to the screeching. He has made up a bunch of new whistling melodies which make me laugh. He waits for us to respond, before giving us his next chorus. As I type he's meowing like a cat (no, we don't have one- he just loves that noise).


He LOVES my husband, but tolerates me. I am the one who interacts with him all day long, and I think I've had to introduce him to lots of "scary things". We put a blanket up behind a portion of his cage to protect him from any winter drafts and he wouldn't move off the front of his cage for days. If I move one toy, or maybe the perch doesn't go back into the exact spot, he's all thrown off and just clings to the front of the cage for at least a day. I can pick him up now, but with a perch stick and then he will climb on me. I take him out for as long as he likes during the day, which isn't very long. If I stick the perch near him and he steps up, he wants to come out. If he pulls back, I let him be and try again later. If he even hears my husband pull up the driveway after work he goes crazy and gets all happy. He gives him kisses and loven's. I have been able to scratch his head a few times (very rare) but his Daddy does it every night.


I've been making him healthy meals since his arrival, but so far he throws most of it on the floor. He does eat a pellet diet and does fine with that, so nutrionally I'm sure he's much better off since his arrival. I can get him to eat scrambled egg, grapes, carrots and lately a small peice of orange.

He is offered the volkmers bean mix along with loads of veggies and only picks out the above mentioned foods. The rest is tossed on the floor cage. I'm stubborn though and will continue to offer him the foods, forever. His other favorite treat is an almond. Anyone who comes to visit and wants to say hi, offers him one. He's gotten much better and takes it from most people.


His nails are finally at a normal length and his wings are finally growing back. I dread having to take him for a nail trim, but I think it will be worse if I towel him and do it. He is so leery of me already. He loves his showers with my husband, and allows me to spray him a few times a week. He actually seems happy and he makes me laugh when we play this game. After I spritz him, he jumps into his water bowl to finish the job. He makes a huge mess, but I'm so happy to see him acting silly.


I could go on and on about him, as we all know how smart and cute they can be, but I'd be preaching to the choir. My wish for him is that in time he will feel safe and know that the world is not such a scary place. I'd Love to hear him talk again (but know it might not happen) and to enjoy his toys. It takes him a long time to warm up to them.


Wish us luck in our next 6 months of our journey :-)


Karen and Sam

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Thanks for this update Karen. It sounds like you and Sam have given him such a warm and loving home, that he will continue to blossom and realize that all humans are not evil walking giants that scare and inflict pain or terror.


I wish everyone that takes in a rehomed grey had the wisdom and patience you have. :)

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Dan said it perfectly! Your patience and love towards this bird is admirable. You are doing everything right by being so patient that in time I am sure you will be rewarded. I ammoving this thread into our new Rescue room for others to see and follow your example.


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Thanks for your update, Karen :)

My re-homed CAG has been with me for almost 2 yrs. now. I've realized he does like consistency because it makes him feel more secure. Carefully and being very brave, he will walk abt. 6ft. from his cage, across the floor to cuddle with me now. I use the same hoodie I used the first day I got him & we play tent game. If I try to switch to a different fleece-- he walks away. The other night he walked over to play. When he's under his "Tent" -- he likes to unknot my drawstring on my jammies & the string was black -- not white -- he freaked!!

A while back I bought a cement perch he likes to nap on during the day. Thinking that it would be cold during the winter, I purchased a manzanite branch about the same diameter & length. While he was down playing, I placed it in his cage. That night he was going to bed, climbed in, but clung to the front of the cage.... It took a minute for me to think about it... It was the NEW perch !!


Our journey is trial & error as is yours. Hang in there -- like the others said; patience and lots of love !!!!

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I'm so glad to hear that things are moving along for you and Sam--you might not ever be "the favorite person", Karen, but I'm sure in some part of him Sam still is happy that you are attentive and caring to him. Like the others have said, you are patient and kind and it might just take some more time for him to mellow and warm up to you a bit. Our Beaker is in love with my hubby and goes back and forth with me, but I know deep-down he loves me in his own goofy way, too. But I get bitten nevertheless! :P And, yes, I would say that letting someone else groom Sam would be the better thing. As our groomer said to me, "You don't want to have this relationship with your parrot!" (as Marcus screamed bloody-murder and growled, admittedly adorably, during his toweling and subsequent nail-trimming). I think something so traumatic could really put your relationship back a bit if you were the one to care for it, so you'd probably want someone else to do that job for you.


P.S.--Sam in your avatar is just gorgeous!! :)

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You are doing such a great job, thanks for the update. We celebrate every new step you take with Sam. Not only do I wish you luck in the next six month segment of your journey, I wish for Sam to continue his transformation and to show you his potential. I dream for him to play with toys and to decide to talk when he is ready. Your progress is our blueprint to continue offering something different at the right time, or waiting to try again and again until it is the right time. Sam is stunning and beautiful.

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